@n810 Thanks a bunch mate! Really happy with how all of them turned out! The purple one might lead to similar paint jobs in the future, especially since I've got a spare arm! xD Btw you might be one of the main reasons for why I bought a box of Skinks even though I have tons of other stuff to paint, love the little lizzies, they're so fun to play around with in regards to color schemes.
@Crowsfoot Haha god damnit. It's my mousepad btw. The shadow came out nicely on it Got some pretty sweet OOP Lizzies in the mail yesterday! Sadly missing their shields but if I wanna equip them with something then Skink shield will work perfectly!
The metal 5th edition Saurus are way better than the plastic ones from that edition. Hmm.. they would be pretty kool with the 8th edition temple guard shields too.
@Jorgik Will neither confirm nor deny that, but it sure is a halberd! @n810 It's a really nice cast! They look super good in metal with that low amount of detail. Too bad GW has not entirely switched to plastic nowadays though, real annoying when you gotta spend more time fiddling with the model to grind down seam lines and dull tips than you actually do painting! I think I have some 8th ed Temple shields in my garage somewhere, gotta find my old loose bits! Had something else arrive today as well, something I'm dying to try out some more! Ta-daaaa, some additions to my basing arsenal! Did a test on a 20x20mm square base. 1) Citadel - Dead Grass, seemed to cover really well! 2) Galeforce Nine - Meadow Blend, sort of a woodland undergrowth / moss thingy. Seems really versatile, love it! 3) Citadel - Glade Grass, similar to one I had (no idea where my old ones from though, no company label), but it's shorter so it covers way better like grass should. Not as good as the Dead Grass but still happy with it! 4) Galeforce Nine - Clump Foliage Summer (with some Meadow Blend to fill up underneath the bush), sort of like small bushes, it's clumped up like a sponge so you gotta tear it off but it gives a really nice and natural look I think! Both of the Galeforce Nine ones were incredibly good and worked wonders together!
Try adding a layer of sand or dirt under the grass for more realism. (or at least paint it like there was) Edit: Doh, oh yea you are already doing red clay for dirt.
@Jorgik The seller recommended Galeforce Nine very strongly and it seems like he was not wrong in doing so! As I said before, I'm really looking forward to playing with it!
"Woodland Scenic" has some nice ground cover as well, but it require a bit of navigation, since they mostly do railroad stuff.
@n810 Damn, that's some high end stuff! Getting some of that is definitely on my bucket list from now on @Acrocanth Thanks mate! Really happy that people seemed to enjoy them as I really did like them myself!
Spooky scary updates~~~ Tomb Kings was constant pipe dream during my childhood, I loved the more expensive models but I didn't have the skills required to paint them and still have fun. But alas, I am that child no more! So finally after so many years I've painted my very first Tomb King mini, feel so happy (yet empty on the inside as I crave more, why would you even discontinue this awesome faction GW?! ) A Tomb Kings priest (?) from the Warsphinx kit! The glow effect from the mouth / eyes turned into a complete shit show but it didn't ruin the look of the model for me! Didn't really know which color scheme I was gonna go for until I was about halfway through with painting it, the skin color especially was quite tricky for me. Did not want it too dark but not too bright either, and for a while it was going too far towards to Bleached Bone way so had to re-add some flesh tones to it! Wanted a round base since I don't play the game and like the round look more anyway. When I experimented with some Skink bases I happened upon the idea of just adding some rocks underneath his foot instead of the rib cage whereas the scarabs are swarming out of. Felt like it mostly added my own touch to the model but at the same time it makes it easier to view some of the details on the mini! More breathing space with the bigger base also. <3 Didn't really show well on the pictures but I mixed up the colors on the scarab wings a bit with a blue to greenish turquoise color range~ I almost overly accentuated the jewelry on his apparel. Overall I had lots of troubles with getting the figure to look the way I wanted it to but yeah, all is good in the end! Tried to add some Gloss Varnish to some of the gems to see how it would look but I didn't like the look of it so I skipped it on the rest. Final image, I promise It was an absolute PAIN to paint with numerous issues during the work process but I'm happy with how it turned out. I was (still am) really excited to finally get my hands on a Tomb Kings model that I could try to paint! Couldn't be happier to have finished it. Hope you like it as well!
This guy looks amazing! Glow effect may not have turned out the way you wanted bit it looks fantastic. That blue contrasts so well it gives the face a proper otherworldly look!
@Bowser Thank you very much! Tried the effect on another waste mini first and wanted to do the glowing cloth before as well but a few misguided paint strokes fucked it up a bit!
I told you, my I´m always right. Very nice by the way. I also think it´s a shame they discontinued them, it was such a beautiful army...
Looks great, regarding the glow effect take a dark blue and thinly paint the outside edge of the eye and mouth or glaze the area with gulitomore blue.
Very nice work. Nice to see that the Tomb Kings are quite dead... undead? You get the idea. Lovely paint job!