@Jorgik You sure were! @Crowsfoot Did a similar transitional effect as I did with the cloth but accidentally added too much bright blue so I covered all the darker areas hahh. @NIGHTBRINGER Thanks mate! I will try to get my hands on as many of them as I can (as cheaply as I can also I might add ).
Wow very nice work mate. Love the different skink colour schemes and the eternals, the chaos look works great on those… so what is up next on your painting agenda?
@Toltecatl Much appreciated friend! Nice question, got tons of stuff that needs painting but it's all basically up to the mood I'm in at the time! That being said I do have an old Chakax that I'm painting at the moment! Unfinished paint projects: A couple of Skinks Blow Darters Cold One Rider Chief Chakax One or Two Saurus warriors Primed projects: A Stormcast Eternal Prosecutor Bloodstoker from the Age of Sigmar kit Khorgorath Chaos Lord Two Skaven Warlords from the Island of Blood kit Other upcoming projects: Old School Kroq-Gar on Carnosaur (gotta get me some green stuff before I start with this though) Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (will do this one after I finish the old school Kroq-Gar so might be a while until it sees the light of day) ~30 Saurus Warriors 15-20 Skinks 10 Cold One Cavalry 2 Rat Ogres + Handler from the Island of Blood kit A High Elf on Griffon from the Island of Blood kit 2 Stormcast Eternal Retributors 2 Stormcast Eternal Prosecutors
@Jorgik I didn't even include everything, and now I'm thinking about picking up the Start Collecting Skeleton Horde box. Gluttony is definitely my deadly sin. @mousekiller Yeah me too, got him so cheap it's crazy! He stands so nicely on his own, could definitely hold a candle to the other TK hero pieces!
I'm getting the starter box which will finish my 125 wound deathrattle army, I've just posted some pics of my progress so far on my blog.
If you start to lose sight of your everyday life don't worry your not alone, keep unfinished projects hidden in a drawer or they will start talking to you saying things like "me next" "please paint me"
Coming from you I could never dispute this! xD Yeah I just checked them out! I'm so fucking excited! Be sure to paint them really nicely and post pictures quickly~ What do you mean, don't you all hear your minis talking?
TK were definitely a great range of models. They will be missed... glad to see that people are still interested in them.
Gonna be a little while until the next update Gonna go visit my long distance girlfriend on Monday and be gone for 2-3 weeks, wont be able to paint or update this blog in the meantime so I'm gonna give you guys a half finished project for now (might be able to finish it before I leave but the chances are slim, but if I do I'll post it!). So anyway, been meaning to paint my old metal Chakax mini for a good while now and I finally started it a few days ago. Didn't really know where I wanted to go with it so I mainly painted what I felt like and let my intuition guide the way~ By the way, thinking about not even adding the back banner or whatever they are. Think it seems like it looks better without them on to me at least, any one of you got something to say on this matter? Anyway, again.. here he is; Wanted to give him something of a special paint job but I couldn't decide on how I wanted it (had to claw my way to get where I've landed for now), but I'm somewhat happy with how it turned out. Didn't follow along with the arms so I gotta paint them separately when I'm completely done with the body, won't be fun to re-blend all the colors. Had a bit of a problem with differentiating between the colors of the skin / bone / ropes and dirty gold parts, clusterfuck all around! It didn't even really show on the pictures, such a shame haha. And here I thought that it would look decent, damnit! The skin was something of a tanned / filthy alabaster white while the bone parts had a deeper desert brown to them. All the leather / rope parts were painted with Rhinox Hide with a bit of white in it, so they were somewhat towards the purple brownish spectrum! Made the scales bright red to give a nice contrast to the pale skin and all the gold / bone on the mini, am mostly pleased with how it's turned out so far. Didn't wanna paint the back plates gold like most people do so I went for something akin to Gor'Rok's shields color pattern. Mostly to add another color other than red and brown. Not entirely done / pleased with it so far though. Will make the weapon in a similar theme. I like this old fossil look that I got on some of the bone, seems pretty fitting with the parts as well! Gonna base him among bushes and stray temple rocks, to go with his theme being the first among the Temple Guardians / Guards (pre AOS lore at least). Gonna add some more texture to the ground before I paint it and add a lot of foliage in the end, gonna look a bit more crowded (but not too much I hope) when it's done! Also, don't mind the baby hands. That's what I've been doing lately! As I said, I hope to finish it before Monday but not holding my breath on that one, Hopefully I will still have the urge to finish him when I get back but you never know with me.. sigh.
This model is going to look amazing when completely done! Love the muted tone of the skin, which is what I think of for alligators and other big lizard predators of the real world. Great execution.
Don't let that stop you! lol Kidding aside, lovely model. The skin tone you have created looks amazing. It's going to be a beauty!
@mousekiller Thanks a lot, I love the model in itself so much so pretty much guaranteed to be a success for me! If I ever manage to glue both of the arms on in a nice fashion... Anyone wanna do it for me? @NIGHTBRINGER Haha! Not sure what the flight personnel is gonna say when I try to bring my entire painting kit on the plane! It's gonna give me some time to ponder upon future paint jobs.
Looks awesome! Great blending and choice of colors. I see you unsaturated them, going for a more realistic look? It's nice seeing other people like me who paint their heroes as good as they can, and the normal troops, well... Have fun in your trip!
@Jorgik Yeah, more or less! Wanted to dull down most of the colors since he would have quite a bit of gold on him (also, a wash I did came out really shiny so had to really roll up my sleeves to tone down the saturation and sheen). I don't really like half assing my models, albeit a bit hypocritical since I'm not really putting my 100% in every one of them but yeah, and have no constraints in terms of time so I see no reason to just go all in and enjoy painting it nicely! Thanks for the feedback friend!
@Zenard I'll side with you on the time problem. Unless there is a game with a minimum proportion of painted minis or whatever, it's always good to push it at least to some extent ^^ So anyway, keep going for it! we're waiting to see what youve got up your sleeve
Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys ... GUYS!!! Shit can't believe what I just found at a game store in a nearby town close to where my girlfriend lives! WATCH IN AWE (might be a bit exaggerated but never thought I was gonna find this shit for a decent price again!) 1 Warsphinx / Necrosphinx 3 Ushabti with Great Bows 3 Necropolis Knights 10 Tomb Guards 1 Apophas 1 Tomb King with Great Weapon 1 Liche Priest The whole shebang went for around £150, they had a new Battalion Box and a Casket of Souls / melee Ushabti's that I might go back for also. Man I'm so pumped!! Would've preferred non-finecasted models but beggars can definitely not be choosers! And they all seem pretty on point, no visable bubbles / bended parts.
Wow, that´s a nice find! What would be the value of the whole set if you had bought it from GW? And never doubt! GO bankrupt with that battalion and empty the store. I can imagine their faces when you put all that on the checkout