8th Ed. Main difference between 8th edition and 9th age

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Astrobaek, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. Astrobaek

    Astrobaek New Member

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    I can see the logic in that, and it is a good reason since the army books are not balanced yet, so why try to put SC (I hope that stands for special characters :p) when they could end up ruining all of the balance changes that have been worked on.

    It makes sense to go after practical use instead of fun things when it's made for tournaments.
    And also, I pretty sure my friends gonna wanna play 9th age if he hears the VS are in a good spot but not the SA :p
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    The worst thing about 9th, is that it's home made, so will never be adopted by the entire community.

    AFAICT, it's a good system, but it also furtherly divides the players.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That is a good point.

    Unfortunately from here on out people will never fully get on board with either system because...
    • 9th Age is fan made and hence viewed as "unofficial"
    • 8th Edition is a "dead" system which will receive no further official updates/support
    As such, both games will probably exist within the fringes of the gaming community.
  4. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    I can't tell much about special characters because they're yet to be discussed internally. First order of the Day, when It happens, is to change the name to legendary character :D

    But if, when and how it happens I cannot tell. I think we'll see then, but it won't be right now.

    Tbh I think we'll see a dogs of war book sooner.
  5. Astrobaek

    Astrobaek New Member

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    Umm, dogs of war are characters and units at can be used by any army right?

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    6th edition army books had entries which allowed them to take certain dogs of war / regiments of renown units. These units would list which armies had access to field them.

    Alternatively, Dogs of War could be played as an army unto itself.
  7. Meleemadness

    Meleemadness New Member

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    So I understand COC and Kroxigor were changed, any idea on what they did to change them?
  8. Blastoize
    Cold One

    Blastoize Well-Known Member

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    9th age is saving grace for you, if you want to move into Warhammer. At least is has potential to be.
    The thing is, as was stated before, that it is being developed mostly by ETC veterans and competetive players to make as balanced enviroment as is technically possible. That may mean few things (I might be wrong though):
    1) the fluff will be bend in order for more balance to be achieved
    2) less freedom in build orders to avoid OP combinations (e.g. model on foot might have different itemization options than mounted model)
    3) the game strives to be balanced in 2,5k environment, and I am not entirely sure how it will look in lower games (1k etc.)

    It also, on the other hand, aims for all your units to be usable in competitive environment, so you shouldn't be forced to play certain units in order to be "competitive". I don't know how serious you and your friend play, but I can speak from my experience - we play very friendly "meta" (talking 8th ed.) with my buddies, but it also can be frustrating (for all) when you pick something overpowered (even when you don't mean to "crush" your opponent).
    I play Skaven for example and when I choose to play Doomrocket I almost pray for it to fail, because it is so cheap and can do serious damage. Not fun when 30 point item destroys 300 point unit. The same goes with Dreaded 13th spell. But then again, it was only thing in Skaven repertoire to deal with Chaos Warriors - it was rather silly - I either sent all my rats at his units and watch them die swift and dishonorable death or I wipe his regiment by one lucky irresistable force spell. Both were not fun. Those were extremes I certainly did not enjoy in 8th.

    9th seems to move to "softer" position, but it might soon feel like pillow fight.
    Only thing I fear is, that in order to maintain balance, fun choices will be removed - randomnes kills skill and should be avoided as such, BUT we are talking dice rolls, so..
    This is hard to balance and hard to find good equilibrium with. Such is the nature of Warhammer though.

    So, I recommend you to try and wait for 1st proper release of 9th and see how it looks like. I think it should be fine. Or you can play 8th and slowly "house rule" the game in order to get rid of silly shit GW let through.
    Always aim for fun, because that is what this game is supposed to be. Don't cheese your friend, because he is the best thing you can have in this game.
    And if you want to bring in the "powerhouse", give him heads up.
    At least that is what I do. My 2 cents.

    Good luck buddy!

    edit: And yes, VS are definitelly in good place now (as far as I can tell).
    edit 2: Oh yes, and as a Skaven palyer - just go for 9th age.. The armybook from Games Workshop is so poorly written - it was the last armybook in 7th edition BUT written "partially" for 8th. So it did not make sense in 7th, nor does it make sense in 8th. There are at least 2 sets of erratas and FAQs you need to keep up with and even then.. We never got propper 8th edition Skaven book.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I think this is the biggest criticism facing 9th Age currently from a Saurian Ancient perspective. Although we can field a competitive army, our choices are extremely limited and it feels like we are shoehorned into playing the army type / play style that the rules team decided on. So overall our external balance is pretty good, but our internal balance suffers greatly (far more than it did in 8th edition IMHO).
    Haemoglobin likes this.

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