No, my voting patterns are too consistent. The term "swing votes" is not meant to be taken literally. Just like I should not get environmentalists mad at me if I say I wish the North American gerrymander went extinct.
I have heard pundits say the same thing about Biden. The mind boggles at the prospect of a Trump vs. Biden election campaign.
Apparently if Biden was to enter the race now he would take more votes away from Hillary than Sanders. That would make Sanders the top Democrat candidate. So Biden is probably continue waiting for now, and watch how everything goes, and if Hillary has an implosion in her presidential election campaign.
I'm going to paraphrase some articles I read and simplify the candidates. To figure out what the Marhlect is going on, know that there are essentially three types of candidates. Career politicians either think they have a good chance of being president or they expect to lose the nomination but expect to get enough of a base to secure a nomination in 2020 or 2024 and/or snag a juicy appointed position should their party win the presidency.. They will keep running until they think they are likely to fail. Notice the first two candidates to drop out are of this mold. Likely the third and fourth will be from this group. These candidates will leave when they run out of money and supporters, especially if a messy failure at their party's nomination will endanger their current posts. Pataki and Jindal are vulnerable because they have very few supporters but they are largely ignored. They can quietly subsist with very little in the polls for some time. Christie is the most vulnerable since he can't hide under the radar. If he does poorly, the embarrassment will harm his future political prospects. Rubio is a special case. He has a decent number of supporters both in terms of manpower and money, but his state of Florida specifically prohibits running for Florida state office while running for other office. Thus, if Rubio is not leading the nomination pack by Florida's deadline, he'll likely pull out of the presidential race to save his Senate seat. I expect two out of three of the low polling Democrats (Webb, Chafee, and O'Malley) to drop off shortly before or after the first two caucuses. I expect one of the three (not sure which) to reveal his true colors as an ideological purist with a pet issue. Bush, Kasich, and Rubio are the three establishment candidates with resources. The Republican nominee will probably be one of those three. There is a tiny chance that if the four narcissists stop fighting each other and work together, it will be one of them. I'd be a lot of bamboo that Hillary Clinton will win the nomination, but I would not stake my life on it. I'd say Sanders has a small, but real chance of winning the nomination. Clinton, Webb, Chafee, O'Malley, Christie, Bush, Kasich, Rubio, Jindal, Pataki, Santorum, Paul, Walker, Perry Ideological Purists don't expect to win anything. They wouldn't mind being president but it's an acceptable consolation prize to regularly climb onto the soapbox and endorse their favorite pet issue. They know running for president will give them an audience for their issue and might sway the winning candidate(s) at least slightly towards their point of view. These candidates will linger in the race as long as they possibly can. They don't care about their careers (much) they don't care about their image (much). As long as they can espouse their issue, they will be content. The most vulnerable is Huckabee, if he can't pick up some delegates in religiously Conservative states, he'll get egg on his face and bow out. Paul is setting up a late campaign season competing in western states and ignoring Iowa and New Hampshire, so he's planning to whether some early defeats. If Graham was worried about losing, he would have already left. Sanders has enough support to give Clinton a run for her money, at least for a while. Sanders (I want to fight Wall Street and the special interests who toady to the wealthy) Graham (I want to bomb ISIS and all other foes) Cruz (I demand the obstruction of all things not-conservative) Huckabee (I miss the 1950s and am not aware that the Andy Griffith Show was actually a work of fiction) Paul (I believe in Libertarianism, sort of) (he compromises Libertarian values when convenient so he's listed twice) Narcissists just like to see their name on the ballot and they like to be talked about. They will stay in the race until they are utterly humiliated or completely ignored. Note what qualifies as utter humiliation is a high bar because controversy attracts attention and buzz. Except for Cruz who arguably shouldn't be in this category, all the candidates here are retired and literally have nothing else to do with their time. They have nothing to lose if this doesn't work. All of them are polling fairly well in early primary states. None of them are going to leave until the career politician field thins out a lot. I'm not ready to bet bamboo on this, but I think Trump is actually more likely to leave first than the others. He has been leading the pack for so used to being the pack leader that if he falls to the middle of the pack, he'll view that as embarrassing. Given his personality he will prefer to leave loudly rather than leave quietly like I predict the others will do. The others would be perfectly content with the middle of the pack. Cruz is hoping to outlast the other narcissists and use his tiny iota of political backing to coalesce the "I want an outsider" vote. Trump,Cruz (listed twice), Fiorina, Carson I do not think Biden will enter the race. He is too rattled by the death of his son to make political moves at this time. He's not an attention-seeker and I don't think he has a single beloved pet issue. He might try to play kingmaker or make a run for president next cycle though.
Not quite, let's say for simplicity's sake he has 100 sticks of bamboo. He places a bet for half his bamboo (50 sticks) on Jeb, leaving him with 50 sticks remaining. He now places a bet for all his bamboo (50 sticks remaining) on Clinton. He loses 50 off of Jeb and wins 50 off of Clinton. So he breaks even.
The way I figured it he had 100 bamboo. He called his bookie and said, "put 50 on Jeb and 100 on Hilary". (Big trouble if he lost both...imagine a bookie with a Krox enforcer.) But, lose 50, win 100, net = +50.
1) I'm too adorable formidable to kneecap 2) I never actually made the bet because I ate the bamboo. Any event I'm not the only political pandit to seriously miss-predict the primaries early on. That's why I'm not going to bother making more predictions. That and the GOP frontrunner makes me want to upchuck my bamboo. The short version is this. The United States has a two-party system. Very few people have a set of political beliefs that personally match one of these two parties. This has forced both parties to form coalitions of different interest groups Right now both the Republican and Democratic coalitions are dealing with internal challenges to the status quo.
Your ferocity is legendary Good call. The political candidates through the lens of the Batman universe.
Hmm. I think the only problem with the batman pic is that Trump/joker has its/his hair under control. XD