Thanks for this Wazz! I'm had to change my build slightly with more flyers as I can't seem to find chameleon boxes at any of the stores and GW is always out Eternal Starhost Eternity Warden 15 Saurus Guard 2 Salamanders 1 Skink Handler 1 Skink Priest Oldblood on Carnosaur Sunblood 4 Terradons 4 Ripperdactyls and I'm going to replace the Eternal Starhost with Thunderland Starhost dependant on the scenario, e.g if I'm attacker for that ice melting scenario to charge face before i lose them to ice melting.
So in good news i didn't miss the tournament the bad news is there is a spin on it. I'llmake a new post titled "Tournament Shinanagins!" So people who are using these rules can enjoy this page hiccup free!
Hey everyone, had the tournament on the weekend so I thought I would give an update. While I didn't win the tournament (Chaos player with hellcanon did) I did win best opponent getting me $75 in Age of Sigmar product! I was attacker in every scenario so I ran the thunderlance starhost for each match instead of the one with saurus guard plus had skink priest, sunblood, 2 salamanders, carnosaur with old blood and 3 ripperdactlys. My biggest problem was mortal wounds and not being able to dish them out. Due to the no wizard rule, not being able to have a slaan or starpriest hurt me. Every time I managed to get wound rolls they would have save, then re-reollable save, then ward save. The only bit of luck I did have was when my salamanders attacked karl franz he actually rolled poorly and both attacks went through for D6 damage killing him but yeah, orc bosses with shields re rolling 3's and 4's.. horrible. if anyone else ever plays this same tournament I'd recommend mixing your army with maybe stormcast retributors or whatever else causes mortal wounds because it is very very frustrating..
Congrats on winning best opponent @nine7six ! That stinks you didn't get any mortal wounds with the starhost! There is a tournament starting may 4th at my local gw I'm not sure on the rules but hopefully I can make this one and I'll post the rules for everyone!