putting lizards, etc. up for sale/trade (updated 5-27-2016)

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by spacelizard, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. spacelizard

    spacelizard Member

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    I am looking to sell or trade away my Warhammer Fantasy / Age of Sigmar collections as well as some of the tag-alongs from my spacemarines.
    I also have a sizeable number of SKYLANDERS figures up for grabs by anybody who plays that series.

    For wants, I am primarily looking for vanilla Space Marines, so nothing chapter specific, with the exception of Salamanders.
    Non marine forces of the Imperium will also be considered; as will Tau or Tyranids
    I'm not a fan of "finecast," but I can make exception for a few models, namely thunderfire cannons.
    Also interested in some of the newer skylanders figures (Trap Team or later); as well as Circle of Orobos for Hordes

    I prefer retail for retail on the GW stuff, and cash generally is 40-70% of retail (so if it's $100 retail I'll be asking $40 to $70 depending on the items). For the Skylanders, shoot me an offer or just list the one's you're interested in and we'll go from there. All of that is open to negotiation / haggling. I am willing to split lots. Larger lots preferred. Trades slightly preferred over cash.

    pics here:
    http://s547.photobucket.com/user/unpronouncable/library/sale items?sort=2&page=1


    Skaven ***************************************
    53 6th ed. stormvermin (about half painted, rest primed) 8 pending
    -4 standards
    -3 musician
    -4 champions
    -one champion is missing the forearm (should be an easy conversion job to fix)

    6th ed. screaming bell (painted; metal; needs regluing)
    rattling gun
    6th ed. metal warlock engineers (painted, missing an arm)

    two 6th ed. rat ogres (metal, painted)
    IoB packmaster (unassembled)

    IOB warlord
    IoB warlock engineer(unassembled)

    Lizardmen / Seraphon *************************************

    87 saurus (all either primed or bare)
    -41 with spears
    -3 modeled as standard
    -4 modeled as musician
    -rest have arms unattached
    -shields and other bits present but not equipped

    106 skinks
    -25 with pipes
    -19 with javelins
    -rest unassembled, bare plastic

    24 6th ed. temple guard 44 (15 painted, rest bare or primed black)
    -1 command groups (champ, musician, standard)
    -16 shields, so short a few, but will throw in saurus shields as replacements

    four 6th ed. kroxigors (one has a broken ankle; two bare metal)
    6th ed. scar veterans 3 (one painted)
    6th ed. skink priests (bare metal)
    two 7th ed. stegadons (painted; upgrade options left detached, so equip however)
    6th ed. Slaan 1 (metal, painted)
    NIB saurus battle standard

    saurus cavalry (17 models)
    -11 5th ed. (plastic mount, metal rider)
    -2 5th ed. command groups (champion, musician, standard)

    Empire **************************************************
    command sprue
    bits for monted lord
    12 hand gunners
    12 guard
    1 greatcannon

    Orcs / Orruks ************************************* PENDING
    16 orks with dual choppa's
    16 ork archers
    boar chariot
    command sprue (has another four orks on it)

    40K items*************************

    'Finecast' Pedro Kantor (nice base layer, still needs detailing)
    'Finecast' Space marine casualties (3 models, different poses, primed black)
    -Dark Angels black knights/raven wing command squad (missing apothecary bits, otherwise NOS)
    -Blood Angels plastic dreadnaught (body partially assembled; missing back piece; otherwise NOS)

    SKYLANDERS ******************************
    All of these work to the best of my knowledge. I'll check again before finalizing any offer for them).
    I have listed these by game (elements in parenthesis).
    For the uninitiated, skylanders are designed to be forward combatable, meaning they work for both the game they
    were released with, and any later titles in the series. I've therefore listed these in order of compatibility, older games first.
    If you have any further questions, PM me.

    SPYRO'S ADVENTURE (compatable with all games)
    2 cinder series 2 (undead)
    chop chop series 2 (undead)
    ghost roaster (undead)
    stump smash (life)

    stealth elf (life)
    stealth elf series 2 (life)
    zap (water)
    wham shell (water)

    slam bam (water)
    gill grunt (water)
    eruptor (fire)
    prism break (earth)

    bash (earth)
    lightning rod (air)
    lightning rod, series 2 (air)
    whirlwind, series 2 (air)

    trigger happy (tech)
    spyro (magic)
    wrecking ball (magic)

    SKYLANDERS: GIANTS (giant types marked*)
    eye brawl (undead)*
    2 tree rex (life)*
    2 shroom boom (life)
    chill (water)

    hot head (fire)*
    hot dog (fire)
    crusher (earth)*
    flashwing (earth)

    swarm (air)*
    jet vac (air)
    3 bouncer (tech)*
    2 ninjini (magic)*
    pop fizz (magic)

    SKYLANDER: SWAPFORCE (swap skylanders marked**)
    2 night shift (undead)**
    zoo lou (life)
    freeze blade (water)**
    wash buckler (water)**

    rip tide (water)
    punk shock (water)
    fire kraken, jade version (fire)**
    2 blast zone (fire)**

    2 rubble rouser (earth)**
    scorp (earth)
    free ranger (air)**
    boom jet (air)**

    spy rise (tech)**
    hoot loop (magic)**
    hoot loop, enchanted version (magic)**
    star strike (magic)
    dune bug (magic)


    I am in the midst of constructing a space marine chapter with some non-marine auxilary forces.
    This is what I'm still missing for the list I've constructed.
    I'm trying to keep things vanilla here, so no sculpted space wolf, blood angel, or other chapter specific iconography please;
    Exception to that are Salamanders.

    3+ librarians (no particular load-out)
    6 assault centurions
    6 centurions (either type)
    1 storm talon
    2+ storm hawks
    2 storm ravens
    7+ speeders (and weapons bits for them)
    2+ drop pods
    1 hunter tank
    2 vindicators
    3 whirlwinds
    4 predators
    2 Thunderfire cannons (will consider metal or finecast for this one)
    20 scout bikes
    1+ razorbacks
    1 terminator captain

    Misc bits:
    thruster bits for drop pods (engine bits for underside of drop pod)
    X2 crusader/redeemer upgrade sprue
    bits for assaut marine Eviscerators (at least 4)
    multi-meltas (plastic only; both infantry and vehicle versions)
    grav guns / cannons for Devastators
    company standards
    jump packs
    Marine and special weapons not already listed
    tracks for rhinos X2
    possibly other stuff, that's just what I can think of.

    dreadnoughts (lower priority item)
    rhinos (lower priority item)

    -plasma guns and melta guns (or infantry equipped with them)
    -hydras (and other Anti-air)
    -anything else fitting the categories of "big gun", "meat shield" or "lots more dakka"
    -transports also welcome.

    -anything with D-strength, and a ranged weapon.

    -honestly not familiar enough with these guys to know what I'd want, but I'll consider them.

    -nothing specific here; I have very little for 'Nids currently so just about anything would do.
    -plastic preferred over metal
    -metal preferred over "finecast"

    -current broadsides
    -anything else that's current would also be considered, but with lower priority.

    SKYLANDERS: Trap Team or later (priority on trap masters)

    HORDES: Circle of Orobos
    Last edited: May 27, 2016
    Warden likes this.
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I'm interested in some of your lizardmen (namely the kroxigors, sallies, CO riders, probably also one stegadon ad temple guards)

    Sadly, I've nothing of the things you're searching for, so I can offer only money... ;)
    I'll take a look to your detailed pictures, and PM you, to see if we find a deal.
  3. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Mostly interested with some of the Skaven but I have no models for trade.
  4. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    the slaan looks appealing. I have an unused space marine librarian if interested. it is built up and painted. I can also do cash if you want. may be able to get the bitz you want.
  5. spacelizard

    spacelizard Member

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    message me with a list of what you're interested in, assuming it's more specific than "all of them".

    also, @dwarfepic: pm'd you on the slaan
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2016
    Warden likes this.
  6. StealthKnightSteg

    StealthKnightSteg Well-Known Member

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    what price indication you are looking for on those skylanders?
    (got nothing in the trade as I don't have 40k stuff)
  7. spacelizard

    spacelizard Member

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    I'm using Gamestop priceing as a starting point for the skylanders, which appears to be about 50% retail for most of them. If you're getting a lot of them, I can sell for a lower rate than that. Also, if you've got figures for trap team or superchargers I'd consider those for trade for the skylanders.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2016
  8. StealthKnightSteg

    StealthKnightSteg Well-Known Member

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    I stopped with swapforce (started with giants) for the kids, might look for a few models we don't have yet.
  9. spacelizard

    spacelizard Member

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    updated for trades etc. 5-27

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