Bash 1, Legion Sharpsticks*60 230pts Horde Sharpsticks*40 155pts Regiment Spitters*20 85pts Spitters*20 85pts Trolls*3 125pts Trolls*3 125pts Fleabag riders Maccwar's potion of the caterpillar 165pts War Engine Big Rock's thrower 80pts Heros Flaggit 80pts Biggit, Blade of Slashing 65pts Wiz, Bane chant, Fireball, Inspiring Talisman 95pts
With goblins you want two things a legion of rabble and LOTS of War Trombones, those things are amazing and cheap. for 1250 maybe include 2 plus the rock trower. Let me give you an example of probably one of the best goblin army lists made by probably the best goblin player there is: 2000 points - 1 Legion of rabble, fire oil - 2 hordes of rabble - 2 regiments of rabble - 1 horde of spitters with jar of the four winds - 2 regiments of chariots - 3 war trombones - 4 big rock throwers - 5 wiz 1 bane chant and inspiring 1 bane chant 1 Scarletmaw's amulet 2 stock wiz - Magwar & Jo'os - 1 Regiment of Magwa'ns That HUGE green wall packs this much punch each turn: 36 shots on 5+, 4 big rocks on 5+, 36 shots on 4+ w/piercing, 21 lightning bolts, option to give up 6 lightning bolts for a pair of bane chants. 22 deployments, and thus deployment advantage. He says he never charges with his units, except flanks with charriots or Magwan's regiment. Shooting is much much better than combat. trust me I wouldn't be able to defeat this army and I'm not sure how anyone could, its devastating.
Here are his notes on the charriots and Magwar: - On Charriots: The chariots are decoys. They are pretty terrible (8 attacks on 4+ thunderous 2, or 8 shots on 5+). But they are fast, and often I'll move on the double just to block an enemy from advancing too much early on. Or they'll hang back and charge into a unit that should have died the turn before from shooting. - On fighting againts height 1 armies: The elves I fought we're almost all height 1; except for a cav regiment, a cav troop, and a cav hero. By turn 4, all that was left was the green lady. All you have to do is open small gaps in your lines to shoot through. It's pretty easy to do. - On Magwar: Lightning 4 and vicious is nice, it's a 2nd source of inspiring, and most important of all, it makes the Maw Beasts normal units instead of irregular, unlocking that 7th warmachine. In a few fights, I've had Magwar charge into flanks or rears to put wounds on units or to disrupt a shooting block. The key with Magwar (and the chariot charges for that matter) is that you're charging stuff that you only need to do 1 point of damage to, and if you fail, you'd rather lose Magwar (or the chariots) instead of what they could have hit. Once again the merit of this list is not mine, it was done by MakaMaka, and he is much better than me
Goblis are one of the best shooting armies in the game. As extrange as that might sound. And yes rabble is just amazing.
Bash 2, Legion Rabble*60 180pts Horde Rabble*40 125pts Spitters*40 Jar of the four winds 175pts Regiments Fleabag chariots*3 110pts Fleabag chariots*3 110pts Magwa'ns*10 95pts War Engine War-Trombone 65pts War-Trombone 65pts War-Trombone 65pts Hero Magwa&Jo'os 110pts Wiz, Bane-chant, Inspiring Talisman 125pts Wiz, Bane-chant, Myrddin's amulet of the fire-heart 80pts
My recommended list would be this: - Legión of Rabble with fire oil - Horde of Rabble - Regiment of Rabble - Horde of Spitters with Jar of Four Winds - 3 Rock Throwers - 2 War Trombones - 1 Chariot Regiment - 3 Wiz (Bane-chant and inspiring, Bane-chant and Scarletmaw’s and no a clean one