AoS 75/100 pts SCGT army: Thunder quake?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Grifffool, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. Grifffool

    Grifffool Member

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    Hi there. In 10 days I have a beginners' tournament for AOS, using the South Coast Grand Tournament (SCGT) pool price ("SCGT Warhamer" and "Warscroll builder" on google if you don't know), at one of my local GW (advantage of living close to Paris, you can say "ONE of").
    The warband is 75 pts, and the pool extends to 100pts (for those who don't know, I have 100pts of figurines, but will only deploy 75 pts), and a summoning pool of 20pts max ( again, for those who don't know, if I use the whole 20pts of summoning, then I can only deploy 75-half of 20, so 75-10=65).

    That being said, I was thinking of using the thunder quake formation, with:

    Engine of the Gods
    Basti with Ark
    Basti with LAAAAZZER
    salamander with handlers

    Cost of formation being included in the warband count, I have with these 32 wound and 47/65 points.

    I want to use Kroak, 25pts, which brings the warband to 72/75.

    That would leave either 3pts for a salamander, or 6 summoning points for... Maybe 2 sallies, or a heroes like an Oldblood on foot or on cold one, a priest/starpriest, a sunblood, or a unit of 10 skinks, 10 saurus warriors or 5 temple guards.

    BTW I asked and I cannot have a unit of the formation in the summoning pool, so I can't but the expensive 15pts basti in summoning to make room for something like an astrolith.

    What do you think? Is this formation reasonable for a 75pts warband?
    Is Kroak too expensive for such a warband (maybe slann instead, although I personally find comet call that more effective)?
    Bowser likes this.
  2. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Where/by Who/What or How are these points being determined?

    Kroak is 25pts?
  3. Grifffool

    Grifffool Member

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    Well the point cost is SCGT's. It's a balanced system used for this tournament. Google "SCGT warhammer" and you land on the tournament page, and links to rules, battle plans, unit costs. Here's a link to the page:

    I'm uploading the pool cost pdf, for every unit. It's quite obscure, so I recommend using warscroll builder website:

    First select SCGT from the list: "pool,SCGT,KDV,SDK" ; then enter on the top right corner the pool size, here 75 points, press enter; then select the army, seraphon of course; and now you can add any unit by pressing add hero, add unit, add monster, etc.

    Very useful

    And yes, Kroak costs 25 points!

    It takes into account quite a few things. Nagash for exemple costs 55 points!

    Attached Files:

  4. Grifffool

    Grifffool Member

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    On a personal note, I think this system is quite balanced, exept for a few ennemy units I checked following a melee event I went to a few days ago. The skaven ratling gun weapon team for exemple, cost 3 points, feels similar to the razordon, 3 wounds, 2d6 attacks, but one of its abbilities is to pump the machine (roll dice, on 1 d3mWounds, else 4d6 ). So 5 of these guys is 15pts, 20d6 attacks, same cost as solar bastiladon....

    That and Kroak at 25pts... Standard slann is 13. It seems to count Kroak as having 10 wounds, whereas, you know, 5 wounds and you have 1/6 chance to die, 6 wounds is 1/3...
  5. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    So pool cost is points per model?

    Empire Archers are listed as 10 per scroll; 3 points pool cost. Does that mean ten of them are 3 points? (...or ten archers is 30 points?)
  6. Grifffool

    Grifffool Member

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    Naaah, of course not. Cost is per unit. 10 archers for 3 points.

    On the warscroll builder website, you can see 3 icons next to the unit name: a portrait silhouette, which is number of unit, a heart which is total wound count of unit, and a price tag, which is unit cost
  7. Grifffool

    Grifffool Member

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    Here is a screen shot from the website. The heroes are above, so you can't see kroak, but if you look at the unit section for exemple, you see the formation (thunder quake): obviously no unit nor wound per say just for the warscroll, and a cost of 5.

    Under it, one salamander. 1model, 3 wounds, 3 pool points.
    Then handlers, 3 models, 3 wounds (1 wound each), and 2pts.


  8. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    What happens if I bring 14 archers?

    Has this added a new restriction ( fixed unit sizes ) to AoS?
  9. Grifffool

    Grifffool Member

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    I think you have to pay for 2 units (20 guys), even if you put less than 20. So yes, that would be a fixed unit size, at least in regard to cost.
  10. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    We have started using this system, but just do the math if you want odd unit sizes. So I bring 36 temple guard, which changed my list from 149 to 150 points. So if you see my list below it is actually 3 groups of 12 guard not 15/15/5
    So 36 guard in 3 groups of 12 instead of 15/15/5
    This is just a sample list so don't pick it apart too hard!
  11. Grifffool

    Grifffool Member

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    Nice one, although for this tournament it's only a 75pts warband, plus 25pts of pool for adaptation. And 20pts summoning pool
  12. Rekmeister

    Rekmeister Member

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    The army looks ok, although I don't see why you'd take the Ark instead of a second Solar Beam. I'd be worried that all monster is relatively easy to divide and conquer against, but that's just one of the risks of all monstah.
  13. Grifffool

    Grifffool Member

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    I went a different route in the end: Eternal Starhost: 3x5 saurus guards, eternity warden, Kroak (thank god for him), skink starpriest, and basti with ark and kroxi in summoning pool.

    I got decimated, because of ranged attack (of which i had none exept for Kroak spells), yet I WON BOTH MATCHES!! Ended up second though, because I won less points in 2 battles (8 points) than a guy with Nagash, who won 9 in 1 battle, all thanks to Nagash. Indeed they were objective games, first hero slaying, second destruction/protection of player pillar (your choice to place at beginning of game).

    First game the other player just anihilated me with range attacks, with 2 elf balistas (I think Reaper bolt thrower, dark elves, 6 move, 12 attacks), wood elves waywatchers (best archers in the game), Teclis (best mage in the game, impossible to summon anything). I hid behind a big building to delay fire, the guy got cocky and send his fucking Caradrian on frost phoenix in melee. save at 2+, then another save of invulnerability at 4+, so that's 1/12 chance for a save to fail. Near impossible to die, he killed most of the guards that had not been shot, and the other heroes. But thanks to Kroak mortal wounds, and celestial deliverance, AND especially my lucky, LUCKY "bravery test to check if dead or not", Kroak did not die, turn after turn, and I ended up killing Teclis, summoning Kroxies and finishing Caradrian with them, which is too bad, since if Kroak had managed to kill him, I would have won whole Tournament.

    Second one, each player had to place a small obelisk where he wanted, and goal was to inflict most damage to ennemy one, and kill enemy general. Enemy was a Stormcast, with teleportation guys. So I knew I had low chance to win by moving forward on ennemy. So I used same tactics to prevent enemy fire as first game. Placed obelisk behind building, so 2 flanks facing ennemy protected from ennemy fire and teleportation, and eternal stahost covering the 2 others, with 2+save from abilities and formations. That and only a narrow passage for the enemy to come from the side (building next to end of table). the enemy mortal wound from thunderbolt crossbow were doing some damage, but the guard hold well against decimators and liberators, and I got EXTREMELY lucking during combat phases with dice rolls, and they got hit hard. That and celestial deliverance, again and again. The enemy got clever toward the end, there was a teleporter in the scenario, that he used with his general (lord Castelant on Dracoth) to tp in front of my defense, and charge the obelisk through the only opening he had created, inflicting 7 wounds to the obelisk. But then he was open for retaliation, and he was killed. General death was 3 point, most damage dealt on obelisk was 2. I managed to summon kroxigors and sotek Basti to block the Justicators and the rest of his troops that had started to flank me, he forfeited.

    Victory for the stars!

    More detailled battle report in in the report section later in the day
    Crowsfoot and Bowser like this.
  14. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Sounds awesome! Congrats! Good call on the army! Teclis is a tough one! Got to hit him with that comet before he gets in range!
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
    Crowsfoot likes this.

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