AoS Discussion on formations

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Nuradin, Apr 15, 2016.

  1. Nuradin

    Nuradin New Member

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    Hi, I would like to start a discussion on formations, how to line up your troops and how to place them on the board. And the reason I want to start the discussion is because I need tips and ideas since I am a rookie. But also because I think it would be fun to discuss.

    I am well aware that this depends mostly on the environment and what sort of obstacles are placed on the board, so the formations may not work every time. However, I do believe that the discussion still has some merit and will teach at least me something.

    What I am currently contemplating is a formation for 3*10 TGs with Eternity Warden and Lord Kroak.
    What formation would best keep the Eternity Warden safe while at the same time give the TGs the bonuses.
    Any ideas and or suggestions?

    Pictures and drawings are greatly appreciated! Both to showcase each of your awesome armies, but also for a more pedagogical approach!
  2. YZK

    YZK Member

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    What I found very effective in a non-scenario battle, was set them up in a "star fort" formation (inspired by Ixt's tortega formation), with Lord Kroak, the Eternity Warden, and Astrolith Bearer in the middle of the "fort", in a corner of the table - I didn't bring a Skink Priest, but he'll join that party in the fort.
    I would also put a Bastiladon with Solar Engine in front on the "fort", within range of the Astrolith Bearer.
    Using this works great because enemies don't have the room to pop up behind you, the Bastiladon will have a 2+ save while blasting things - and he'll take a hell of a lot of punches to be removed.
    By the time my enemy got to me, I had killed the Glottkin, and about 60% of the rest of his force - with the only melee happening at my Bastiladon. I actually stopped casting Mystic Shield on my Bastiladon, and moved him out of buff range trying to make the match a bit more balanced.

    We played with roughly 1,5k SDK points.

    Anyway, this probably only works when you don't have to move.
    Oh, DO check all of Ixt's formation guide!
    Ixt likes this.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yeah, pretty much. The fort formation, with 3 sides of TGs and heroes behind them, is the one that works better. Eternal Starhost is a strong defensive formations, and all defensive armies excel (usuallly) when they bunker themselves somewhere, forcing the enemy to advance through the valley of death.
    Terrains will further help you, and not only for the cover bonuses: it's better to pick something ala "arcane", or "deadly".
    Of course, there are countermeasures to that, but your opponent must be prepared:

    Dwarfs cannons can shred to pieces your guards, while Bugman's rangers kill your astrolith bearer.
    A goblins' spiderfang mob will simply overrun your defences.
    a heavy magical army with the chance to deliver lots of mortal wounds from a distance will perform better than you.
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Rekmeister

    Rekmeister Member

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    I hate to change the tone, but if you are a beginner I highly suggest you do not start with Kroak and the Eternity Starhost. It's really powerful for sure, but you'd be jumping straight into the territory of power gaming. Most opponents, casual or not, will literally not have the tools to match the power of the Eternity Starhost.

    I know it is your money and your collection, so please don't feel you're being told what to do with either; but from personal experience, Kroak+Temple Guard (without the formation bonuses) are powerful enough to earn you a reputation as a power gamer. The get started box is better value, and gives you great tools for learning the intricacies of the game.
    Killer Angel and Freddy25 like this.
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    This is certainly true, but it can be seen also in another way.
    The Eternity Starhost is a very powerful formation, and an easy one to use. If you're a rookie, and your opponents are experienced players, you will be able to play more or less on their level, having fun while you learn the game's mechanics, without havng the feeling of "being overwhelmed".

    In the end, the correct advice could be "use it" or "don't use it", depending on the meta.
    Bowser likes this.

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