Gnord is looking around.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Gnord, May 1, 2016.

  1. Gnord
    Jungle Swarm

    Gnord Member

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    Hi all.
    Just crept in to say a big hello to everybody in Lustria.

    Boy have things changed. Last time I looked at Warhammer was sometime in 2nd edition.

    In those days Lustria had just started to take shape. Kremlo was a young Slann back then leading an attack against Zaptotec. Lizardmen had just started to appear with the famous Karnac and his lizard raiders. Amazons those pesky females were started to get everywhere, and the Norse were invading everywhere they could in search of old age and Slann artefacts of great power.

    Then I went and got married and Lustria and the Warhammer world faded into the background for decades.

    Last year I got the urge to revisit my youth and started to buy back into the hobby. But it appears that I was unlucky as what I would recognise as Warhammer seemed to be in turmoil with the change from something I did not recognise "End Times?" to The Age Of Sigmar. Talk about being all confused.

    I chose my name Gnord I hope fairly well. For those too young to know it was a character from a UK TV game show called the Adventure game which was shown in the late 70's and early 80's.A wonderful time when everything seemed far less confusing in Lustria.
    Warden, spawning of Bob and Bowser like this.
  2. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    Welcome Gnord :)
  3. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    Let me know what figures you've got I'd be interested to hear- I'm starting a Lizardmen army myself :)

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Unlucky times indeed.

    Welcome to the forum Gnord!
  5. Gnord
    Jungle Swarm

    Gnord Member

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    Hi all.
    Nice to be here. Lots of interesting articles to read through.

    What figures do I have. Basically it's whatever has come my way through boot sales and other ways legal or otherwise(What I have been given or have been lucky to obtain through swaps, etc.). A real mix of anything and everything from classic miniatures to 40k except for what I want, Lizardmen. Nearly all miniatures I have had over the last 8 months have been unwilling sacrifices to the painting gods. Practice makes perfect and all that.
    Most miniatures I've brought online have been more of what I remember from my youth. Classic Slann, Dragons from the 80's.Old white dwarf magazines and other publications.

    For some reason I have ended up with a small army of Skaven which are slowly getting re-painted. It has taken a lot of time getting my paints back together along with the rest of my painting area. Mostly funded by selling any old collectable I don't want and need along the way.
    Lizardmen seem very scarce in my area as most people play 40k.This is reflected in my local toyshop as the 40k racks are full but the Fantasy stuff is represented by a few boxes only. I did get lucky with a rather nice Bastiladon on Saturday which I shall assemble once I have found which paint schemes I would like to use. The Bastiladon is the first of my Lizardman army.

    Last week I ordered the Seraphon Battle tome for Age of Sigmar. I need ideas and It's a beautifully illustrated book. To this I have added the Seraphon starter set which is incredible value for money, and box of skinks. Then I saw the Skink Starpriest.That wonderful looking chappie standing there covered in feathers.Certainly a must have for the army.

    Still waiting for all the miniatures to turn up. But until then I shall continue dragging Skaven as unwilling sacrifices to the painting Gods, Split, Splat, and Splot just for a bit of practice.
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Yes that Starpriest is a great looking model and definitely a must have for any army!
  7. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    That's a fine looking avatar you have there, Gnord. Do you art?
  8. Gnord
    Jungle Swarm

    Gnord Member

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    Hi All.
    Interesting name spawning of bob.

    Years ago,and I mean years ago during the 80's I done a lot of sketches when I was going through a very bad patch.
    The idea was based on the Warhammer fantasy battle world. In this world the Lizardmen race was divided into two. They were more dinosaur based in looks rather then the miniatures of the period.
    There were two main races.The north lands races who were descendants from those that invaded the North lands to some success. And those in the Southlands who were the Ancestral races. The idea was all we see in Warhammer was the war and destruction. But the character you see in my Avatar was a drawing of one of the healers of the southern race. They were highly skilled in this art of healing but strongly believed that to heal was a matter of body mind and spirit, so they were also priests and musicians. When I hear Andean music I sometimes smile and think of them and the idea I had for them years ago.

    The look of their culture was based on birds and native south American cultures like the Toltec's, Aztecs, Mayan amongst others. img162.jpg They were the Yucatan. The name came from the general area in Mexico where the meteor crashed that wiped out the Dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous.

    Only a couple of sketches remain from the 80's and the world I created on paper as ideas for a story or two has long been lost. I even had sketches of street scenes and locations.

    I did revisit the world in the mid 2000's for a while and produced a lot more sketches, but these were centred around a specific character who was a spin-off and little more. A different time period and a world this time I dare to say aimed more at the furry community.


    Guess it was my own little world.
    Warden, Scalenex and Bowser like this.
  9. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This is really cool! So much awesome stuff from the past I didn't realize! Haha! Creating your own little world for any community is an amazing thing! Don't be afraid to start a new world in this community, or even continue the old one! I am willing to collaborate, but the great thing about Lizardmen in AOS is that you kind of have a blank slate to work with!
  10. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    So, you do art.

    Now you must Art Comp
  11. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forums!

    We look forward to your contributions. I like your art and would like to see more. It sounds like you wrote the seeds of what could be some interesting fluff pieces so I'd like to see you write fiction. Of course we all would like to see your models.

    We can answer your questions on writing, arting, painting, or gameplay. We have active forum members who can field your gameplay questions too whether you like 8th edition, 9th Age, Age of Sigmar, or Kings of War.

    Collecting Skaven is fine. Even though Lizardmen and Skaven are enemies, we get along swimmingly with the humans who play Skaven on the Under-Empire forums. They visit us often, especially last April 1st.
  12. Gnord
    Jungle Swarm

    Gnord Member

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    Hi,It's getting time these days to get involved with too much. Work and all that. I do get a little time usually painting or browsing the net. But it's never really enough as it is. Even being here tonight I have had to leave several times for other family duties.
    Bowser likes this.

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