Announcement Need help creating content for splash pages

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by The Red Devil, Apr 21, 2016.

  1. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    @pendrake these are fantastic! I want to check out Seraphon Online already! ;)
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Well done @pendrake

    On the KOW were you say
    Maybe change that to It is a fast paced mass-battle wargame.
  3. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Crowsfoot likes this.
  4. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    That content is good for an introduction to the game banner (plenty of keywords)

    We will also need titles for link buttons with one line descriptions. I'm sure the Red Devil already has a layout and Art-set in mind - is it top secret?

    If there is some proprietary stuff kicking round, we could move the discussion into a multi member PM
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  5. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    By default conversions can be posted in the thread for the model its for.

    Or are you thinking we should have a own thread for conversions?

    Those look very good! Awesome work!

    In regards to the last one, it does not need to mention WH8 at all, this page is just for any people that play 9th Age or considering it.

    People that play WH8 will search on Lizardmen or Lustria, and we are high on those search results.

    Not a top secret, nothing major design wise though. Will see if I cant get a screenshot when its sliced to show here.
    spawning of Bob and Crowsfoot like this.
  6. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Wrt to a gallery of conversions - some conversions are of LM models into something else, some are something elses made to look like they belong in aLM army, but are a new species, and aren't really meant to be played, some would be unique like a saurus-mage, and then there are thIngs that defy categorisation. Therefore "miscellaneous conversions"

    Slanputin likes this.
  7. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Saurian Ancients in Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age

    Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age is a table top miniature wargame based in a fantasy world setting. It is a game where organized rank and file units of varied kinds of fantasy creatures form armies battling for supremacy. It is designed by and for players moving on from or looking for a successor to Warhammer Fantasy Battles (WFB) 8th edition. The free 9th Age rules allow the use of figures produced by any manufacturer. Example creatures include: Beast Herds, Dread Elves, Ogre Khans, Vermin Swarms and most importantly the successor to the Games Workshop Lizardmen: Saurian Ancients.

    Saurian Ancients are the army that consists of all things reptilian and dinosaur-like. Almost every model that can be used in the "Seraphon" faction in Age of Sigmar has an equivalent in T9A rules. Manufacturers of suitable dinosaur and miniature bipedal lizard man ranges include: Avatars of War, Citadel / Games Workshop, Mantic, RalPartha, ReaperMinis and several others. provides a place where 9th Age players can discuss which miniatures to use for their armies, as well as army list composition, Tactics, post Battle Reports and get help with rules interpretations from other players.

    The 9th Age (T9A) Fantasy Battles enthusiasts will also find related forums hosted by Lustria Onine (L-O) devoted to Painting, Conversions, Sculpting and Terrain, and Army Backgrounds and Player Written Fiction. L-O also maintains one of the largest collections of Saurian/Reptilian/Dinosaur paint schemes, conversions, and army colours in the Itza Gallery of Fine Arts. New players or gamers rediscovering the table top war gaming hobby are welcome to become members of the forum. A sub-forum dedicated to new member introductions is found here.

    Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age, T9A, Saurian Ancients, Avatars of War, Citadel, Games Workshop, Mantic, RalPartha, ReaperMinis, Lizardmen, and Warhammer Fantasy Battles are either ®, ™, or © of their respective corporations or development groups. All rights are reserved to those entities and mention on this web page does not constitute any kind of challenge to the status of those marks.
    Last edited: May 12, 2016
  8. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    @The Red Devil - there you go the third and final one.

    @Pinktaco, @Anubis, @Ersh, @The Sauric Ace, @Mr Phat, and anybody else (particularly any involved with T9A I have missed) take a good hard look, check the links, kick the tyres, what other keywords might I wedge in? edits I ought to make...?

    Bob mentioned button text: is there a short list of navigation buttons yet? The fine print IP disclaimers could be buried as the text under a button labeled "LEGAL" I suppose. Keywords should remain searchable but that could help de-clutter the page.
    Last edited: May 10, 2016
  9. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    I think it's great :D maybe @Pinktaco has something to add, which could be useful or is necessary; he's after all the most active on the whole development department ;)
  10. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Will try and read later :)
  11. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Made a few edits.
  12. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    I must apologise, Red. I have so many other irons in the fire that I haven't given this the attention it deserves.

    I hope that when i do engage properly, that I don't come across as a Seagull Manager.

    If it helps, I trust Pendrake absolutely, even without reviewing his drafts. @Slanputin is another professional communicator who may have some tweaks to contribute.

    and for the last caveat - I am more interested in how a logical link structure could influence the structure / interface for L-O. That's gonna be a fun discussion.
  13. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    What. Uh. Oh yes. This was waysided on my radar i'm afraid :s

    Two things:

    1) the above didn't mention Games Workshop or Lizardmen/Seraphon by name. Unless this is to avoid liability (which would be a hard case and especially pedantic imo) i would suggest you include them as terms. GW is the biggest produce in the industry - I imagine searches using their terminology more so than any others. As such, I think Lizardmen; Seraphon; Games Workshop should at be mentioned in each section.

    2) Just a suggestion about the voice: it's is fine but reads quite formal. It could be made more energetic; more conversational but still retain an informative narrative. A more informal voice can be more engaging to the reader and may help in funneling them through the page.
    Bowser likes this.
  14. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Keep the suggestions coming; will do re-writes or second drafts once I get power back. Reduced to mobile device only.

    A T-storm has left me dead-in-the-water, powerless, & (literally) alone in the dark.

    @Slanputin, have you read all three? I thought I mentioned GW in at least the Seraphon version.


    They do kind of suffer from technical-manual-speak. Keywords to add to any of the three would be good.
  15. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Oh sure, but I thought GW should be mentioned in *every* page. For example, when you list bipedal Lizard-man ranges it doesn't mention GW.

    Hope you get power back soon :s maybe up your sacrifices for the next few days.
  16. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Do we want to mention that T9A rules are for free? Not sure if it's necessary?
    Slanputin likes this.
  17. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Power's back...I can edit better with real screen...
    I have incorporated these ^^ suggestions see above. Thank you for the input @Slanputin & @Pinktaco. Added a full sentence at one spot:
    @Pinktaco - can you vet that sentence? e.g.: "Almost every" versus "Every" or "All but one" ???

    A rewrite to go for a less formal tone will be a bit more of an undertaking. I think I will re-post them all in a single message, so they easier to compare to each other and so I will have them all in one place (which will be very convenient for me).
  18. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    With a link to download them! ... And maybe link t9a-website? At least it's a game where people can really help making new editions by discussing on their forum... One should maybe also mention that some members of the different comities are active on our forum...
  19. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    I am going to hold off on those first two suggestions. I kinda like the idea of a link to T9A rules, but @Red Devil ought to clear that with the 9th Age principals I'd think. I could link T9A's website, but if I did, maybe I should link Mantic, and Reaper, and GW...etc., etc. However, the point of these pages is to funnel traffic to Lustria Online rather than other places -?- so I think I will wait until @The Red Devil gives some input on that.
    Slanputin likes this.
  20. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    All three drafts together...

    Salamanders in Kings of War

    Kings of War is a tabletop wargame published by Mantic Games. It is a fast paced mass-battle wargame where units of fantasy creatures are represented by figures organized in trays or on stands to represent organized, ranked fighting units of a large army. The Salamanders are one of more than a dozen factions and nations which field such armies as described in the Kings of War rules.

    Salamanders represent three kinds of interrelated bipedal reptilians. Their armies field a wide variety of reptilian and dinosaur-like creatures as well as elemental creatures based on fire. Their homeland is a set of islands dominated by three active volcanoes that rise from the sea.

    Collectors of figures for this army faction will find specific sub-forums at devoted to: discussing all aspects of the Salamander faction and its territories, posting army lists for the Salamanders, considering tactics, posting battle reports, and help with rules questions.

    Players will also find related forums hosted by Lustria Onine devoted to Painting, Conversions, Sculpting and Terrain, and Army Backgrounds and Player Generated Fiction. New players or gamers returning to the hobby are invited to join the boards as members. There is a sub-forum dedicated to new member introductions here.

    Mantic, Mantica, Kings of War, Mantic Games, are ™ and © Mantic Entertainment, LTD and mention on this page does not constitute any challenge to that status.

    Seraphon in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

    Age of Sigmar is a tabletop wargame published by Games Workshop. It is a skirmish game where models of fantasy creatures represent forces engaged in combat in The Age of Sigmar setting, which is Games Workshop's successor to its Warhammer Fantasy Battles (WFB) game setting. Figures are deployed in units but may move and attack individually during the course of a game. The Seraphon are the new, re-imagined version of the Lizardmen Army from WFB. has the latest Seraphon Tactics and Army Builds. With an ever expanding reverse tactica for any opposing Age of Sigmar Army list. Learn to paint Seraphon/Lizardmen for AOS (Warhammer Age of Sigmar) find painting tips and tricks as well conversion ideas. Come join the discussions on AOS fluff, including Seraphon stories and how to write for Lizardmen in the Age of Sigmar. Battle Reports and Rules Help forums are available as well.

    Warhammer enthusiasts will also find sister forums hosted by Lustria Onine devoted to Painting, Conversions, Sculpting and Terrain, and Army Backgrounds and Player Generated Fiction. We also have one of the largest collections of Seraphon/Lizardmen paint schemes, conversions, and army colours in the Itza Gallery of Fine Arts. New players or gamers returning to the hobby are invited to join the boards as members. There is a sub-forum dedicated to new member introductions here.

    Seraphon, Lizardmen, Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop, Warhammer Fantasy Battles are or may be ™ or © of Games Workshop, LTD and mention on this web page does not constitute any kind of challenge to their status.

    Saurian Ancients in Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age

    Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age is a table top miniature wargame based in a fantasy world setting. It is a game where organized rank and file units of varied kinds of fantasy creatures form armies battling for supremacy. It is designed by and for players moving on from or looking for a successor to Warhammer Fantasy Battles (WFB) 8th edition. The free 9th Age rules allow the use of figures produced by any manufacturer. Example creatures include: Beast Herds, Dread Elves, Ogre Khans, Vermin Swarms and most importantly the successor to the Games Workshop Lizardmen: Saurian Ancients.

    Saurian Ancients are the army that consists of all things reptilian and dinosaur-like. Almost every model that can be used in the "Seraphon" faction in Age of Sigmar has an equivalent in T9A rules. Manufacturers of suitable dinosaur and miniature bipedal lizard man ranges include: Avatars of War, Citadel / Games Workshop, Mantic, RalPartha, ReaperMinis and several others. provides a place where 9th Age players can discuss which miniatures to use for their armies, as well as army list composition, Tactics, post Battle Reports and get help with rules interpretations from other players.

    The 9th Age (T9A) Fantasy Battles enthusiasts will also find related forums hosted by Lustria Onine (L-O) devoted to Painting, Conversions, Sculpting and Terrain, and Army Backgrounds and Player Written Fiction. L-O also maintains one of the largest collections of Saurian/Reptilian/Dinosaur paint schemes, conversions, and army colours in the Itza Gallery of Fine Arts. New players or gamers rediscovering the table top war gaming hobby are welcome to become members of the forum. A sub-forum dedicated to new member introductions is found here.

    Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age, T9A, Saurian Ancients, Avatars of War, Citadel, Games Workshop, Mantic, RalPartha, ReaperMinis, Lizardmen, and Warhammer Fantasy Battles are either ®, ™, or © of their respective corporations or development groups. All rights are reserved to those entities and mention on this web page does not constitute any kind of challenge to the status of those marks.
    Scalenex and Bowser like this.

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