Square Or Circular Bases? I just wanted to find out if there was a general preference for basing models there is no right or wrong answer to this question. Looking forward to seeing the results of the poll
I would say square - that way you can still play 8th and 9th (probably - I haven't played it yet) and Aos if the mood takes you, but circle restricts you to only Aos or using skirmishers.
I realize that most would probably rather the square, as it gives them more game options, making it the more versatile and tactically sound choice. Honestly I chose circle as I find it more aesthetically pleasing. That comes down to personal taste though.
Yeah I prefer the look of a circle plus It gives a more accurate hit box to a model because the corners on squares are protruding they can be measured to to hit a model that might have been out of range otherwise - I think it was a GW employee who told me this awhile ago
I play only AoS, but I really prefer to have square bases for Monsters. They're much better for transporting.
for me im just putting them on what they come with, i have been reading up on 8th, 9th and kings of war. I have to say not for me all of the "metas" i have found only want to play MASSIVE battalions. and it really just feels like im paying the old game RISK. so when i do get to play its AOS for me, well silver tower since my wife seems to like the models in that one so YAA i now have a competitor lol but i do like how you can have lots of fun with a round base. most of the players i have seen with square basses don't care to paint them {or there models} might just be bad luck that i have seen but thats my 2b
I like circles. Rank and file units on squares always had a certain appeal to me (and fitting all my models base to base in a neat rectangle is VERY satisfying) but I'm a 40ker so rounds seem more natural to me when playing.
Official Kings of War minis are on round bases, that fit into round holes, that are spaced and arranged in the same grid spacing as 8th edition square basing. I voted.. [] ..FWIW.
I'd keep it like @Bracnos ... Personally I don't mind what kind of base the models are on. But I prefer square because I have no regular gaming system and with square bases I can play (almost) every system...
I'd agree that aesthetically rounds enjoy a slight advantage but gaming-wise if falls heavily in favour of squares.
Yep! That's it... And in some cases the rules are made square bases... Like 8th edition or 9th age...
Square bases have the advantage of providing you with.... the ability to easily rank up units clear arcs (front, flank, rear) ability to more accurately discern frontage and determine which models are engaged in base to base contact a sharp corner to jab your opponent in the eye (though not as good as @Slanputin 's triangle base)
I was all AOS when it came out but with advice from this forum namely @NIGHTBRINGER I based my models on sq and now I play KOW I have @NIGHTBRINGER to thank for his advice although I am looking for round to square adaptors
@Crowsfoot I have been looking into kow, but have been reading the the company only dose Kickstart for its games and dose jot support in between...I don't know how I feel about that