Hmmm Look at the Mantic forum and it is full of advice from the actual developers and loads of support, in fact @mattjgilbert has just joined Lustria
Ok cool, I was a bit worried about that when I read you can only really get their models when they are doing a kickstarter
Unless something was "kickstarter exclusive" which most companies will do and is usually only a few models, everything eventually goes to retail. We use kickstarter to help fund games at the start but make an effort to ensure retailers get non-kickstarted stuff afterwards. Lots of units have been released for KoW this year for example that had nothing to do with Kickstarter. The Empire of Dust comes out this summer and we've done that because it was cool (and GW binned tomb kings ) - no kickstarter money involved there. As part of The Walking Dead game, the range was planned up front with retail-only boosters and content that were not available during the kickstarter. We want to move away from kickstarter as much as possible. I'm not sure we will ever get away from it completely as it's a great way to help fund new projects but we really want to be more of a trade, not a kickstarter company long term.
@mattjgilbert thats some great news thanks ill have to pick up one of the books and see whats its like, and the addiction grows need more models
Lustria-Online translation: "Lots of units that aren't Salamanders have been released for KoW this year. A non-Salamander army comes out this summer. As part of The Walking Dead game we haven't included Salamanders for some reason."
Don't forget in KOW you can use GW models as well as any other manufacturer and it's legal, but if like me you want to support the game you play you will buy some Mantic models, they are pretty cool not as detailed as GW but for gaming with they are perfect and look great when multibased
I stared at the voting options for a solid minute before voting, not out of indecision (squares 4 life), but I thought the options weren't finished loading yet. Silly me, they're actually a rectangle and an oval ^_^ Edit: loading, not "loafing," lol
Sorry for the confusion they are just (bad) representations of the options but in my defence circle also encompasses oval bases just as square for certain models are oblongs. If I were to remake the options I'd have to find a triangle one too.
Though I do like the looks of circular, I have to vote square. As pointed out, you can go between systems with better synergy than with the circular. My one bump to the circles is that you can scale them up a bit better (use larger sized than intended) and get some great basing, which for me adds a lot.