22/23rd October at Sanctuary Gaming. All weekend. 6 games, 2000 points. Tickets are here: http://www.manticgames.com/mantic-shop/events-and-tickets/product/clash-of-kings-2016.html We often get brand new players having their first games to tournaments like this so why not come along even if you've not played before?
While I won't be flying to the UK for this one, I am interested in the results! Looks like it will be a blast!
I was actually thinking seriously of going but I have the most important selling event those same days. Maybe next year who knows! Also looking forward to the results
See you there, Matt! A couple of days ago I mentioned the event to two mates who are also getting back into wargaming and they were very keen as well. I'll probably lose all six because I haven't yet actually played a single game, but I'll no doubt have lots of fun losing to all and sundry! It's a shame you can't go, @Itepixcauh ! Would have been good to have a Salamander player actually win a few.
P.s. @mattjgilbert - how strict are the requirements on models? I'd rather have official Mantic Salamanders and Ghekkotah so although I'm using GW monsters I want to wait on adding riders until theyve been released. Would an Ankylodon with an empty howdah be acceptable? Or a clan lord on fire drake with no rider?
Yeah I know, I was really looking forward to it, but the wedding fair plus my wife being 8 months pregnant by then is a big no either way. That is a very interesting question there, and official answer will be awesome.
There are no restrictions on models. You can use whatever you like The only thing you can't win without 90% Mantic models is best painted army.
Congratulations!! Although I'm not sure you're (then) heavily pregnant wife would appreciate being only the second most important reason for not going You absolute legends. Who'da thunk that a miniature wargaming company could possibly be un-self righteous and arseholey?? From my experiences with GW when I used to play WFB I'm still getting used to such a radical idea!
This is what I keep telling people and it's a massive feather in Mantics cap for taking such an approach.
He he, thanks! Actually we both will be attending the fair, I can't do that all by myself, is that important for us, basically most of the year sales depend on it. I was even planning on painting my whole army for the event prior to knowing the dates for the fair. Well maybe next year I will be lucky.
how is it handled if mantic doesnt make models for the army? Like say all the models that mantic makes a model for in my army were mantic but that didnt constitute 90% of my army.
Ticket bought! If anyone has the time to share their thoughts on my army list I would appreciate the help: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/clash-of-kings-2016-2000-points.17962/
I was reading the rules of the tournament and it says no players can be under 14 and players under 16 need adult supervision. You may want to check with Mantic whether you are OK to have your son with you.