AoS How to Destroy the Hellpit Abomination

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by scubrat, May 11, 2016.

  1. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    I'm fairly new to Warhammer and my friend tonight brought a Hellpit Abomination to the fight. It killed my Oldblood on a Carnosaur in one turn. How on earth are you supposed to kill this thing?

    So far I have:
    10 saurus guard
    1 bastiladon
    1 oldblood on carnosaur
    10 skinks
    20 saurus warriors
    1 oldblood
    1 skink priest

    Any ideas? Anyone else played against Skaven and had a good time of it?
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  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Salamanders and Lots of skinks, is the usual solution for big regenerating monsters.
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  3. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    So spending money, damn it, I thought this might be the solution.
  4. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    Couldn't the Bastiladon with Solar Engine be helpful in this case?
    Obviously, even better if you can shoot at the Abomination at least one turn before it engages you in combat.
    scubrat likes this.
  5. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    Yes, I stupidly didn't use it in the game I played against my friend, but next time I think it's definitely going in there, however, the points system we use gives the bastiladon twice the amount of points!
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    First shoot with the bastiladon. And then shoot with the oldblood on carno. March up carno with old blood on foot and warriors.
    Your skink priest is now a skink star priest. Cast starlight on carno. Use carno command ability. To boost himself and the other old blood, charge in with the old bloods and warriors, he should be soft and you should be biosted enough to destroy him. But if you are spending money Kroak and some rippers. Some more skinks and the shadowstrike host. Rippers will take it out no problem.
    Last edited: May 11, 2016
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  7. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    Oldblood on a Carnosaur can one shot it with average dice rolls.

    The first time I faced one, I killed it, but it took two tries. I botched the first set of rolls. The second try went much better.
    Bowser likes this.
  8. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    I guess I was just unlucky!
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  9. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    Dice will do that. Best advice I can give you, beyond what has already been given, is charge it before it charges you. Get your attacks in before your enemy does. Rerolls will help a lot, but you need to attack first. Your goal is to do unto it before it does unto you.
    Bowser and scubrat like this.
  10. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    I myself have killed a bloodthirster in one turn with a squad of fifteen temple guard next to an eternity warden and an astrolith granting re rolls to hit. that killed it quick. :) Try that with a hell pit abomination...
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  11. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    Interesting, that sounds like you're going for an offensive with TG rather than their usual defensive style? I was going to get the eternity warden anyway as a meat shield for my slann so now I have more reason to get him!

    Edit: Just did the calculations and on an average roll with this set up you'd get 26 wounds, with a -1 rend that's going to be tough for the abomination, going to have to roll 6+ to save! So you're looking at 22 wounds going through on an average set of rolls. Damn, even on a bad roll, you could easily get yourself 12 wounds to kill it.
    Last edited: May 15, 2016
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  12. Gorgerak
    Cold One

    Gorgerak Active Member

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    I would recommend either a dread saurian or dual bastiladon or 6x ripperdactyls - have one of these options and you'll be able to deal with most opponents :p
    Bowser likes this.
  13. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Abomination not a proper challenge.
    Teocipacli needs moar. (Roar!)
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  14. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    So as an update for you guys I took that abomination down.

    My set up:

    1 slann
    1 skink starpriest
    1 saurus oldblood
    1 carnosaur
    1 bastiladon w/solar beam
    5 TG

    His set up:
    2 warp cannons
    1 grey seer
    2x10 night runners
    20 clanrats
    1 deathmaster snikch
    10 plague monks
    3 gutter runners

    I feel in hindsight it was unbalanced as I had 3 heroes and 2 monsters and he had 2 heroes and 1 monster, he did outnumber me quite significantly though.

    I summoned another 5 TG (that's all I have) and played very defensively except for my carnosaur, my enemy left 10 plague priest, 10 night runners and a warp cannon unguarded so I went for those with my carnie and decimated them receiving 5 wounds but destroying everything but the warp cannon.

    Whilst this was happening, the rest of my units stayed in one corner, I basically used my ranged weapons and took out several clanrats, weakened the abomination by 7 wounds before they even touched me. He also used his gutter runners to try and take me out but failed his charge so I sent a unit of 5 TG to take care of them, which they did. When his grey seer, warp cannon, 10 night runners, deathmaster snikch had arrived, I had basically only suffered 5 wounds on my carnie, I took him out swiftly.

    Edit: changed plague priests to plague monks, these are confusingly both different things in the Skaven army, plague priests are much more powerful!
    Last edited: May 30, 2016
    Killer Angel and Bowser like this.
  15. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    Dread saurian is a great option...
    if you have no problems about taking out a second mortgage.:nailbiting:
  16. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    Haha! So I'm taking him on again tomorrow, he has the same set up, I thought I'd try something new to try and balance the game so using the same amount of heroes and monsters as him, so tomorrow I'm taking:

    36 saurus warriors
    10 TG (that's all I have!)
    Saurus Oldblood

    My plan is to play defensive, let him come to me whilst I fire spells and searing beams his way and then have a pop at his abomination with my saurus warriors who'll be buffed with mystic shield and rerollable wounds on 1's from the oldblood. Will let you know how it goes.
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  17. Gorgerak
    Cold One

    Gorgerak Active Member

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    looking forward to reading how it goes :)

    hahaha very true! which is why I converted a £5.99 model off amazon and use that instead :D
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  18. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    So, slight surprise from my friend, he had some extra models to bring to the game, his set up included:

    20x2 Plague Monks
    2 Warpfire Weapons Teams
    1 Grey Seer
    20 Clanrats
    1 Deathmaster Snikch
    3 Gutter Runners

    I took:

    36 saurus warriors
    10 TG
    Saurus Oldblood

    Turn 1 went to me, I cast two mystic shields on my TG and bastiladon and failed another spell. I set my TG in a long line in front of my saurus warriors so that the grey seer could see them, reason being, in his first turn, he cast vermintide which if successfully cast, allows him to pick any unit within 26" of the caster and then roll a dice for each model in the selected unit; it suffers a mortal wound for each result of a 6 he rolls. 7 saurus warriors could have easily dropped dead and then I'd have lost my double weapon attack bonus, that brutal 26" range means I couldn't even dispel! He cast it on my TG instead and two dropped dead. After moving, I burnt a few clanrats to a crisp with my searing beam.

    Turn 1 of my opponent saw him creeping in closer, unable to do much with ranged attacks.

    The game kept progressing with each side taking a few casualties as he crept closer to me. The interesting part was when his abomination got involved! It didn't have any wounds but it tried to make a charge on my saurus warriors, didn't get close enough so went for an attack my TG, now they were next to my Oldblood and had mystic shield, they didn't take a single wound. They knock a few wounds off the abomination.

    On my turn things get wild, I move my saurus warriors in and surround the abomination, go in for a charge, blessed by the Slann's mystical aura they can fly so when they went for the charge they all flew on top or around the abomination (picture attached), it was a bit ridiculous, but 32 saurus warriors all managed to get attacks, 65 celestite weapons with rerolls on wounds of 1 downed the abomination in one vicious swoop. ALAS! The abomination was just too horrible to die! It immediately healed D6 wounds by chance, in fact, it healed 6 wounds! I went for the bite attack but didn't manage to kill it.

    The plague monks behind the whole mess got a few attacks in and downed some lizards and the warpfire cannons which you can see the tip of one got a few brutal shots on my lizards on his turn but it was too late, with a bastiladon with 6 wounds left, a slann with 5 wounds left, 8 TG, an Oldblood and 20+ saurus warriors, having taken out 30 plague monks, 3 gutter runners, a deathmaster snikch and 20 clanrats, my opponent gave in.

    Attached Files:

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  19. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Too bad he wasn't able to keep it going! Of course the Hellpit got up! Haha! I hate when that happens!
    scubrat likes this.
  20. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    The worst is when the Hell Pit decides to blow up and send rats everywhere and you've got a bunch of units around it, all suddenly suffering D3 wounds, haha!

    To be fair, he resigned predominantly because it was the shop closing time!
    Bowser likes this.

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