First miniature paint in a loooooong time (if you don't count zbrush's polypaint) I need some advice for the gold parts i want an ancient rough forged but shiny gold effect and i suck at metallics...a lot I have available only the superbasic paint and assembly kit so the palette is limited what colours should i buy next for the metal highlights ? sorry for the image mobile is a worthless piece of ancient technology! See ya around!
Looks good so far. For aged gold I would go balthasar gold, sycorax copper then runefang steel then wash with seraphim sepia, then rehighlight with runefang steel
Almost done with the big guy thanks! balthasar gold is also the one i got, problem is even with 10 different shades i cannot manage to get a metallic that i like I was thinking about Non Metallic Metal for the gold never tried that technique but looks amazing if done right...wonder if i can do good on that
There is a lot good going on with that steg. The bling on the steg will be overpowered by the metal on the howdah, so you can afford to experiment on the monster. I'm not a good painter, by any means, but a solid bright yellow base, followed by a metallic gold, followed by a sepia wash cuts it for table top quality. I think the gems and other highlights make it work on larger metal surfaces more so than getting too hung up on the metal effect. Given that we lizards aren't too concerned about earthly riches, you can use mostly stone and wood colours and save the metals for a bit of trim. There is some well hidden discussion and pics on NMM on this thread. The bottom line is that the better the NMM, the fewer viewing angles it works from. And I can't do it either.
Hey thanks buddies! but don't go too easy with me i want to improve so get down with the critiques!! I bought some new colors and tried out metallic metal made with metals but still it doesn't please me (not that you can see anything with these photos) I convinced GW buddy to teach me the ways of deception and lightbending so i'll start painting the crew while i wait thursday for the initiation. Here's the Skink Priest driving around the fat lizard Man i need a camera, or at least a decent smartphone not even photoshop could save those...
Now that you made me think about it maybe i'll use stone as the main material for the Engine's supports could look better and more interesting! Also what does "bling" mean ?
Yes master! i will! i'll start my quest to snatch a powerful photographic device from the den of the creature called "fiancè" may your wisdom and the force guide me!
Do the Howdah as jade/marble For a greenish marble start with a black base then drybrush Incubi darkness then drybrush randomly with stegadon green then with a fine detail brush take pallid wych white and quickly and softly stroke the Howdah in random directions, then glaze randomly with biel tan green.
My "wisdom" thinks that you should make extra sure that the creature called "fiancè" never catches you referring to her as "creature"
Girlfriend's mobile, now you can see all the errors still some colors are untrue can't wait to put my claws on her professional camera
These look amazing! Much better now in HD! I really like the skink. His skull helmet is just incredible