If I'm home I do my best to respond to messages but I'm doing my DofE final this weekend so I will be inactive.
Thanks, I just finished packing my bag at the moment its sitting next to me saying "i will give you back problems, just put me on and deal with it" Its almost bigger tham me!!
Its going to be a while until i get my bastiladon, but really wanted to play with one... ... so i chucked one together with cardboard, sponge and pva glue !!
That is really good stuff. They look great. Easily far better than I could do at that age. I can't believe you were only 11 when you painted that... impressive.
thanks I was using my older brothers paint and stuff. all i did was follow the instructions in the magazine the model came with
the bastiladon should be in the post!! i cant wait until its here! ill get a pic once it arrives and is painted, which will still be a while
I'm trying colours for my Temple Guard, does anyone have any suggestions? At the moment I'm trying painting techniques as well. So far I've tried a red/ orange wash with grey/ black dry brushing over it. Also the armor/ spikes on his back are silver. It might look a bit too red with the shield red aswell. I can't tell if I like it so someone elses veiw will be gratefully accepted
I think get the shield purple or a dark blue. Kind of break up the colour a bit, but seems to go well with red/orange.
Also when drybrushing try to use a colour from the same colour spectrum or you may end up with a model that never looks quite right, good to experiment and learn from what works. I remember painting a beastman about 20 odd years ago and I put acrylic lacquer over oil paint and by chance ended up with a crackle effect, looked really good but I never got the effect to replicate.
Heres the model. I know its not the best . please suggest improvements because im sure it can be improved. Ps. i wont take any offence from any comments so dont worry about that
A wash and a few highlights and this model will be perfect. Something a bit darker for the wash, the a bit brighter dry brushed in for the high lights. or just pick out 40-50% of the back scales and brighten or darken them as you see fot.
Ok MC Hammer here we go, Wash the model all over with agrax earthshade or a dark brown, drybrush the red parts with red then orange then yellow, drybrush the silver with silver. Job done