AoS how are my 1k lists for summer campaign

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Thor0298, Jul 13, 2016.

  1. Thor0298

    Thor0298 Member

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    Eternal starhost 80
    3x10 guard 600
    Eternity warden 140
    starseer 160
    980 points

    then i really wanted to get a bastiladon in there
    bastiladon 300
    2 x10 warriors 200
    starseer 160
    2x 5 chameleons 240

    for the last 100 could either do more warriors or a salamander and some handlers

    i know i will be seeing some death, nurgle, flesh eater, high elf armies
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  2. Buldi

    Buldi Active Member

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    With the first list... Well you are super tanky, but have no control over the table. You rely on the enemy to close in and smack you. Problem is, highborn elves will shoot down your eternity guardian, soften up the guard and THEN close in. Nurgle on the other hand have many mortal wounds so you gpt to hit them hard so they cannot heal and harm you. This can be hard without shooting and magic.

    So i like the second list more. For last 100 points i would grab a sally + handlers. Now enemy can still shoot you, but he will have a hard time picking a target.

    Cannot really say anything about death or flesheaters.
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  3. Thor0298

    Thor0298 Member

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    Well week one isn't the objective too have as many as you can on the far side of your opponents territory. I like list two better also :)
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  4. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    I would definitely agree that the second list is way more viable. It has a nece balanced approach and seems pretty flexible, which will be good if you're going to be going up against all-comers. ...Also it has a Bastiladon in it :D

    Just a point of consideration, you could also slot in a skink starpriest for 100 points into your second list? Gives you some flexibility in regards to what spells you can cast, and can also make the Bastiladon nigh unnassailable- if my experience is anything to go by, a lot of players see that big ol' turtle and try to kill it asap. A nice mystic shield or summon starlight on it and your opp will be tearing their hair out.

    As a note on matchups, Death is my main competitive army in progress so hopefully i can offer some insight:
    • Summon starlight from the starpriest will be absolutely priceless against spirit hosts in their many forms- it robs them of their ability to inflict mortal wounds, letting you largely be able to ignore them.
    • The bastiladon is going to be absolutely key- none of the Death heroes have a natural save of better than 4+, and they are going to be the largest force multipliers your opponent has- try and alpha strike a single hero as soon as possible to get rid of that dirty 6/5+ natural 'extra' save they confer as well as any buffs they can provide.
    • Against FEC in particular- go above and beyond to kill units outright. Even if it seems like a waste of resources or overkill, they have plenty of abilities that can top their units back up without resorting to summoning. Denying this early makes them lose a lot of value.
    • Don't be dissuaded from using arcane bolt in the early turns, especially coupled with a balewind vortex. It may seem like a waste of a spell use but as Death generally lack any kind of convincing range attack, you are free to play a bit more defensively from the outset and take a few pot-shots. Again, see my point on alpha striking heroes.
    May have gone a bit of a tangent there, apologies- may have had too much coffee :eek:
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  5. Thor0298

    Thor0298 Member

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    Thanks for the tips. Would you replace a chameleon with the starpriest? I played both the fec and death last weekend, albeit with sylvaneth, but got trounced bad. Figured seraphon might hold up better.

    Death used terrorgheist, coven throne, Mortis engine, necro and skeletons. No idea what to do there. Coven throne has a ton of attacks. And terrorgheist is hard too. But also have to alpha the necro

    Fec had ghouls King on terrorgheist with red fury which is ridiculous. And basically (iforget the names) the other elites from the big box and some ghouls
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Chama gives you shooting and high mobility, both things you are going to need badly, playing with objectives.

    Reasoning on the second list, I'd say:

    - add the starpriest; 100 pts, you will protect the basti, and you will have another hero (sometimes you need heroes to control objectives, and it wll give more battlefield control for countering opponent's magic and shooting arcane bolts)

    - bizarre alternative: drop one of the units of saurus warriors and replace it with a unit of skinks; at that point, you'll have 120 pts (a third unit of chama?)
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  7. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    I have to say, I don't really understand how Red Fury was particularly effective, as if I remember correctly it only lets you trigger a second round of attacks if you inflicted less than d6 wounds? I would be glad they haven't taken the upgrade to the 'extra save' ability tbh!

    Im assuming that the opponent in question was using more than 1000 points to fit in that many behemoths? In a 1000 point list, you can at least rest easy that you won't be facing all of those threats at once.

    Getting into the counter tactics, the goal would definitely be to hit either the Terrorgheist or the coven throne with summon starlight, the throne in particular would get absolutely crippled by it as it basically makes 12 of their attacks absolutely useless.

    Cham skinks are absolutely perfect for taking out the necromancer- just be aware that he has the ability to pass off damage to neighbouring units instead of himself. Splitting your skinks into two small units means you can easily have coverage across the board, and death have real trouble splitting up their forces as they rely on a network of buffs. This, I feel, is absolutely your path to victory against them.

    Quick note on the skeletons- always see if you can knock them under their unit size threshold for their bonus attacks, as with the Necromancers unique spell they can become exponentially more dangerous. The stegadons flamethrowers are hilariously effective for this btw.

    General tips against the terrorgheist? Shoot it with your bastiladon and arcane bolt (complete with balewind vortex) turn one, then either finish it with cham skinks or tie it up in combat with starlight buffed warriors. Its killy, but actually quite squishy. This is your priority for alpha strikes, always. (Just be glad its shriek does naff all to us).

    In terms of deployment, I would probably say that keeping as much as distance as possible between you and them is important, as you will have the benefit of range attacks, and also means that its not game over if they get first turn. Try and keep at least one re-roll from the starseer to fudge the roll for turn order in your favour, a double turn of arcane bolt and bastiladon will absolutely annihilate anything Death has to offer.

    For what its worth, we actually have a pretty good matchup with Death.

    Hope this helps! :D
    Bowser likes this.
  8. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    IIRC, Red Fury applies if you roll a d6 and the result is lower than the wounds inflicted. Which is kinda different... ;)
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  9. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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  10. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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  11. Thor0298

    Thor0298 Member

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    Red fury is ridiculous. It basically was like he had two on the table every turn.
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  12. Thor0298

    Thor0298 Member

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    Awesome tips! Thanks a ton. I've only played five points games so far. Most have been a blowout by one side.

    For death
    Mortis 180
    Necro 120
    Skeleton x2 160
    Corpse cart 80
    Terrorgheist is 320
    So that's 860
    So I'm assuming the coven throne is 140
    Behemoths in death are really cheap
    Bowser likes this.
  13. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    Don't forget that you can only have a maximum of 2 Behemoths in 1000 point games! Also the ghoul king on TG is 400 points, which it would have to be for it have Red Fury.

    Regardless, the points still stand. Blind the scary bat with starlight and tarpit him with Mystic shield warriors. Cook repeatedly with bastiladon until a nice golden brown, then serve to taste. Mop up rest with sneaky skinks. GG boys :cool:
    Bowser likes this.
  14. Thor0298

    Thor0298 Member

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    yeah im assuming coven throne must be a behemoth too which would be three
    going to be playing a bunch the next 4 days.. ill let you know how its going
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  15. Thor0298

    Thor0298 Member

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    cosmic herald question... do you go low in case you lose them to your opponent? i realize its arbitrary since its not even statistical at least i dont think it is but just curious how you play it
  16. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    I personally really like low balling it on the first turn (So picking 1/2) and try to save the re-roll until it gets to the roll off for turn order to fudge it in my favour. After that its all down to the mind games- I quite enjoy picking 1, then 2, then 6. Nobody expects the 6.
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  17. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Place it on a thing as the royal warsphinx and opponents will hate you :p
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  18. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    How we rule it:
    We both roll a dice and my opponent must match my number. It's a kind of roll you cannot change with other abilities.
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