I looked at my army. its slowly becoming colourful! heres all my painted models (most the skinks were painted when i got them)
Ive started on my bastiladon. any help welcome, the reason i found lustria online was because i was looking for ideas and help for a bastiladon!! so here it is so far. please throw all your usual hints and guides at me
Paint the underbelly and nose/mouth slightly lighter than the scales. The top of his head a different colour completely, maybe closer to the colour you're paintimg the shell. Looks good so far though.
How do you think is best to paint the shell? im thinking of going for the GW colour scheme (or as close as i can get with mixing the colours i have)
My other question is, does anyone know how to make a nice base for Mr.Basty with stuff i might have lying around?
Which GW colour scheme? The green shell, the black and red one or the purple one? Also what do you have lying around? Aquarium plants (plastic) Rocks Sand Plastic stir sticks Hot glue Pipe cleaners Tooth picks Cork Foam Airsoft pellets Super glue Sprues White glue Baking soda Putty Old cheap paint brush Wire Leaves Twigs
So then a dark forest green, with a really light almost lime green highlight and speckling on the edge spikes.
I havent done the highlights on the shell yet but heres an update. i did white in the crack to break it up but i dont know if it is working well or not. ps thanks for everyones continued time and help. and i tried a tiled base, thanks again bowser for the link!
I tried to make the underside lighter by using the same colour with abit more white. but you cant really tell from the photo, did i have the right method or should i add more white? or should just drybrush with white?
Mixing with white worked perfectly, it's subtle but still different. I think the shell will need a darker wash or a brighter white, with a few red outlines to make it look like the shell is glowing hot.
Your painting is really coming along, one thing you can do to add depth to your scheme is glazing, glazing will change the base colour slightly but enhance detail. On your shell try a green glaze, don't own a glaze? water down a green paint, 1 drop paint 4 drops water it will bring the greens together but it will change the white to a light green, you can glaze the body orange or yellow maybe and then take it further like glazing individual areas on the body, knees, chin, forehead etc in a contrasting colour. Great work so far, well done
Thanks everyone, ill try glazing and highlights later. so far ive added the tail, head thing and made the shell darker. im thinking of making light 'speckles' around the edge of the shell.
Holidays are great but i couldnt take my lizardmen :-( ive been thinking of getting more ranged units in my force and i like the rules for salamandas so i made one out of a cold one. i havent looked at the GW model so heres my take on a salamanda so far. Also anyone played with the points system for Aos. i hear summoning isnt as good ;-)
thanks, ive now filled the gap with putty and working on a jet of fire coming from its mouth also im trying a lava base from the link you gave me, thanks again for that i should be able to get a picture once the putty and glue is dry
Ive got the putty on and the base started. im going to use sand to make rougher ground. I went to see my Grandparents so i havent been able to do much more.