By now most of us have seen the leaks/pictures/rules of the upcoming generals handbook, with the new allegiance rules inbound, will you be sticking with Seraphon or go Order to get use the new goodies? Whatever your choice, please if you want to explain why. As for myself, i will be sticking with seraphon allegiance as i want to keep my guard as battleline units.
I think I will play with some Order, because having a dracoth or magmadroth would be fun. You know, for a new kind of monster mash. Flame cannons are nice to have too. And getting some sturdier deep strikers would be a good time. But for the most part will likely stick to a complete Seraphon fidelity. I just like the waybthe army plays, and already know how the units work together.
Seraphon all the way! The goodies in order are nice, but specialized battlelines (Guard/Knights) are more practical for my style.
Seraphon. My actual play style doesn't include units of saurus warriors or basic skinks. A couple of months ago it could have been different, but now? No way.
Seraphon (I think)! My answer will be official as soon as I get the General Handsbook, but I believe it will be impossible for me not to use Knight as battleline units!
Depends on the situation. I will probably run Seraphon almost exclusively, but it might be fun to run a free peoples gunline backed by Seraphon infantry. After all, cannons cover a multitude of sins.
I would have said Seraphon.... but earlier today I put in an order for an Exiles Hydra, so I don't really have any choice
For normal sized games - Seraphon. For unbeleivably massive games? Probably still Seraphon but potentially Order for a sprinkling of Aelfs of various flavour and Sylvaneth
What benefit do I get if I run only Seraphon? Do I get to use all the spells from my battletome? Or use any trpp unit as battleline? Sorry, havent given a proper read to the handbook, probably wont till it comes out.
You can easily run seraphon only, claiming them as "order Allegiance". Actually, if you use Seraphon as "Seraphon allegiance", you can use Guards and Knights as battleline. Later, Seraphon Allegiance will get its own spells and artefacts, as happened for Silvaneth.
Really?! This just sounds too kind! I cant believe it! Alright! I should be going Seraphon alliance then, I didnt know I could do that if I went full Seraphon! It means I wont have to field 2 battleline units and concentrate on one big unit of battle line instead, and I sure hope we get our own spells. You made my day into a happy one!
You still have to field the required number of battleline units. The difference is that with "order allegiance " only saurus warriors and Skinks are battleline, while with "Seraphon allegiance " also guards and knights are.
I understand, we still need to fill 2 battle line units, but that is fine, now I can use a batch of TG and of Saurus warriors. Btw in which page can I find the information to see which units count for that so that I can check such case for other factions too.
For me, purely Seraphon. I'm not a massively competitive player and am very based on aesthetics. The times I'll switch to "Order" is when I want to play swarms or skink chiefs