Announcement Extend Golden Serpent Deadline With Another Month?

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by The Red Devil, Jul 25, 2016.


Extend Golden Serpent Deadline?

Poll closed Jul 30, 2016.
  1. No

    15 vote(s)
  2. Yes

    15 vote(s)
  1. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    We have reviewed the entries that has been sent in so far, and it is a lot less entries than we would have expected by now. So far we have received a total of 17 entries.

    This brings up a question, on if we should extend the deadline and try to get more entries or if we should keep the current deadline.

    Extending the deadline can be positive for the community, as it is the traffic and entries that decide if we will get any prices next time we ask the sponsors.

    At the same time, we understand that for those that have worked hard to reach the deadline, this can be seen as a sucker punch by the administration at Lustria Online.

    So in this regard, we have decided that we will leave the choice to you, our community members.

    The poll will close in five days, and the result will decide the direction we will take, extend the deadline with a month or keep it as now.


    There have been some good advice on that most of the entries will come in the last day. With this in mind it could be a good idea if (and I say IF) the community decide to extend the competition, that it is only done if we get less than X entries.

    What do you think about this? and what do you believe is a good number of entries to the contest?

    Please note that the votes are anonymously, we cannot see who voted what. So unless you feel for it, there is no need to say why you voted X.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2016
    Xlanax_lot and Warden like this.
  2. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    I'm voting yes - If I knew what I was doing and or was good at painting I think the original deadline was sufficient all in I could complete a conversion in a day or two and paint in the same time (but I'm currently job hunting so my free time is plentiful) and I procrastinate a ton when I want something to be perfect it always puts me of even attempting something which is a big negative - but there are real life things that occur for those who work and those who don't. I think the sponsors have done a great job and 17 entries seems a lot to me but I'd love to see more considering that's across certain categories - it'll be spread pretty thin. I'll try encourage people I know to take part - If you could create a mini poster advertising it I and others could take it to local hobby stores and see if they'll hand them out or leave them on the counter for perspective members.

    I have a painting entry to submit still but I've focused on my conversion. - I will encourage my Fiance to have a go with greenstuff of what I have left so she can boost the numbers maybe :D - anyway I'm all for a bigger deadline as awesome as the prizes are the main prize is community spirit and encouraging others to make something unique for their armies and paint their collections.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I think the extension may work out, Another week and a big push from the community might move things along.
    Xlanax_lot and SlanntaClause like this.
  4. Fiona

    Fiona Well-Known Member

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    No thanks, I will want to enter my piece in other stuff like armies on parade, and you say not to post pics online during the voting period which looks to be another month on top of that. Unless you remove that requirement, I'll just pass for this year.
    SlanntaClause likes this.
  5. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    I like the anonymity it helps remove prejudice voting - but it is a pain when you're eager to show people what you're up to
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  6. Fiona

    Fiona Well-Known Member

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    I agree, it's fun to have a surprise, unfortunately my painting techniques and the way it matches with my army (basing etc), it's not going to hide my disguise from anyone. And I've wanted to do armies on parade ever since I bought my first model last year so I'm kinda pumped for that
    Xlanax_lot and Crowsfoot like this.
  7. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    Goodl uck with armies on parade I assume its a painting competition of a full army or something? - you'll do well no doubt. For single model painting though this competition is is perfect for a community. I think you could try use your colour theory and everything else to enter some models in here that are deliberately different to your normal style - that way you could enter with a shroud of anonymity :D and it would mean you get to try different techniques or colour schemes or just makes you experiment in general.
    Fiona likes this.
  8. Rokanos

    Rokanos Well-Known Member

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    I voted no, only cuz I busted my nuts trying to get my entry done in time (I work too damn much), but honestly I don't mind either way. If we extend it I could get an open entry and a conversion done probably.

    (I know I haven't submitted my painting entry yet, still working on pics ;) )
  9. Iskander
    Chameleon Skink

    Iskander Active Member

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    Personally, I got mine done very early on in a frenetic few days of work, but I was blessed with a sudden inspiration (if not with a great deal of talent :p ). So, I have no problem with giving an extension. I don't know what distractions occur in other peoples' lives, or how to spark inspiration on demand :)

    I suspect you (the organizers) are going to get a last-minute rush of submissions, because that's just how people are. But, if you think an extension is warranted, I won't oppose it :)
    SlanntaClause likes this.
  10. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    I think because of the competitive nature @Iskander may be right - last minute entries may soar as people try to perfect their entries in the allotted time
    spess likes this.
  11. neveroddoreven
    Temple Guard

    neveroddoreven Well-Known Member

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    For what it's worth, in my experience in these things there's always a last minute rush. Just like school assignments, deadlines motivate people. In the last competition I was in around 80% of the entries turned up on the last day. It may be worth considering an extension only if there's a need for it after the deadline. It's decent of you to give us a heads up about the situation either way.
  12. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    No real preference either way. I am complete and would love to see the entries, but if someone isn't done the day of and promises to finish the next day I don't have a problem with a day or two extension. But not further than that.

    Procrastination can be a good motivator but not the best way to do business all the time.
  13. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Think I'm the same as soon as pictures are released forum users will know what my entry is and I will know which is yours and @neveroddoreven and @Xlanax_lot as you cannot disguise your style or quality no matter how hard you try.
  14. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I voted yes and only because I want to see as many people enter as possible, I'm finished but not submitted yet, I think the people that have already finished would have still been finished if the original deadline was longer, extending just helps the forum users that saw the comp late.
    Bowser and SlanntaClause like this.
  15. Stefblo

    Stefblo Active Member

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    One month more plus one for voting is too much for me.
    SlanntaClause likes this.
  16. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    yeah the month extra seems a long time - if the next one (next year) can learn from this that could be set as an initial longer one It seems people okay with an extension agree on a shorter one than they're voting for
  17. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    Thanks for the information, it is our first attempt to host anything at this scale.

    I believe you have a good point, and that it is possible we will get a lot of entries at the end of the period. In hindsight I believe it would have been a better idea if the rules stated that everyone that was planning to make a entry had to send us a PM as well. Since that would allow us to better judge the participation level.

    With this in mind it could perhaps be a good idea to only extend the deadline (if yes is voted) if we have less than X entries. Just so we dont sit here with a lot of entries, and still extend it.

    That bring up the question, what do everyone believe would be a ok number of entries for the contest? Considering the number of categories and tiers.

  18. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    I think one month is long... But on the other hand, if we start advertising for the contest in the real world just now it's not so much... I personally think the deadline was long enough as my first entry was finished weeks before it and my second will be finished in time. An extension of the deadline would force me to make a third entry... And I would feel kind of dirty doing so, cause I will not start it before the original deadline ends. :p

    I guess some short extension (3-14 days) would be ok. And then we'll start advertising for next years competition...

    Maybe with posters of the winners saying stuff like "never thought I would win, but now I got a paintset and these nice original @woogity kroxigors! You should try it, too."...;)

    Edit to answer @The Red Devil's question:
    I think at least 5 for each category and tier is a good number... Which might be difficult for the master tier.. Maybe merge categories here...
  19. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I think there will be at least 4 in the Master category
    tom ndege likes this.
  20. Realjuan
    Cold One

    Realjuan Well-Known Member

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    Since its a contest with prizes I would say the best answer is normally to stick to the rules, else you open the door people to complaining about having been able to do something better if they had more time. If a late-entry wins, would the second person (on time) be a little sore about the extension? Now if the contest is on friendly terms, then I do not think any of these would matter. I have not been part of the community to know how strict with rules you are.

    I voted yes, but my vote should not count since I will 100% benefit from the outcome. I didnt post before, because I wanted to hear some of your views and I agree with all of them (maybe not share, but agree). I learned about the contest late (last week), and I moved out of my old apartment this weekend. I am trying to organize a painting session this weekend, but I have not even found a model I want to paint for this competition.

    How many late entries have shown interested in entering? If there are few continue as planned and re-evaluate per case?

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