AoS 2000pts Trying out this list, preparing for a Tourney

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by paxter, Aug 11, 2016.

  1. paxter

    paxter New Member

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    Greetings fellow cold blooded kin,

    I am preparing for a coming important Tourney, I am known as the unlucky one within my group for the epic rolls so I try to minimise luck as much as possible. This list is something I am thinking of using. I will be playing a few games on Friday and will post my report here to asses my games.

    Saurus Sunblood (general)
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur
    Saurus Eternity Warden
    Skink Starpriest
    Skink Priest

    Saurus Guard x10
    Saurus Guard x10
    Saurus Guard x10
    Ripperdactyl Riders x6
    Skinks x10
    Skinks x10

    Shadowstrike Starhost
    Eternal Starhost

    1960 TOTAL PTS

    The army basically is a combo hammer + anvil with a taz devil to create chaos

    First the hammer + anvil
    The saurus Guards is my centre with the whole company of heroes around them to keep the buffs up. The 3 saurus units will enjoy a 2+ save from the heroes, and the eternal starhost ability.

    Apart from that there is 4 other buffs
    1. from the sunblood one unit will get to reroll to hit in CC
    2. from the priest on a 4+ one unit gets to reroll charge, run and SAVES!
    3. from the Warden a 5" bubble that allows the Saurus Guard units to get +1 attack giving them 3 base attacks
    4. from the battalion all the guards gets D3 wounds per attack if they did not move that turn.

    My plan with this is to use the as a slow tank slowly moving up in uniform while keeping everyone within range of the buff bubbles. Their job is to take the hit or steamroll thru the opponents ranks.

    The Taz Devil
    The Ripperdactyl Riders are there create chaos. Their job is to swoop down and attack the opponent at their rear taking down as many as they can. I know they are slightly weaker now but they can still down a lot of things in the turn they come in. Being able to literally deep strike 3" away from the enemy and have a +1 to wound along with the other buffs like reroll hits, wounds, and the toad.

    The skinks have the important role to capture objectives while the rest move in and destroy

    I hope it works but do let me know of any other ideas of if it wont work as i think it should

    Will post a batrep tomorrow.


    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
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  2. Joeg
    Jungle Swarm

    Joeg New Member

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    Looks interesting - obvious issues are against anything causing mortal wounds thou

    And you lack the ability to cause mortal wounds also - coupled with lack of tens could cause you some issues against certain match ups - I'm thinking the new ogres!!!

    Also correct me if I'm wrong but you can only use your generals command ability not all of them (although the priests ability isn't a command one).

    Let us know how the practice games go.

  3. paxter

    paxter New Member

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    Was always on the assumption that you can use more than one command ability just that the general cant give inspiring presence and his command ability the same turn.

    But i was wrong which is also why I had an option (actually prefered) to use the bastiladon instead of the carnosaur. And have the sunblood as the general... but then again having a carnosaur has a cool factor to it lol
  4. Joeg
    Jungle Swarm

    Joeg New Member

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    Rules say that in your hero phase your general can use a command ability

    So I always took it that any others couldn't be used.

    Would make sense with some generals (archaon) for example having a command ability which lets others use there's even if they aren't the general.

  5. paxter

    paxter New Member

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    you were right i double checked the rules again. I am not used to having so many heroes. I guess i learn something new today.

    Ty sir.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    In this case i would say that the basti is better than the carno for 2 reasons :
    You won't use the Carnosaur’s command ability.
    You need some shooting.
    Bowser likes this.
  7. paxter

    paxter New Member

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    Some updates,

    had two games over the past week. In both games I manage to win both in an epic fashion. I dont think i can write down the full batrep but I can share some highlights to each game

    For game 1 it was against a very shooty tomb kings, (2x 20 skeleton archers), and a whole lots of other units he basically castled over his objective and kept tightening the circle so my ripperdactyl could not get into that juicy skeleton unit. I decided early on to use my chameleons, skinks, and carnosaur as fodder to give my guards an easier time rushing up field. He sent out his hard hitting units to slow me down which include a unit of 2 morghast, and a unit of 3 chariots to stop my "Vanguard" units. the chameleons were the first to go but not before holding up his morghast till the guards could come and clear them off in a charge. The carnosaur and the skinks focused on the chariots killing them off easily but themselves got shot down by a hail of arrows.

    By the time my guards got into combat they did ridiculously well, I timed it with the arrival of the ripperdactyl came with the realisation i forgot to move the frog marker the whole game so they ended up being quite underwhelming but they did hold a whole unit of 20 archers and a spearmen unit for the whole game lol.

    Him tightening the circle every turn actually worked against him as his very hitty general on a war sphinx was unable to get into combat. The game ended with a win as i held my objective and his was contested.

    For that game
    I realized that this army is ridiculously unmaneuverable as they need to keep within range of my heroes to get their buffs. Leaving the chameleons, skinks, carnosaur to remove enemy flankers, they rarely will be able to actually get in the main fight. Also the ripperdactyl were quite underwhelming but its my fault not theirs...

    Game 2 - Rotbringers vs Seraphon
    In this game i manage to take some photos ^^

    In this game my rotbringers friend was a little to excited to get into combat and completely left his general that gave 5+ fnp to the army and festus completely left in the open at the back. (even after i reminded him i had chameleons and rippers)

    The arrival of the seraphon literally at the back of his army completely caught him off guard. With now his whole center is being sandwiched between two seraphon forces.

    Towards the end I had to split the guards up one unit went back to my table quarter objective another went to contest one on the right of the picture and the rest went on to capture his main objective, being able to essentially run 10" was gold for me. Again in this game my carnosaur was just holding up the opponent (seen on the left of the photo) he was being buffed by the skink mage which was why he stayed there like pretty much the whole game.

    I won the game by 1 point, and tbh I am seriously worried about this lack of maneuverability cause even against rotbringers they can move easier. This movement issue isnt because of the unit, but because of that buffs I am trying to keep up. (on a side note i did lost half my guard in one turn due to mortal wounds... so yea need to watch for that)


    This Friday I will be playing again vs some ironjaws, hopefully i can get more painted... (got side tracked over the weekend and painted my night lords)

    Attached Files:

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  8. azazek
    Jungle Swarm

    azazek New Member

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    I play a similar list but with some salamander and raz insted of carnosaur. The kay to win (for my experience) is to delate enemy most fearsome units with rypt on first turn. The only realy problem for this list is mortal wounds.
    Bowser likes this.
  9. paxter

    paxter New Member

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    yea I hear you on those mortal wounds... In the game vs the rot bringers I deliberately use my chameleons to overkill a caster cause of that fear.
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  10. Draconder

    Draconder Active Member

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    Great battle report, it was a fun read. I am curious what the game against the ironjaws will be like. I do like that ability of the Saurus guard able to receive a 2+ save with the use of magic.
  11. kaintxu

    kaintxu New Member

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    First of all, great reports and always helpful as I have similar units on my lists.

    Quick question. You talk about chameleons all the time, but the list does not include them. Could you post your latest list please?

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