Hello everyone, I am new to the warhammer world. I do have a couple of questions being that so many heroes from our beloved lizard men died in the end times and a lot has seemed to change to the age of sigmar. I am kind of confused which units in the lizardmen/seraphon army can't I use anymore. I heard that some units and some heroes can no longer be used. Which heroes and units can I buy and use in the age of sigmar. Can someone please help.
You can still use all the units. Some have different names. The ones you can't buy(from gw): Tehenhauin Skink chief Jungle swarms Oxyotl All still usable though. Everything else is still available.
The Lizardmen AoS pdf on the GW website on the AoS rules page has the "conversions" for named characters in it. The AoS app also has the warscrolls for the 4 models Bowser listed under "Lizardmen" tab and not under the "Seraphon" tab