AoS 1000pts Sunclaw Starhost

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Des_DS, Aug 20, 2016.

  1. Des_DS

    Des_DS Member

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    Heya Everybody,

    I am going to an event today and bringing this:
    10 saurus warrior
    10 saurus warrior
    10 saurus warrior

    saurus sunblood (relic blade, legendary fighter, general)
    skink starpriest
    skink chief (obstinate blade)



    sunclaw starhost

    So I know the sunclaw starhost taken like this isn't as powerful as just a mob of 30(if you want to see the math for this its here) but I am sucker for battalion.

    +almost everyone has rend
    +salmander and stegadon has super rend
    +I get two artifacts
    +my general can ignore most rend

    -its a slow moving army
    -has very little range weapons and magic
    - my fast units are fragile
    -my general wants to be in the fight

    My plan:
    I will get 2 of my saurus warriors to absorb charges(I am not getting my hopes up for getting the charge) and then support them in the fight with the stegadon, salamander, sunblood, and the last warrior unit. The skink chief is there to grab objectives with his fast movement. I am hoping army sizes at the event are small so he won't run into to much trouble, the salmander will come with him if I expect trouble though.

    Hopefully, if I am not too busy in the next bit, I will write some info on how it does. Advice and comments are always welcome. Thanks for reading!
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Looks like a good list, a few weaknesses but you already know, so can counter balance with the strengths. Good luck at the event.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Can I ask you why the Skink Chief?
    His main job is to use his command ability and this is not the case. Wouldn't it be better to spend those 60 points on a second salamander (if you have the model, of course)?
  4. Des_DS

    Des_DS Member

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    There is a couple reasons:
    A) Salamanders are 80pts and I didn't feel making the space up would really benfit me as much as the starpriest or the stegadon. I could always drop a unit of warriors, but that would also not let me take the sunclaw starhost which was my real reason for making the list.

    B)I wanted to take a fighter character so I could give him an offensive relic. Yes, I could give the Starpriest a relic but any relic I give him would be wasted. I never want him in combat or taking wounds and if he is in combat or taking wounds, I am failing to use him or things hit the fan. If I had the points(and the model) I would have took a skink priest, better synergy, faster movement, fly, and better weapon.
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Salamanders are 60 points. But the relic is a really good use for the chief and the 60 points. How did the event go? Or have you done it yet?
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    As said, sallies are 60 pts.

    I know that order artefacts for casters aren't great, but also an offensive item for a skink chief won't do wonder.
    Put it this way: shit could hit the fan: the priest is your only casters and there are units that can pop from nowhere and assassinate him (TK' scorpions, for example). The talisman that gives a -1 to hit could save him.
  7. Des_DS

    Des_DS Member

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    OH MAN I FEEL LIKE SUCH A DICK. Sorry Killer Angel.

    I see your point, it makes sense, and to be honest, i never thought about that, in my meta there isn't many pop in units other then the odd ripperdactyl in shadowstrike starhost. If I would have runned into a unit like that I would have tried to keep my starpriest close to the stegadon or sunblood so if they did it, they would have to activate it first or risk it dying, failing at its task.

    It went well, 1000pts is more swingy then 2000pts. I went 2 major victories by tabling, 1 major lost by objective and 1 major lost tabling. I will put more info up tonight or tomorrow.
    Bowser likes this.
  8. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Don't worry mate. ;)

    Ah, yes, for this kind of things, it largely depends on your meta!

    2 and 2, eh?
    well, a debate on how to improve the 1000 pts list, now it's kinda moot... :p
    Bowser likes this.
  9. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Not moot, just less impending! I think a few ways to improve 1000 point sunclaw list would be appreciated! Never know when the opportunity to try again will strike.
    Des_DS likes this.
  10. Des_DS

    Des_DS Member

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    Yup not moot!:) This will be helpful for developing serephon play! KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

    Now on to game the game summaries.

    Game 1: Death Battleplan: Border War
    vampire lord(command trait: red fury, Artifact of Death: Tomb Blade, general)


    20 Zombies

    30 skeleton warriors

    5 blood knights

    80pts of reinforcements

    Death had first turn. He mange to claim both the middle objectives with his Zombies and Skeletons. He manages to chew through all my saurus warriors by the top of third turn but I murder his blood knights with my stegadon and the sunblood, I picked off the vampire with the stegadon's bow woot. His skeletons get into my stegadon and murder it, but I tied them up with the sunblood. On the other side the skink chief and salamander held up the zombies. I murdered my way through the skeletons by the bottom of three BUT at the top four(note: he has been getting first turn every battle round) he regenerate the zombies in a way to get my sunblood to be in combat with them. My salamander also dies this turn:(. The battle ends and my sunblood and skink chief almost killed all the zombies, the startpriest died to a unit of dire wolves he summoned because I had him out stealing objectives. The score was 13 to 31. I am had some bad placement of my units a round or two and he scored my objective a couple rounds.

    Major Lost: Objective

    Game 2: THE MIRROR MATCH, Seraphon Battleplan: Blood and Glory

    Oldblood on Carnosaur(command trait: tenacious, artifact of order: relic blade, general)

    35 Saurus Warrior

    10 Saurus Guard

    He gets first turn and walks up everything and passes it. I moved my 2 Saurus warriors groups up into some forests. I moved up my stegadon and shot at his oldblood and landed 7 wounds on him. Next turn he moved his whole army up and couldn't get any good charges off. My next turn the I kept everyone where they were but my salamander, which i moved up. Sadly he was still out of range but my stegadon shot his bow and did 6 wounds, killing his oldblood(That was lucky shooting). Top of turn 3 he charges with both units. The guard landing on my stegadon and salamander.My 2 saurus warrior units was in combat with the blob of saurus warriors. He activates his guard first killing the salamander and landed 4 wounds on my stegadon, I activate a saurus warrior unit and kill 6 off his saurus warrior blob, making him loses the extra attack. I ground down the saurus guard by the bottom of 3 and saurus warriors by the bottom of 4.

    Major Victory: Tabling

    Now time for the bad news I got busy:( boo! This is all I am getting out today, the rest will be out before the end of the week.
    Lord Skal'terakk and Bowser like this.

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