AoS dwarfepics death lists

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by dwarfepic, Sep 1, 2016.

  1. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    Now, i know that this is in the seraphon lists section of the forum, but i couldnt find anywhere better to put my death lists... So here is my flesh eaters list.

    2k fleash eaters:
    General: ghoul king on terrorghiest 400
    Hero: ghoul king on foot: 100
    Hero: varghulf courtier: 160
    Hero: crypt ghast courtier: 80

    30 crypt ghouls: 300
    10 crypt ghouls: 100
    10 crypt ghouls: 100

    6 crypt horrors: 280
    3 crypt flayers: 160

    Zombie dragon: 320

    Make your allegiance death to gain command traits and artifacts, as you have enough battle line with ghouls. Pick the command trait that lets you add one to your deathless minions roll, and the artifact thet lets your general get back up once per game after dying, with d3 wounds remaining.

    This list is very hard to kill. The varghulf is the ultimate coutier, replenishing all of your units models. Re gaining an average of 2 crypt horrors and 3 crypt ghouls to units near the courtier is realy annoying for opponents.

    The king on terrorghiest is another way of keeping your guys alive with his unholy vitality spell.

    The king on foot when buffing crypt horrors turns them into complete killing machines, grinding almost all infantry into the ground. With re rolls to hit from a nearby king and extra attacks from his spell, they for me have killed thirty bloodrevers in one round.

    Your thirty ghouls are a tank of a tarpit. With extra models coming back from the dead, from both coutiers, theu are insanely hard to chew through. Also if the general is nearby, you get deathless minions.

    Both the terrorghiest and zombie dragon are melee beasts, and are some of the games best monsters for melee. Use them to rip apart elite imfantry and unmounted monsters.

    I will, in the future try to cover most of the death factions, and hopefuly next go for soulblight.

    Again, i didnt know where to post this, so i put it here.
    InfamousBeany likes this.
  2. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    Great to see some Death lists, currently in the process of trying to cram as much cheese as possible into mine so I'll hopefully be able to contribute more once I've got those sorted.

    Just a suggestion- I have never really found crypt flayers to be particularly good, they are just so underwhelming for their points cost. You could potentially remove them, and replace them with the Ghoul Patrol battalion (100pts), which consists of A Crypt Ghast Courtier and 3 units of Crypt Ghouls. The battalion lets you set up all its units close to any table edge, as well as automatically regenerating D6 ghouls per turn, no rolls needed. This will still give you the mobility and battlefield control of Flayers, as well as keeping your units obnoxiously difficult to put down, not to mention a chance to neutralise the enemy artillery that we hate so very much on the first turn. You will then have 60 points left over, which you may want to leave as a summoning pool (to summon a wall of Zombies to block enemy movement) or even take a Cairn Wraith, world's your oyster.

    Just my 2 cents, looking forward to future lists!
    Bowser and dwarfepic like this.
  3. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    I like the idea of the ghoul patrol, but normaly i find that more units pays of better than formations. Normaly the units of 10 ghouls are meant to stay back and gaurd home objectives, so do not need to have the on patrol rule from the formations.

    In my experiances also, crypt flayers rarely pay for themselves, but they are fast and can do mortal wounds. If gw dropped the price to 150 then they may be a higher performing unit.

    For a formation i would most likely take the kings ghouls, so that my defensive ghouls can be better at their job. This also allows the crypt horrors to pile in further and maximise attacks.
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Why not in your own "Tactics for other armies: general handbook updates"? ;)

    It would be an incentive to post other lists in it.
    dwarfepic and Bowser like this.
  5. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    Vampire mix 2k

    Vamipre on zombie dragon 440(general)

    10 zombies: 60
    10 zombies: 60
    10 zombies: 60

    Mortis engine:180
    mortis engine:180
    10 blood knights: 520
    5 hexwraiths: 180
    5 hexwraiths: 180
    5 hexwtaiths: 180

    This is a list im not sure about and will definately need improvment, but it is still good all the same.

    Surround the dragon with everthing except the hexwraiths and the zombies. Put the blood knights in front blocking the dragon. Then have the mortis engines on either side of the blood kights. Leave the hexwraiths back to hit objectives. Summon the zombies to weigh down units that you want to avoid.

    Use the main force to hit the most expensive targets. It is fast enough to hit most things. Buff the blood knights with the lord. Pick the warlord trait giving you plus one to deathless minions. The main tank is allmost unstoppable. Temple guard will melt to mortis engines and zombie dragon breath. Hexwraiths can deal with most other objective holders.
    Bowser likes this.

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