So to get my army numbers up higher I based some of my loose skinks ^.^ - Shaman, champion and 10 archers. I don't have a great deal of bases spare so I've stuck 10 archers in a volley unit.
But you know, the count is about painted models not based models... It thought @Crowsfoot has made a clear statement about it!
I'm glad I have over come the sea of grey plastic, I just sold around 400 unpainted models and I now have around 100 to paint which is a relief. You easily get carried away buying models that then just sit in a box and they will stay sat in a box until you sell them and the next guy buys it. @SlanntaClause has a massive task ahead of him (as we all do) lets hope he is strong and his name sake sends hundreds of elves to help him.
I'm more of a collector at this point - and gonna do some converting. I got some (lots) of new models today - here is the listing of them because I'm lazy: " Warhammer Armies Lizardmen Lizardmen Battle Magic Cards 8th Edition Rules small format rulebook 16 x Temple Guard includes command models 13 x Part build Saurus Warriors 13 x Saurus Spearmen 5 x Close Combat weapon Saurus Warriors 10 x Old Style Saurus Warriors 6 x Cold One Riders Lord Croak, does not have a flying base Stegadon kit Saurus Oldblood Skink Chieftain 10 x Blowgun Skinks 19 x Javelin Skinks + Cheiftain have been converted from old style bow skinks 9 x Old style Skinks A Kroxigor Proxy model 3 x Salamander Proxy 3 x Razordon Proxy A big bag of bits " Here are the Tremors ^.^ these are reaper minis terrible picture I know - but you can google them and the rest is some glimpses of what I got. All in all my army total went from about 160 - to 260+ so I got a nice amount and my kroak total went to 4 and my Slann total is now 20 - and my sanity level is now 0, and my addiction level is over 9000
Added some scales to my dinosaur conversion it didn't turn into a replication of the pattern already there I just free formed them to make him look like he has some natural protection up there. all comments welcome
I'm gonna do one more brush over with liquid green stuff as you can see it doesn't cover everything yet - then the tail spikes will be made into spikes rather than rounded ends. Then maybe toy with some skink riders? who knows - maybe teeth then. that will depend on the tail spikes
The backs not really Slann stable - without breaking off afew spine bits... unless I create a special platform above them I could try I guess...i'm using these toys as practice for more conversions and that - get my confidence up for doing more in the future.
My main concerns is not making it look silly as my golden serpent conversion looked all disproportionate and silly.
Maybe give him a throne of vines or something, they can wrap around the plates and be be secured to the body. A lot of green stuff, but you could maybe try blending with other materials.
Would be good but before I attempt anything like that i'd have to try using green stuff with wires never done anything like that - need more greensuff too mines alsmost ran out
So my recent army bundle had a bag of bits which was super handy ...ahem you'll see what I mean It had lots of Lizardmen bits but I had these 1 armed temple guard laying around that I wanted to give weapons. Most gaurds at doors tend to stand with polearms at least to my knowledge so I figured these spears work well enough. They have a sort of slot for shield /massive circle on their other hand I'm going to use this as a sort of signet ring door key to somewhere they guard - I do have shields but sometimes you need both hands to pull off some nice spear wielding action so that's my thinking at present .
My biggest issue at the moment is finding square bases for my models - when I used to play the LOTR Warhammer every figure you got came with 3-4 extra bases (all be it round in this case) but my point remains that the model to base ratio had always been disproportionate. So now when I'm getting Warhammer I can't understand how there are so little bases . ...please help me send me some square that all your bases belong to me (I know this to be a quote... or at least think I know it to be a quote but don't know where from)
Has anyone made a Stegadon model from the kit before? - I'm asking because I have 3 of the plastic ones now and not a single one of the top platforms connect properly either into the holes for poles in the body or the steps don't connect to the top platform - I may never get a Kit for one but I'm just curious at how people find building that part of the model. Will probably be getting more stegadons in the future though curse my addiction.
They don't unless you push and twist it into place they should snap into the sockets on the steggys back.
So I like to use my blog /forum posts to interact as much as I can with you guys as well as updating you on my collection and my small projects I attempt. This post I wanted to ask what people generally think about the "treasures of the old ones" - I personally don't think there are enough of them - The book I'm currently on has 10 listed in the rules (I think certain hero's have specific ones I guess) but I think 10 on a 2 page spread is a little low for the race to control. I think the amazon women actually guard a trove of them so there's that. Any thoughts? do people like making up their own treasures and artefacts /relics? I'm certainly going to give it a go soon.