8th Ed. 1000pts list... trying out fantasy

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by dwarfepic, Jun 9, 2016.

  1. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    Now, i may be an age of sigmar fanatic, but i want to see where all the AoS hate is coming from, so i got my friend to give me a game. Up against Dark elfs, I fared better that expected, and managed a draw. However I would like to improve my list, and the steaming jungles of lustria online seemed the best place to do it.

    My current list
    slann, higher state of conciousness (lore of shadow)
    10x saurus spears, full command
    15x saurus clubs
    10xtemple guard, full command
    3x kroxigor, champion

    as a side note, war hydra killing would be nice...
  2. PestilenceoftheGods

    PestilenceoftheGods Member

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    I apologise for bring back a relativley old post but you need skinks. Less saurus more skinks. Skirmishers can kill hydras.
    dwarfepic likes this.
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Maybe swap the spear Saurus for some skinks?
    dwarfepic likes this.
  4. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    OK i will try this. im not sure how easy it will be for skinks to actually wound the hydra. would chameleons work instead? if not i have plenty of skinks, but what do i give them? boltspitters or javelins?
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Blowpipes have more ranged damage,
    but they suck in close combat.
    mostly they are a harassment unit.

    if you have enough core already I would Get a unit of chameleons instead.
    dwarfepic likes this.
  6. PestilenceoftheGods

    PestilenceoftheGods Member

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    Agreed. Cham skinks would be the best option. With their high Ballistic Skill they can move and shoot twice at long range and still get poison attacks.

    Poison is how you take down a hydra. Auto wounds on a hit hit role of a 6+.

    If you don't have the points for Cham skinks regular skinks with jav/shield are your next best option.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2016
    dwarfepic likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Both Chameleons and regular skinks will done fine. Chameleons will be more effective, but they are also more costly and more importantly, don't count towards your core tax. I think that decision should be based on your army composition and remaining points.

    In regards to regular skinks, javelins are the superior choice for a couple of reasons...
    • most of the time you won't be able to take advantage of double tapping with blowpipes because you have moved and are at long range (which would require 7's to hit and thus squandering your poison... and you ALWAYS want to take advantage of poison)
    • javelins are quick to fire, meaning that not only can you move and shoot without penalty, but you can always elect to stand and shoot even if your opponent charges from a distance that would normally not allow you to do so
    • javelin skinks come with shields, which is a nice little bonus

    So while blowpipes are superior under optimal conditions, javelins are superior under most conditions.
    dwarfepic likes this.
  8. dwarfepic
    Chameleon Skink

    dwarfepic Active Member

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    Thanks for the responses! I will try out some skinks in my next taster game of fantasy. I was also wandering, what is the best lore for a slann. Lore of shadow looked at first appealing, but never realy paid of. Ontop of that the slann never got attacked, and so higher state of conciousness was a waste of points. What do you guys think?
  9. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    yea higher state is not as good as you would think, due to the penalites.

    Ps. don't forget with blowpipes, double shooting is optional. it's better to single shot if you are up a 7+ (and no poison) with double,
    that way it drops it back to a 6+ and you get your poison back.

    Pps. oh don't forget that all skinks including chameleons get +2 cover from being in water.
    and that stacks with the +1 that chameleons already get. ;)
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That is a pretty tough question because there really isn't one "right" answer. The best lore for the Slann depends on many factors:
    • your playstyle/tactics
    • your army composition
    • playing a specific army vs. an all comers list
    • how much you're willing to invest in magic (some lores require more powerdice)

    That said, some of the more popular choices are:
    • Light - really helps negate our army's greatest weaknesses: low WS and I
    • Life - rock solid defensive lore; ignoring miscasts on a 2+ is great and Dwellers can be a game changer
    • Death - an amazing offensive lore with the ability to generate more PD; great for character sniping and purple sun is deadly (pun intended)
    • Shadow - excellent lore for hexes and a game changing augment in mindrazor
    • High Magic - extremely versatile with a good range of different types of spells; plus the ability to swap out spells
    • 8 Signature spells via Wandering Deliberations - also very versatile and relatively low casting values; no uber spell however

    My personal favourite choice is the Lore of High Magic (always with Focus of Mystery!!!). I'm not saying that this is the best choice, but this is the one I find myself using most often. I feel it does require a slightly greater amount of skill to fully utilize, but upon doing so it has a huge payoff. Also, I find it to be an extremely fun lore to use because the lore attribute has the effect of creating a very unique and strategic experience. Where this lore really shines is in the creation of all comers lists because it offers versatility and in game customization that cannot be found elsewhere.

    I agree that Higher State of Consciousness is usually a waste of points. I never play it.

    My top choices for disciplines are (in no particular order):
    • Soul of Stone
    • Becalming Cognition
    • Harmonic Convergence
    • Focus of Mystery or Wandering Deliberations

    The disciplines that I would never include in my list are as follows:
    • Harrowing Scrutiny
    • Transcendent Healing
    • Unfathomable Presence
    • Higher State of Consciousness

    BS shooting is utterly worthless against camo skinks hanging out in water... -3 to hit is just brutal! Just watch out for those magic missiles that will ruin their day real fast.
    dwarfepic and n810 like this.

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