Can you imagine what GW would charge for a model of that size?!?! You could buy a house for that cost and still have left over money for a cup of coffee!
Wasn't there a GW representative at Forge World open day who commented on future aesthetic changes? The new races will look different to the old ones. Ooruks will not look the same as the orcs we currently have. As such, when they get round to releasing Ooruks, the old models will cease production. He did say that you can still use your old models as ooruks, but you won't be able to buy normal orc boys again. I noticed that square base sets got removed from the online store. I was planning on buying some to keep new models compatible for 8th edition, but it seems like I'll have to shop around now for 40 mm squares. Personally, I would love new models for Chameleon Skinks, Tehenhauin, Stegadons, Cold Ones, and maybe Kroxigors.
Wouldn't mind skinks getting a makeover.... a new dino would be nice to maybe giant dino crocs( not like the two legged kroxigor more like the crocs we se today just huge)
Agreed. Hoping for something I could field regularly. Although I would likely buy a forgeworld model sized like n8s. lol. please no. D:
That isn't surprising, I was figuring that this would be the way of the future. I think they want AoS to distance itself from Warhammer Fantasy as much as possible.
I would love to see something akin to a Kaprosuchus, or other form of Notosuchian. Something similar to this perhaps: Note that this is not an accurate Kaprosuchus, it has way to many horns and the like, but I think it really fits the warhammer aesthetic, what with everything basically being a more "badass" version of real creatures. As for the models ceasing production, that is obviously a shame, but they won't do it until the new ones come out, and the time when the new Lizardmen come out is probably some time shortly before the heat death of the universe, so I would not be too concerned about it.
I'm intrigued by this comment - how were the Finecast Resin models an 'utter failure for the company? I prefer finecast resin over metal, and models still seem to be being sold in it? Metal models are all gone (as far as I am aware), but if not resin do you think it will all go plastic when things get remodelled?
The initial release of Finecast saw tremendous backlash due to the extremely poor casting quality. They became almost universally known as Finecrap, Failcast, etc. The general consensus didn't really seem to change even though the quality of the casts did improve over time. It can be assumed that the sales were pretty poor because they stopped releasing new models in Finecast resin. What was the last new model you saw released in Finecast resin? There are still a few legacy models in Finecast, but nothing new and I wouldn't be surprised to see them slowly phased out. Eventually everything is going to be plastic. Over the last couple of years all new models have been plastic and I can't see that trend changing in the future.