So guys, what are your ideas for models/ conversions for rhinosaurs? I am not a fan of the bigger cold one tgeory, so I was mainly looking at toy Dino's. Your thoughts and ideas are appreciated.
some ideas i had:
im going to use orruk gore gruntas and sand off the orc rider, then replace them with ancients after some bending of the legs. ogre kingdoms mournfangs seem good too.
I actually like the Gore Gruntas, they look really pre-historian which fits nicely. If I ever get to do an Ancients Horde I will use two plastic Stegadons side by side. Still going to be a long time if I even get to do it
I'd ask a question on the Mantic forums to get an official response on whether this would be allowed - he Errata states that units must have a minimum of 50%+1 models. As such, an Ancients on Rhinos horde would need 4 models to be legal.
The thing is that the base has be feel full of models, the MMC rule is there to ensure you don't make a horde with 6 small models. Of course it will depend on the TO to say if they accept it or not. I first panned on using three of the old metal models, but they are just too heavy and not very good looking to be honest ....
i would assume that a "rhinosaur" would be mammalian. as someone else said, i think they look suitably prehistoric.
My horde of Ancients on Rhinosaurs: I have used toy dinosaurs (a T-Rex and a Carnotaurus) made by Schleich. They came in a very weird color scheme, especially the Carnotaurus, so I repainted them into something a little more credible. They are too big to fit more than two on a 150x100 base, so I put extra riders on them to fulfill model count.
This is a cool idea for these guys. They look great! Amazing job on the repaint. So much subtle detail. Fantastic work here.
Thanks. The repaint is actually very simple. A single coat of brown (Flat brown for the T-Rex and something more towards tan for the Carnotaurus), and then I just played with a black wash to achieve the texture and camouflage effects.
Mammalian? How come? '-saur' comes from the Greek 'sauros' meaning 'lizard' or 'reptile', and in the generation of portmanteau or compound names the first element is often a descriptor with the last element always being the animal type, particularly in the case of dinosaurs. For example, 'bactrosaurus' comes from 'baktron' (club) and 'sauros', so named because club-shaped spines projected from some of its vertebrae. 'Giganotosaurus' comes from 'gigas' (giant), 'noton' (back) and sauros and was so named because it was huge. As such, 'Rhinosaur' would most likely mean 'lizard that has rhino-like features'.
Well thats a better explanation i gave. To be fair i couldnt find a large cav 'dinosaur' that fit the bill (IE: didnt look like a toy to me), the gore gruntas look neat, and i figured they would employ non lizards to do something within their society that could also double as war beasts.
From wikipedia : So Rhinosaur would simply be something like "nose reptile/lizard", or a reptile with a rather big nose or similar. You can also take it as being short for rhinocerosaur. In fact some member of the RC described their initial idea as being triceratops-like with a big nose hord and an armored head, so CLASSICFLAVA convertions perfectly represent this initial idea. Back in their early beta they even used to have the big shield rule (to go with the "armored head" theme), but it proved too much for the unit, and balancing them would have jumped their already expensive point cost too high, so it was removed instead.