KoW Clash of Kings 2016 Debrief

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by BAE, Oct 24, 2016.

  1. BAE

    BAE Well-Known Member

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    So, Clash of Kings over! As it was my first ever tournament of any kind I wasn't really sure what to expect but when I started all of this I had set myself the goal of winning two games out of six and I at least did that! 2 wins, 1 draw, 3 losses, and an overall finish of 50/75. It will take way, way too long to write a full bat rep for each of the six battles, so I will explain the rough strategies/tactics used and the outcome with more of a focus on the unit analysis. Hopefully that will be enough for people!

    Battle 1
    Pillage! vs Goblins (5 Objectives)
    With 17 drops my opponent was always going to have the advantage in deployment, so I chose a side of the board that had three buildings and castled my army behind them. There were three objective markers in the rough vicinity so I was hoping to use my smaller footprint, stronger units to hold him up. In response, he weighted most of his own army that side as well and spent the whole game struggling to manoeuvre. One of his legions couldn't fit between two of the buildings so I spent the game not killing it, and his inability to charge with it meant being able to get closer to pick off the war trombones, which are lethal. Even so, his numbers counted and I was getting butchered. After realising I had lost, in turns 5 and six I completely changed tactic and ran to the two counters near the other flank we weren't concentrating on while making a concerted push on the right-most of the three we were squabbling over. I had to kill a few units, and it was a turn 7 surge that got the last objective, which was in the middle of his deployment area, so it ended as a win! Albeit with Tournament Points (TPs) deducted for losing considerably more than him.

    Stand out units:
    Clan Lord on Fire Drake - breath attacks all turn and in turn 6 he pivoted and jumped to capture an objective
    GFE - the ability to surge allowed for more manoeuvrability to get to the last objective needed

    Battle 2
    Push! vs Empire of Dust
    Two large buildings in the centre meant smaller fronts open - Salamander horde held up one, while other units tried to hold off others round the right flank. CLoFD did his usual trick of hiding behind a building, ready to jump over when their lines had moved forwards, but surge completely removes this threat as he can charge in a 360 arc. It was rather scrappy and I only lost my a whisker - one higher on a nerve roll and I would have had it. It was all a bit messy so it was hard to take away any learnings from it.

    Battle 3
    Invade! vs Kingdoms of Men
    He chose an MSU (Multiple Small Units) list, which I've never faced before. Having loads of troops made using the CLoFD impossible as I couldn't land anywhere. Most of his army charged down my right flank, while I moved down my left flank, with all the fighting happening pretty much down the centre of the board. After a long day I completely lost focus, so I moved to counter the threat of the knights when I should have pushed forwards and let him kill the units I had on my side. I was still able to scratch out a draw, helped in part by the high points value of my CLoFD on his side. I need to remember to keep my eye on the prize next time - I could have won this.

    Stand out units:
    GFE / FEs - he used Elohi allies, tried to fly over with one of them and my GFE did a 360 degree charge into their rear

    Battle 4
    Loot! vs Dwarfs
    This was my only strong win. It was a high defence build, so half of his army was Def 6. Realising that he couldn't win the movement game he castled on my left flank and moved forward to try and capture and hold the objectives, but he slightly spread out his left flank of war machines and a troop into the centre of his deployment area. As this was one of the few opponents I would be able to out manoeuvre I spread out, putting enough on my left flank to keep his force occupied, while placing CLoFD, Kaisenors and Hunters on my mid-right. These three swept round, killing each of the units on his left flank and finally coming into his rear of his main force. Attacked on all three sides it was a killing spree. I killed 1405 points, he killed 100 points (Ghekkotah).

    Stand out units:
    GFE & FEs - These were absolutely stunning, particularly the GFE being able manoeuvre in tight spaces on his 50x50 base. GFE got loads of flank / rear charges, so 16 / 24 attacks always wounding on 2s.
    CLoFD - Speed and ability to take a cannon to the face before attacking helped him mop up the right flank.
    Kaisenors - Speed was very useful, but they only really performed because Dwarfs are so, so slow.

    Battle 5

    Dominate! vs Dwarfs
    This battle swung wildly, with stunning luckiness / unluckiness for both players. I got completely out deployed and had not realised just how irritating a heavily armoured individual with Wings of the Honeymaze could be. His King ended up killing my Kaisenors and Herald by the end! I spread out too much and should have castled on a flank, pushing forwards and then into the centre. As it was, he was able to better deal with each of my units. I probably would have won were it not for a snake eyes roll on a nerve test, which then left my CLoFD facing a rear charge from a 25 attack horde of CS(2) Dwarfs. In the end I lost quite badly.

    Stand out units:
    Ghekkotah Hunters - Placing them wide on my left they ran around a regiment of Dwarfs enough to stop them getting to the centre by the end.
    GFE - Flank surge on a steel behemoth was the only thing able to put wounds on it.

    Battle 6
    Control! vs Goblins
    With 19 drops I was always going to struggle, particularly as this was about controlling board areas. I did the only thing I could do and castled, hoping to move up the right flank and then in towards the centre on his side. I completely messed up deployment, meaning most of my army got tied up around buildings so he could pick off unit after unit. A stupid move from my CLoFD got him flank charged by trolls and killed. All in all and absolute white wash, but at least I didn't get tabled!

    All in all it was an interesting experience, and I'm definitely looking forward to future tournaments! In terms of list changes, the Ceremonial Guard and Fire Drake are going to be dropped. The Ceremonial Guard didn't really do much during games - I didn't find they worked well in combination with other units, mostly just being cannon fodder or work horses. The Fire Drake did alright, but as he isn't as manoeuvrable as a GFE he rarely got into combat (front charge with only 8 attacks is fairly useless). Most of his benefit came from being height 4 and therefore able to flame over the top of other units, which doesn't earn 190 pts back. The other downside to this height was that he becomes a sitting target. As such, the Fire Drake and Ceremonial Guard will be replaced with another horde of Fire Elementals and another Mage Priest with surge, but this time mounted and with Myrddin's Amulet of the Fire-Heart. The Mage Priest will not only be quicker, it will still be able to breath over the top of units (height 2), will get cover from other units, and will be able to surge elementals (and in one turn breath attack and surge in the same turn!). All of this for less points and only 6 less breath attack.
    Bowser, Crowsfoot and Itepixcauh like this.
  2. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    I was so hoping for this.

    I must confess I've been following closely the results for each round to see how you did and I must say I'm really impressed, you even managed to get to 25th place at some point which is amazing. Congrats!

    By the sounds of it you could have had al least 4 wins with a bit of luck so I can see you got the hang of the game really well. On your list I agree on both changes, Ceremonail guard is kind of here nor there in terms of combat and phalanx is not really that useful if you only have one unit, and I've been testing the Fire Drake and I quite like it but his usefulness depends on the army you are facing and that kind of spoils the point of a tournament scene, if it had piercing 1 then it would be much better even if it costed 10 more points.

    I'm also thinking of going full FE / GFE on my lists, I really like my Tyrants but having surge is really a game changer.

    Bowser, BAE and Crowsfoot like this.
  3. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    You won 2 and a draw good going and sounds like you learnt a lot about how the army performs against different enemies,did you enjoy the experience, will you go next year?

    50/75 and you were the only Salamander player ;)

    Yeah and Pictures?
    Bowser and BAE like this.
  4. BAE

    BAE Well-Known Member

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    And here are some pictures! My girlfriend came to watch to see what it was all about, and took some pictures. Unfortunately some of them miss out bits of the board, but they give a good idea I think. Unfortunately we forgot to take pictures of Battle 1, so first post - Battle 2! If I had been able to kill that one last unit with the CLoFD & Lekelidon I would have won. I failed the Nerve roll by 1.

    IMG_20161022_135103.jpg IMG_20161022_135852.jpg IMG_20161022_140013.jpg IMG_20161022_141222.jpg IMG_20161022_141227.jpg IMG_20161022_141912.jpg IMG_20161022_143829.jpg IMG_20161022_150732.jpg IMG_20161022_152336.jpg IMG_20161022_152343.jpg
    Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  5. BAE

    BAE Well-Known Member

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    Battle 3. And looking at the next few pictures on the shared file it looks as though she wandered off to take pictures of some of the awesome models that were around...

    IMG_20161022_160743.jpg IMG_20161022_160747.jpg IMG_20161022_165917.jpg
    Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  6. BAE

    BAE Well-Known Member

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    Battle 4. a.k.a 'The barnstormer'

    IMG_20161023_104607.jpg IMG_20161023_105948.jpg IMG_20161023_110554.jpg IMG_20161023_111244.jpg IMG_20161023_112018.jpg IMG_20161023_112651.jpg IMG_20161023_113048.jpg IMG_20161023_113703.jpg IMG_20161023_115027.jpg IMG_20161023_115037.jpg
    Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  7. BAE

    BAE Well-Known Member

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    Battle 5. The second half of which my girlfriend played Baldurs Gate on my pad, so pictures missing...

    IMG_20161023_131557.jpg IMG_20161023_132442.jpg IMG_20161023_133810.jpg IMG_20161023_135812.jpg
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  8. BAE

    BAE Well-Known Member

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    And finally, Battle 6 a.k.a. 'The Mauling'

    IMG_20161023_154235.jpg IMG_20161023_154830.jpg IMG_20161023_154832.jpg IMG_20161023_160710.jpg

    Is that enough pictures for everyone??
    Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  9. BAE

    BAE Well-Known Member

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    Thank you for keeping an eye out for me! Yes, I could have had 4 wins out of that, but then one of my wins was a lucky one so it swings both ways. I agree that Piercing 1 on his breath would be suddenly make him very useful, or even the ability to upgrade him to fly in the same way as the CLoFD can.

    Yes, definitely learned a lot, particularly as I've never faced any of those armies before, except KoM but then I hadn't faced a MSU list. Definitely going again next year. And I will be trying to find tournaments that I can go to in between!
    Bowser, Crowsfoot and Itepixcauh like this.
  10. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    It's good to hear, I'm surely looking forward to some more tournaments reports. I will find the time to write one myself of the first game I had for this years league against undead.

    Other than that, thanks for representing the whole Salamander community, we are all very proud! :cool:
    Bowser and BAE like this.
  11. BAE

    BAE Well-Known Member

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    Thank you and you're welcome! I wanted to hit it big for my first ever tournament, but now I'm playing the long game - I'm going to use the whole year getting as many games in as possible, tweaking the list and developing tactics in preparation for Clash of Kings 2017. I've set myself the target of finishing in the top half, and the stretch target of top third.

    I look forward to your Undead bat rep. Make sure you find time! :mad::p
    Bowser, Crowsfoot and Itepixcauh like this.
  12. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Reading what you have put down really makes me want to get gaming more, we are going to the Horus Heresy weekend on the 29th but if I can get some games in and become a bit more experienced I will make the trip to KOW 2017 defo.
    Bowser and BAE like this.
  13. BAE

    BAE Well-Known Member

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    Well the offer to play me is always there if you can get to Derby/Nottingham or Barnet!
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  14. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Oh, God now you two are getting this damn idea into my head to go to the CoK 2017 tournament.... I must be mad to even consider it :rolleyes:

    I just hope the date makes it impossible for me to go or my wife will kill me :D:D
    Bowser, BAE and Crowsfoot like this.
  15. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Plenty of time to get saving up, flights are pretty cheap :)

    Just imagine a weekend of KOW and beer!!
    Itepixcauh, Bowser and BAE like this.
  16. BAE

    BAE Well-Known Member

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    Why would it be mad to consider it?? It's an incredible experience! After you two have supported me so well in the run up to CoK 2016 it would be great to finally meet you both. If we're all running Sallies we could debrief after each game to see tactics / strategies worked or not before going into the next game!
    Itepixcauh, Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  17. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Congrats! Sounds like a fun tournament with a lot of good lessons learned! The set up on the boards looks great. Here's to your continued success.
    BAE, Crowsfoot and Itepixcauh like this.
  18. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    It's done!, go check it out.

    If I go I will surely be running Salamanders. I really want to go, it seems like an awesome weekend and an even better experience but I really don't know if I would be able.
    Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  19. Negator

    Negator Member

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    Neat! what was the list exactly?
  20. BAE

    BAE Well-Known Member

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    Clan Lord on Winged Fire Drake w/ Ensorcelled Armour
    Mage Priest w/ Surge & Inspiring Talisman
    Herald w/ Diadem of Dragonkind
    Greater Fire Elemental
    Fire Drake
    Fire Elemental Horde w/ Blade of Slashing
    Salamander Prime Horde
    Ceremonial Guard Regiment
    Ghekkotah Hunter Troop w/ Bows
    Ghekkotah Warrior Regiment
    Kaisenor Lancer Regiment w/ Maccwar's Potion of the Caterpillar
    Crowsfoot likes this.

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