AoS Guards on attack

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by milman, Nov 30, 2016.

  1. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Absolutely you can do that. And should, how many points are you allowed in your current campaign?
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  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yes. To sum it up:

    Guards save at 4+.
    Guards near a hero gain a +1, so they save at 3+ (it can be a Eternity Warden, or a Slann, or's the same).
    Guards near a hero, with Mystic Shield, gain a +2, so they save at 2+.
    Guards of the Eternal Starhost, near their own Eternity Warden, gain a +2, so they save at 2+.
    Guards of the Eternal Starhost, near their own Eternity Warden, with Mystic Shield, have a total of +3, but they still save at 2+ (1 is always a failure)
    Guards of the Eternal Starhost, near a Slann (generic hero), with their own Eternity Warden dead, gain the usual +1, so they save at 3, and need the Mystic Shield to save at 2+
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2016
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  3. milman

    milman Active Member

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    Its not a point related campaigne we are playing. We are building our army's up every month. Started with start collecting. Half december we can a normal unit (meaning no hero or no monster). Half januari we can add a monster unit and februari we can add a hero. There is no point thing going-on but its just to get the feel of the game(it is also possible to get 1unit of 50knights.still counts as 1unit and it would be allowed in the campaigne!!). I could go for 30chameleons and my monster a dread saurian and hero a lord kroak to go for all the wins! But that would destroy the meaning of getting to learn the game and your army and your own playstyle. I first wanted to go for salamanders-bastiladon-scarvet carno.
    But i'm leaning more to
    Guards-troglodon-slann now.

    After this topic guards are looking realy fun! And it makes it easyer to go for a summoning army after the campaigne. Where i can add more guards and the warden maybe :)
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This is my favourite type of campaign! Guard would be great for this type as you already have warriors and Knights, just gives you a good feel for how to play each one and their strengths and weaknesses. I would go Bastiladon for your monster, but I see the appeal of a stegadon too. You should definitely keep us updated on this campaign, would love to hear about your progress and what armies you faced.
    milman likes this.
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    yeah, those should be some entertaining reports :)
    milman likes this.
  6. milman

    milman Active Member

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    No love for the troglodon jus fof the sake it can be a vassal for the slann later? And pls tell why the stegadon? Didn't think allot about the steg...
    The bastiladon is ofcourse verry strong! :)
  7. milman

    milman Active Member

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    And ofcourse i would like to share some reports! Should i post them in the reports topic or just here? (Did my second battle yesterday )
  8. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Age of Sigmar - Battle Reports section
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  9. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Bastiladon is number 1 choice for me, but a lot of people like the steg.
    milman likes this.
  10. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Had two units of 5 in a tourney a week ago, and they managed pretty well, when they weren't shot to death. Had a unit along with an old blood and an EW hold off a unit of Mournghouls', the big skeleton soldier things. Pretty nasty stuff.

    I find them mostly good for objective holding with a hero close, so they become hard to move.
    Bowser likes this.
  11. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    I seldom use my guard anymore. Played against sylvaneth and chaos dwarfs too much, rend and mortal wounds galore! Guard are expensive, 20 guard costs the same as 40 warriors or 50 skinks! So that's where all my points are going now, hordes of skinks and warriors.

    I'm not sure what you mean about warriors being ineffective, true, you have to field large numbers of them, 40 is a minimum unit size for me, but my goodness, they take down other hordes with ease, I've taken down enemies like the hellpit who can heal d6 wounds on death in one round of battle with weapons then bites. They can move pretty fast with the drummer doubling their move so they can be pretty offensive when they need to be.
    milman and Bowser like this.
  12. milman

    milman Active Member

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    You have my attention :D
    Verry curius about how your army build is then?
    My opinion is that they don't do allot of dmg and they fall like fly's :/ 5+save
    But if you could give some nice tips for the warriors i could try them :)
    Bowser likes this.
  13. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    Well, if you have the warriors in a pack of 30+ you of course get their "ordered cohort" perk, essentially now instead of hitting on 4+'s they hit on 3+'s, and they have an extra attack with their clubs/spears. Put them with a sunblood and you're laughing. So say you have spears, it's not uncommon to have 20 warriors in range for an attack, that's 41 attacks with the spears, rerolling failed hits, you'll average about 18 wounds. I like to play them with a skink starpriest to give them the "summon starlight" spell and then another wizard to give them mystic shield, suddenly they're at 4+ save and they're pretty hard to hit.

    My army build changes depending on my opponent. At the moment I'm playing against chaos dwarfs quite a bit, their artillery is vicious from a distance but very weak close up. So, skinks, lots of skinks, two/three units of 30-40 with spears/blowpipes and moonstone clubs, ripperdactyls, skink starpriest (shadowstrike starhost), a stegadon and then various bits and bobs, maybe a carnosaur, some more heroes like a skink priest, bits and bobs. As you can set up a battalion all together, I often get the first turn. It's pretty crucial to get the first turn. Set up the ripperdactyls in the clouds, then the skinks on either side of the stegadon, as far forward as possible. The skinks get "stealthy advance", 2d6" move before the game starts, if I roll lower than a 6, they move, if I roll 6-8, they move 6", if I roll 9-12 they move 9-12". Now, if I get less than 6 in my roll (unlikely, but does happen) I still have d6" extra move from my stegadon, that usually gives them enough move to get somewhere. Then they have an 8" move, by the time they use that, they've usually moved about 16-20", often they're close enough to get a ranged attack in with their javelins, because there's 30 of them, they get +2 to their hit rolls, so they're hitting on 3+'s and wounding on 4+'s, because I've used the "trap is sprung" perk from the battalion, they get to reroll 1's, so they do quite a bit of damage, they sometimes manage a charge. If they get the charge, the artillery is the target, that can't do much against all those skinks, you get maybe 8 wounds in with them, you lose a few skinks, but then in your opponent's turn, if you play house rules like I do, they can't fire at units they're not in combat with, so your monsters and heroes are pretty safe and they just keep running on in or playing defensively.

    Then you've got the ripperdactyls swooping from the sky and doing nasty things (average about 18 wounds) and you have a stegadon coming up in the rear that your opponent forgets all about because they're surrounded by skinks. I'll often bring a carnosaur too and that comes in and does loads of damage. It's very offensive, very bloody, you lose a lot of skinks, looks cool and it's great fun.
    Bowser, Killer Angel and milman like this.
  14. milman

    milman Active Member

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    Thats a great way to battle! Don't have allot of skinks but you sure make me want to some more :D
    Thank you for the great advice!
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  15. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    Forgot to mention that amount of skinks is very good for objective capturing too.

    I have to say that the guards are an extremely good unit for defensive play, you have to put them in the eternal starhost, but even if you don't, they're still tough. They're down to the 2+ save, have the 3 attacks with the pole arms, that's nasty, for a unit of 10, 13 -1 rend wounds, if you haven't moved, which is kind of the point of defensive play, they're all D3, so averaging 2 damage each. But good grief, they're expensive, 820 points for 3 units of 10, the eternity warden and starhost, still a solid battleline, just hope your opponent doesn't have many mortal wounders, because then you're screwed, if not, you're very tough. I like that they don't suffer from being in small numbers like the skinks and warriors do though meaning you don't need to go for hordes of them. Even 3 units of 5 and an eternity warden is worth taking, only 520 points and that's your battleline sorted. You could take a thunderquake starhost for carnage with a slann. Then you're pretty much invincible.
    Seraphage and Bowser like this.
  16. Tizianolol
    Temple Guard

    Tizianolol Active Member

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    About guards save
    10 guards + near hero+ mistyc shild+ battalion
    In matched play is still 2+ but if you face an enemy wirh rend for exemple -2
    You save with 3+ and not with 4+! That's important!!:)
    milman, Bowser and Seraphage like this.

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