Aginor says hi

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Aginor, Feb 16, 2017.

  1. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Hey y'all!

    Originally I only wanted to register in one Warhammer forum.... well, I couldn't resist since this is the home of the Seraphon. So here's my short introduction (yes, wall of text incoming. That's how I roll)

    I am Aginor from Germany, and I am building AoS models and playing with them since October 2016.
    As a former D&D (the glorious 3.5 edition) game master I am no stranger to dice, but for the most time of my life (33 years in case you want to know) I steered clear of miniatures. That's mostly because I have always sucked at painting and those miniatures were too expensive and looked bad. Also I was kinda put off by the fact that you apparently needed LOTS of them and the rules were not beginner friendly.

    Now I can afford the models, they look much nicer, and those new rules seem to be pretty straightforward. Some strange stuff (like shooting into melee and flying creatures that can be hit by guys with swords?) but hey, better than too complex. From what I heard the old rules for flying had more pages than all the rules combined in AoS. So I'll live with that.

    A good friend of mine convinced me to start AoS with him, and despite my bad painting skills and mild dislike of the Warhammer lore (seriously, no offense intended but a LOT of that lore sounds really cheesy, like a Manowar music video in written form. I get used to it slowly) I am having fun building, painting my army and playing against him.

    I picked an army that looked like it
    - had lots of models that looked rather easy to paint (not like the Stormcast. Holy cow! I think I couldn't paint those!)
    - had many different models (not like some armies that only leave the player three units to choose from. I wanted to play Wood Elves (or Aelves, whatever) and what? Only like, four kinds of units? Am I missing something?
    - provided Melee, ranged, and magic units (WTF some armies like Ironjawz don't have archers or something like that at all? No ranged attacks?)
    - looked nice without looking too... Manowar-esque or "grimdark", or like humans. I hate human miniatures. To me they look creepy and they would look even creepier if was me who painted them.

    ...and last but not least: Had FRICKIN' DINOSAURS!!!

    so yeah, I picked Seraphon. Got the Starterbox and built it. Meanwhile I have some more. Y'all might laugh at me for that, but I have some collecting OCD and so I am buying at least one unit of every available one. I got two of those starter boxes because I wanted both of those awesome looking dinosaurs.

    My Warhammer stuff so far:
    - 24 Warriors
    - 15 Knights
    - Scar Veteran on Cold one (actually kitbashed from one of the Knights)
    - Troglodon
    - Oldblood on foot
    - Oldblood on Carnosaur
    - Skink Chief (kitbashed from several kits, originally it was a Troglodon rider)
    - 48 Skinks (because I wanted 30+) Still painting half of those
    - Slann (not assembled or painted yet
    - Skink Priest
    - Skink Starpriest
    - Astrolith Bearer
    - Razordon
    - Salamander
    - 3 Kroxigor
    - 6 Skink handlers
    - Bastiladon
    - 3 Terradon Riders
    - Balewind Vortex. Looks really cool.

    - 3 Spirit Hosts because I want to build arcane ruins and it seems I'll need those then.

    - Battletome Seraphon
    - GHB

    Yeah, I know, that's a pretty mixed army that will probably not get me anywhere tactics-wise, but I like it so far. I think I will play Skinks in the future, I kinda like those guys.
    ...and yes, I am aware of the irony that I said "too expensive" and then proceeded to buy models, paint, tools, magnets, and other stuff for hundreds of bucks. Meh, could be worse, I am having fun after all. [​IMG]

    So what am I doing here? Well, I have rules questions. LOTS of questions because neither the (bad) german translations or the English original texts on the Warscrolls and in the basic rules always make sense to me. I hope some of you have the patience to answer those and maybe also help me improve my painting skills and give me some hints on tactics. I might also ask about some things in the lore. But probably not because I still kiiiinda dislike most stuff I read and substitute it with my own lore, roughly based on the old world and some stuff from the new AoS lore.

    Oh, and I'd like to know: If I have several rules questions, should I create several threads or should I create one big one? I've seen forums with preferences for one or the other.

    So that's it for now. See you on the forums! [​IMG]

    Warden, Bracnos, Jorgik and 2 others like this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Welcome aboard! Great thinking with the kitbash, I always recommend this for the start collecting kit. Any questions can be separate threads if they aren't along the same vein, if they are, then keep them to one thread. Everyone here is good for answers when you need them!
    Aginor likes this.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Thanks for the welcome!
    I can't promise I will be the most active user here, but it seems Seraphon players are quite rare elsewhere on the web and rather concentrated here, which is nice. I will definitely post SEraphon-specific questions here! :)
    Btw, if I start another army, like Deathrattle for example, is it frowned upon to post questions to those here as well (in the general part of the forums)?
    Since I created an account at the tga forums a few days ago as well that's not a problem I guess, I just wondered. :)
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Welcome aboard,

    In each section you will find that most of us talk and show our other armies, we love looking at and helping with every aspect of the hobby, in my blog for example it has Seraphon, Orks, Goblins, Aelfs, Terrain etc etc.

    Tip: Hide models out of sight your not painting, keep your painting space just for models your painting.
    n810, Bowser and Aginor like this.
  5. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Thanks for the tip and the welcome!
    Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Post away, it helps us to create reverse tactica, and gives everyone a better grasp on other armies.
    Scalenex, Aginor and Jorgik like this.
  7. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Welcome! And get posting! I VANT MODELLS!!! :confused:
    Bowser and Aginor like this.
  8. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    This hobby is still quite new to me, I discover something new daily, and right now I am peeking into the other factions to see what I could like to play (at least as a small army in some fun games). The only armies I know halfway well are Ironjawz, Greenskinz, Bonesplitterz (my friend who started at the same time as I did plays mixed Destruction) and Seraphon.
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  9. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Oh and btw, did I do something wrong with my thread in the army list forum?
    It has a blue icon next to its title, saying "moderated"
    Bowser and Jorgik like this.
  10. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    I think´s it´s a precaution taken on new members, just in case. Just my guess though, I don´t know for sure ;)
    Warden, Bowser and Aginor like this.
  11. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Ah, so it basically says "awaiting moderation". That would make sense since I am new here.
    We also had such a feature in another forum I moderated years ago, until a member had 25 approved posts or so.
    Warden, Bowser and Jorgik like this.
  12. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    ...and now you have 26,
    congrats. :D

    Ps. not sure if they are approved yet. :shifty:
    Warden, Bowser and Aginor like this.
  13. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    The symbol seems to be gone at least...
    Bowser and n810 like this.
  14. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Oh, btw I wanted to say I really LOVE those pictures in the header of this forum. Such cool art works, they really make the Seraphon/Lizardmen look awesome.
    Warden, Scalenex, Jorgik and 3 others like this.
  15. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    @The Red Devil commissioned an artist to do the site, we all love the headers (you can set it to stay on one image in your profile)
    Warden, n810, Aginor and 1 other person like this.
  16. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forums!

    :) I still have bitter feeling abouts 4th edition, and they are on on 5th. I hear 5th is pretty good but I'm reluctant to give the Wizards who live on the coast more of my money. When my group of friends dips into D&D (increasingly rare) we tend to prefer 3.5. I myself am working on a D&D setting in my off-time but I get way too lost in the weeds coming up with "What are the primary exports of Swynfaredia" and other minutae that I haven't actually planned any campaigns for Player Characters to do anything yet.

    This got me too. Also, they are Aztec dinosaurs and I'm a sucker for Meso-American hsitory.

    We'll accept almost anything tying to the game lines we share. While Lizardmen will always be my first love with minis, I do not hesitate to post stuff for my Empire and Vampire Counts armies.

    It's a short vetting period. It's a pain but we have a LOT of spam robots that attack our below forum. Until a new member is fully approved (I have no idea what the minimum post count is by the way), new posts are only visible to moderators. This prevents people from seeing advertisements for vitamins, diet plans, kitchenware, and less savory ads.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2017
    Warden, Bowser and Aginor like this.
  17. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    My D&D days sadly are over. So many things left I wanted to do, a whole campaign planned through with special missions for everyone, hand-tailored by me to fit the group.
    But everyone (including me) got kids and/or moved away and/or lost interest. It is kinda sad. But it was sure fun while it lasted.
    One of the friends I used to play with is the one who motivated me to start Warhammer with him. He is basically the only one left from the group that I meet on a regular basis.

    4th edition... yeah, that one wasn't good. Some good ideas were in it, but overall it lacked so much stuff from the 3rd, and introduced some elements I didn't like.
    I actually looked up the rules for 5th edition a while ago and (from the short look I had on the free rules) it didn't look bad at all, certainly better than 4th.
    3.5E isn't perfect, but it is pretty damn good, so if I ever play D&D again I will probably try to make it 3.5E again. Perhaps one day...
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  18. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    4th was set up more like a tabletop game, which turned out awesome for some peripheral projects like the Castle Ravenloft board game and dungeon command and such that all worked together. They were amazing to play!
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  19. Nefertem
    Temple Guard

    Nefertem Well-Known Member

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    Tach auch und willkommen :D
    Warden, Bowser and Aginor like this.
  20. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Grüß Dich, und danke! :)
    Warden, Nefertem and Bowser like this.

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