Hey guys, I figured a general kow thread was a good idea. What are y'all doing right now? I just calculated that including bases I could make a 2000 PT addition to my forces of evil (kingdom of man) army for 40-50 bucks.
I believe that the round bases are small enough to fit a square base under them. Could be that you just need to make some card bases. Fortunately all of my bases are square already. Just need to drum up some interest. The interesting thing is that we don't have to remove models anymore. Just plop down a movement tray and you're set!
I have around a 2500 point army for Salamanders, Goblins and Undead all multibased, painted and rdy to go. But Archie is now wanting to play AOS again and he is very excited by the Hinterlands project which is purely a fan project and I have to say I'm swayed
Played our first game tonight,Archie won but my skink chief got the killing blow on his rat ogor so gained a level, it's a bit like mordheim
I can make a 2000pt Salamander army but don't have additional units to swap things around. Currently trying to make up a Brotherhood army as well but falling between two stools as it means the Sally army extension and the Brotherhood build are both going at half speed! Definitely looking forward to this. I wonder whether they'll restrict the number of races like Mordheim did? With so many races, and more coming out later this year, a rule book covering rules for them all would be rather large. I'm also wondering whether any models will be released specifically for it. Regiment models and skirmish models tend to look rather different as regiment models on their own often feel a bit staid and awkward. The greater single-model customisability in skirmish games also seems at odds with the restricted range of Mantic's models. On the other side though, Mantic is a relatively small company and expanding their range massively to enable differences between warbands might be rather difficult.
Right, well I'm super excited if it contains either Salamanders or Brotherhood. If they don't appear then its a silly game that no one should play and I'm going to burn everything I own*. Any guesses on the races? I'm thinking If they go down the 'most popular' route that would mean Elves, Dwarves and Undead, and Basileans seem quite key to the story of Mantica so I can't see them being left out. *(I always try to imagine myself in others' shoes when it comes to debate. Was being talked at by some flouncy, obstreperous AoS haters the other day and try as I might, they still seem like ill-raised children... AoS doesn't interest me, but it doesn't mean I don't think it is a good thing for the hobby at large!)
I currently own about 3000 points worth of Salamanders as my main army. Then I have 2000 points of Undead and 2000 points of League or Rhordia assembled, finally I have around 2500-3000 points of Brotherhood; partly assembled and looking to get stripped of paint, part of it waiting to be glued and a small part painted. My Bretonnians are very special to me and won't get on that project until I can go 100% in. With the coming of my own little skink painting has come to an abrupt halt sadly. But still I think I can make a quite nice 1000 point army of Salamanders with the new paintjobs. Gaming wise I can still play the local league games each month doing fairly well, I'm currently in THIRD place along all the cheese with only Elves and Abyssals in front, quite happy with that.
Thanks! Spain is quite different form the rest of the world in that department, we have a very long line of Last Names, although officially we only use two. The thing is we get our last names like this: NAME - (MIDDLE NAME IF ANY) - 1ST LAST NAME FATHER - 1ST LAST NAME MOTHER - 2ND LAST NAME FATHER - 2ND LAST NAME MOTHER - ETC. Each last name has also a Heraldry of it's own so going back to my great grandfathers I have plenty of Heraldry to choose from for my main unit of knights. The thing with my army is that it was a peasant army, the idea is that the only real Knights in there were my General (on foot) and a paladin Standard Bearer (also on foot) and they were just plain knights, no Grial or anything the obligatory unit of knights were in fact Errant Knights (the rules stated that they had to be regular knights but most of my opponents were ok with that and if they weren't I used them as regular knights) so that created a really good fluffy feel of a small village army. The general, the peasants and the BSB had their Heraldry chosen for their colours, nothing too special, just a colour scheme I could like to paint. The Errant Knights each had one shield from my blood line. That fulfilled the usual 1500 points I played but I planned to add a big unit of Pilgrims, that fitted really well with the fluff as well as a unit of Questing Knights. I will probably base the Questing Knights on my Wifes Heraldy and the Pilgrims with the dead Grial Knight will be a tribute to my dead Grandfathers using a combination of both their first Last Names on the same shield. Grial Knights were not an original plan but I have the minis (now worth a fortune) and I really like the redemption Knights. They will be a bit more complicated as they have to have Cups on theirs so i will just probably do whatever I want and use Random markings.