AoS Twin Engine Seraphon vs. Deathrattle Skeletons

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Ryojin, Mar 9, 2017.

  1. Ryojin

    Ryojin Member

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    We played a pitched battle today with my friend, this time fielding Death, me fielding the trusty Seraphon. We played Three Places of Power.

    His army revolved around the skeleton/death rattle key word and death saves after saves after saves. He fielded some formation giving him an extra movement in the hero phase.

    I don't know the list in detail but it was about as such:
    (his list was 1960 pt, did not remember his triumph)
    Wight King BSB (general)
    Arkhan the Black
    6x Necrosphynx knights (the snake rider dudes)
    Small Sphinx Monster (the small one with a breath attack, skeletons in a basket on top, halved wounds)
    2x big units + 1x small unit of skeletons (possibly more, can't remember!)
    1x unit of grave guard
    1x10 black knights
    and possibly something else that I cant remember.

    My list (2000pt spot on):
    Idea was to keep Engines healthy with priest buff, mystic shield/starlight and rely on Seer rerolls and curse of fates to get the results I need on the Engine table (healing or mortal wounds). I would play aggressive, to get stuck in combat with all my models, then being able to jump around the table with skinks shooting valuable targets. This turned out to work really well.

    Heavenswatch Starhost (rerolls of 1 to wound and hit against one model visible to seer, recover 1 wound in hero phase for the monsters)
    1x Starseer
    1x Starpriest
    1x Skink Priest
    2x Engine of the gods (phoenix stones)
    1x Bastiladon

    Firelance Starhost
    1x Scarvet on Coldone (relic blade, general, legendary fighter)
    3x 5 knights w/ lances

    2x5 Chameleon skinks


    I get to start deploying first and deploy my skink units one by one off the table to see what my opponent does. Then I drop the Heavenswatch formation in a castle formation (bastiladon at front, engines on sides). The Firelance gets deployed middle board, so I can react to any threats I need to eliminate.

    He deploys the knights and necromancer across the table to my knights, Arkhan and the Sphinx opposite to my castle formation and most of the skeletons on the opposite side of the table, where I had no models.

    Turn one

    I let my opponent go first, he proceeds to take middle objective with his necromancer forming a bubble of knights around him, other units carefully proceeding forward. No shooting, so I take no casualties.

    Seraphon go for 6 Starseer rerolls and succeeds! Then blasting with the engines, getting two of the D6 mortal wound results. This causes his necromancer to evaporate. I succeed in priest buffs. Everything moves aggressively towards the enemy, the castle reaching close to the right hand objective. I keep my Starseer and Priest castled up in a piece of terrain in the right hand corner so I can keep providing support to that flank on following turns. I move Knights towards the bubble of skeleton knights readying for a charge. I bring chameleon skinks from reserve and put them in terrain so I can let go on the Wight king to eliminate his extra saves. In the shooting phase skinks manage to leave the wight king with one wound, bastiladon whiffs and causes a couple of wounds on the knights.

    I make my charges with EOTG and Bastiladon in to the Necrosphinx knights and my firelance into the knights. I manage to kill all except 3 /10 knights in total after battle shock and one of the snake rider knights.

    Death 1 - Seraphon 1 (EOTG got on the right side objective objective)

    Turn Two

    Having saved two rerolls for iniative I roll low and my opponent gets a medium number, with rerolls I manage to get a double turn. Hero phase I get all my buffs up, win a couple more rerolls in the minigame and get another D6 mortal wounds. This time on Arkhan, getting a 6 on the D6 roll, pissing my opponent to no end. I can't move most of my stuff because I'm stuck in combat, so I shoot a bit more with the skinks and finish of the Wight king. His scoring units are now down to 1 with 7 wounds left on Arhkan.

    My opponents turn he charges his grave guard and skeletons into my knights and slays five of them. He destroys my other Engine of the Gods thats stuck with the Necrophinx knights. He gets closer with the Sphinx monster and gets a charge on my other EOTG. Arkhan comes closer, but does not charge because he fears my units with buffs.

    Death 1 - Seraphon 2 (EOTG dead, Scar vet scoring mid objective)

    Turn 3

    I get initiative again with rerolls from last turn and whiff on my EOTG (now healed to full because of phoenix stone and the formation) (summon result, no reserve for it, we ruled this before the game started and it was alright with me). I fail my priest buffs, but get mystic shield on my bastiladon so I can keep the snake knights stuck in combat for as long as possible. I can't move much with most of the things in combat. I do a couple of more wounds to Arkhan with Bastiladon and Skinks. Scar vet and knights finish of Grave guard, and some of the skeletons. I get to split my EOTG attacks to do stomps on nearby skeleton (too close) and do the horns on the Sphinx, slowly whittling it down (it had an ability to halve done wounds).

    His turn he keeps playing the attrition game, brings back skeletons and such, trying to break my EOTG and Bastiladon in melee. Bastiladon goes down to 4 wounds, EOTG takes two, knights get buried in attacks and half of them are dead now. Arkhan moves to the backfield, trying to get close to the left side of the table for points.

    Death 1- Seraphon 4 (scar vet continues scoring)

    Turn Four

    I keep rolling for iniative and win again, no double turns for him. I retreat my Scarvet from combat with skeletons so I can keep scoring the mid objective and don't have to pile in on the skeletons, out of the reach of the objective. Bastiladon keeps the Snake Knights busy, couple of knights broken free from combat last turn with the grave guard charge Arkhan and finish him with a lucky mortal wound shower from the battalion ability (first time it procced properly). All his objective grabbers dead, I have already won. We still keep playing because it has only been 2 hours of gaming at this point.

    Death player finishes off my Bastiladon and the Snake rider dudes break loose. Nothing much else exciting happens as he only has a couple of skeletons left to fight me with.

    Death 1 - Seraphon 7

    Turn Five

    Initiative goes for... Seraphon! I charge my EOTG (still at full health thanks to battalion and Phoenix stone) on the snakes, keep wailing on the skellies. I slay everything but the Snake dudes, which in turn slay my EOTG with mortal wounds and very lucky D3 damage rolls despite my buffs on the Steggy.

    On Death turn his Knights slay most my heros, Scar-vet, priest and rest of the knights. Chameleons had turned tail and appeared elsewhere to be unreachable by this point so he could not touch them to kill all my army. Starseer and Starpriest were hanging in the piece of terrain for the whole game, since turn 2 and were not touched which was fine with me - I got to keep my rerolls all game.

    I had already won on the previous turn but this turn gets the final score to 1-11


    In the end its SERAPHON VICTORY with 10 point difference and my first victory in AOS. 3 games so far and its been great fun. I only had my chameleon skinks and Starseer, Starpriest left, my enemy had 5 of them Snake rider knights left. Absolute devastation again, both had a great time (aside from me rolling impossible amounts for sixes, like really, everything but the Knight lance wound rolls!)

    Hope you found the batrep interesting! This is all thanks to reading tactica and stuff on the forums for past 2-3 months and lurking about - invaluable advice. Will have to try and build an army with more Stegadons, they suit my style of play really well.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2017
    Qupakoco, m0gstar, Seraphage and 4 others like this.
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Well done good rep but better with some pics next time ;)
    Bowser and Ryojin like this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Sounds like a really fun game! Glad the dice went your way!
  4. Ryojin

    Ryojin Member

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    Did not think I would write a batrep so never got any pics :D I never remember to take pics after the first turn or two anyway.
  5. MerciaBear
    Cold One

    MerciaBear Active Member

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    Great batrep, sounds like a really interesting list. I had not thought to use a Bastiladon so aggressively. He is such a beast, especially with mystic shield!
    Bowser and Ryojin like this.
  6. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Just one at the start to set the scene will do, I'm as bad to be perfectly honest. :oops:
    Bowser and Ryojin like this.
  7. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Really nice battle report, congrats ! Looking forward for more !
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  8. Ryojin

    Ryojin Member

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    Yeah,that and the Priest buff for rerolled saves and situational mystic shield/starlight make them last long enough. Lucky rolls on the engine (d3 wounds back when close by)can keep it at full health for the whole game if you dont get focused. The phoenix stones help the engines keep rolling 3 dice for the result a lot too.
    Bowser and MerciaBear like this.
  9. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Great victory!

    I'm surprised he didn't have any shooting, and imo those Necropolis Knight underperformed.
    a 6 model units brings the pain, usually they are able to score a kill each turn, once they enter combat.
    Bowser and Ryojin like this.
  10. Ryojin

    Ryojin Member

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    Well my basti had starlight and mystic shield most of the time and healed a wound in hero phase. He couldnt buff them because I killef his heroes. And he could not get all 6 to attack each turn due to too big bases in clusters .

    Aaaand the dice gods favored me with dem sixes as said :D
    Seraphage, Bowser and MerciaBear like this.

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