Army Fluff Little-Myth's Army fluff

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by little-myth, Mar 17, 2017.

  1. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    This will be the place for all the fluff for the many spawning of the Lizardmen/Seraphon. Just started getting back into writing, feels weird. It's all in my head and putting down is harder than usual.

    First up is some small written stuff for the Chaq'Kai, having issues fleshing out areas but that's me with my short barky sentences sometimes.

    The Chaq'Kai
    The Chaq'Kai are the underground spawning, their temples sunken deep underground back in the cycles of the Old World. Their spawning pools lay dormant for a long time, until they reactivated mysteriously.
    They are not lead by a Slann but by Skink Priests, these Priests holding the whispers of their Master. Their only task to bring it to the real world through the offering of the fallen, whatever it would be. Skink Priests are always protected by their Guards, with this type of Spawn; Priests are the most important.
    They would venture out at times to find what can be offered, sometimes they would clash with Skaven underground too.
    In the Mortal Realms they are not one with the stars like others, the Master protecting them from the fate, even in these new strange lands; they carry on with their single mission. They would even start to ally with others that are with the stars, as they are not worth the offering to it.
    What would they do though once their master is resurrected?
    They are all cunning and ferocious, rallying each other into a frenzy. The Skinks are quick but are less reckless like the Saurus, yet the Guards of the Priests stay close and calm unless provoked by the enemy. Kroxigor wait impatiently for the command from the Skinks. Steadiness are not normally used, sometimes they seek alternatives but if they can't find anything they will use one. Handlers goad their beasts to unleash a flurry of fire or a rain of spikes. Saurus ride upon their Carnosaurs or leave them to roam rider less into battle, Saurus would even ride a Bastiladon sometimes.
    The Chaq'Kai lack Terradons and Ripperdactyls but the Cold Ones favour in what they lack.
    tom ndege, Warden and Bowser like this.
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Always fun to look at a new breed of the army :) Looks like an interesting dichotomy from the norm. Since these lizards live underground, is there anything different about their appearance or history? Often times a separated civilization might create new things to worship. I wonder if they've experienced Sotek in their time underground.

    Looking forward to more!
    little-myth, Warden and Bowser like this.
  3. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Sotek went "underground" to chase the rats out of Lustria during the wars against clan pestilens, so it is conceivable that they may take up his worship?

    Or maybe they even helped him and the red-crests as they went cave-diving to hunt down and exterminate rat infestations under each of the Lustrian temple cities?
    little-myth likes this.
  4. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    I will get around to writing out some backstory and who they worship, they mostly worship their master. I would say they would remember the other gods. :p
    Skaven are a problem sometimes cause underground lizards and underground rats.
    Qupakoco and Bowser like this.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This is awesome! Always great when there is a story for the army!
    little-myth likes this.
  6. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Back, with some small add on for the Chaq'Kai. Still trying to get my brain working here so it's small pieces here and there.

    Chaq'Kai Colours
    Chaq'Kai are black in colour with white faces. It is common to also see them with red striped markings, Alphas and leaders are more distinctive in their markings. All Skinks have blue crests, including the Priests and Chiefs.
    It was rumoured that before their temples have sunken underground and spawning pools going dormant that they were albino in colour. A chance to encounter an albino Chaq'Kai is rare due to them being very aged spawnings and they tend to stay away from their city as the new Chaq'Kai may not recognise them.
    Crowsfoot and Bowser like this.
  7. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Just a small update on fluff. Another spawning!

    The Xapati
    The Xapati are a less heard from spawning, dwellers of their temple high above the ground. Many call them lizards of the mountain in the skies.
    A rather dormant spawning, the only time they spring into action whether thieves try to take their relics.
    These spawnings have a unique appearance, looking like stone with a blue hue running in-between their scales. Where as the more sacred spawnings have no stone colouring to them, being a celestial blue where is seems they have shed their stone-like skin to reveal the full blue colours.

    The Xapti are these ones I am working on

    Just two more spawnings to write a small brief about. Should try and do some art for them too when I get the time.
    Ra’tok, tom ndege and Bowser like this.

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