KoW Brotherhood vs Salamanders [Eliminate - 1500]

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Itepixcauh, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Hello Again!

    One more month and one more Salamanders battle report, this time it was the first game using the new CoK rules in our league, so a lot of new goodness to use and test.

    My opponent this time was a Brotherhood player, it is not the first time I've played against him though, he was using Elves in the past league and he tabled me by turn 4 then we did a rematch and I got to win him (there is a battle report on that game, go check it out!), he is an extremely good player, very cautious and with a great sense of strategy. His list looks like this:


    - Horde of Brotherhood Knights with Pathfinder (BOUNTY)
    - Horde of Villein Spearmen
    - Regiment of Forsaken Knights
    - Troop of Redemption Knights with Elite
    - Troop of Reconnoiterers
    - 2 Troops of Villein Archers

    - Exemplar Forsaker (BOUNTY)
    - Devoted with Lightning Bolt and maybe Inspiring

    I know I'm missing some of the magic items but can't recall them.


    - Skylord
    - Mage-Priest with Surge and Inspiring Talisman
    - Hearld on Raptor with the Healing Charm

    - Horde of Fire Elementals with Blood of the Old King
    - Horde of Fire Elementals with Wine of Elven-kind (BOUNTY)
    - Horde of Ancients on Rhinosaurs with Healing Brew (BOUNTY)
    - Regiment of Kaisenor Lancers with Brew of Haste
    - Troop of Hunters

    - Lekelidon

    Once I saw he had a Horde of Knights I almost smiled, I love when they do that, is just too easy to neutralize and once I manage to kill it his army has almost no real hitting power, also he has virtually no chaff whatsoever while I'm dripping with options. He actually told me they had recommended him to go for a Knight Horde against Salamanders (second time this has happened to me, see first HERE, I think they go to the same Spanish forum for counselling).

    My initial strategy was simple, play the mission at all costs so killing the Knights was a top priority as it was killing that Forsaker, but that wasn't going to be that easy as it is just too fast. My plan was to face the knights with my fast cavalry section and deal with all his flying units using Surge, I was just hoping he didn't deploy his Forsaker along the Knights. If I manage to kill both his Bounty units and protect at least one of mine, then the game would be mine despite anything else, I didn't cared for the Objective on the middle really.

    Oh and sorry for the proxy Kaisenor Lancers, I actually forgot to take them with me, :oops::confused:


    He won the roll and chose to deploy first, the first unit he put down was the Horde of Villein and once I saw where he had placed them I knew where the big Horde of Knights was going to be deployed so I deployed accordingly, this was probably the best deployment I've ever done, I'm very proud of it, managed to deploy everything in front of what I wanted. I even made sure he deployed his flying units on the FE flank by placing the Skylord early on there as bait so he had to counter it.


    I win the roll to go first and decided to put the preasure on him as I know he likes to dictate the pace of the game and I'm not giving that to him.


    First thing I do is to redeploy the Skylord away from the left flank back to the center, his mission will be to either hunt down the archers/devoted or be used as chaff against the big Knight Horde if I need it to charge first, I'm not willing to let my Healing Herald die as I need the Rhinosaurs to be always at top health.

    The rest of the line advances, I even bait him a charge with the Hunters, I'm pretty sure he will not take it though.



    On the left flank he moves very carefully to stay away from my charges and as I predicted he doesn't take the bait. On the centre his high mobility allows him to move easily into flanking positions of my FE centre block.

    His shooting is not great, he had blocked on of his units with the Forsaker and the other one had cover, and does nothing.



    I turn my whole FE block to face the flankers, I make sure that if they want to charge the Bounty FE the charge would be Hindered and place the Lekelidon in a way that makes it impossible for him to multicharge both his Redemption and Forsaken into them. I also make sure everything is outside of his Villien charge range.

    My Skylord flies over the Forest to a really nice spot where he can be useful in the next turns.

    The right flank is easy I just push my Hunters and Ancients up, actually giving him a charge against any of them with the Reconnoiterers as I don't really care about that little damage if he dares to charge them. I know I have a massive advantage over him there and I'm just putting pressure on him giving him a lot of not pleasant options for him to choose from.



    I forgot to take a picture BUT this time I'm prepared!

    He decides it's time to get into the action, so he charges the Redemption into the lower unit of FE, the Exemplar Forsaken into the Lekelidon and the Recon into the Hunters. His Spearmen move at the double to try to block any surges or charges on the Forsaker, he also positions his Forsaken Knights to flank my FE next turn and moves the devoted to shoot the Skylord.

    His shooting once again does nothing, only managing one wound on the Skylord and the Archers missing completely, I think he even moved one of the units up, not sure though.

    On the combats the Recon killed the Hunters easily but the Exemplar amazingly does 6 wounds to the lekelidon and doesn't even waver it! The Redemption only puts 4 wounds on the FE unit.



    If I want to win I have to dominate the right flank so I charge both my units into the Recon and use my Skylord to chaff his big Horde one more turn.

    Thanks to Nimble I can get a normal flank charge into the Exemplar (2 pivots FTW!) while the lekelidon does the same on the front and then I proceed to turn my other FE unit to face the Forsaken Reg and move them up to surge them into them (I later realised this was an illegal move because I wasn't charging and still ended my pivot closer than 1 inch to the Redemption unit, should have charged them instead, not that matters much....), my thinking was that with Fly they were a much bigger threat and with Blood of the Old King they should go down in one turn easy but my dice had other plans.

    On the combat phase I completely destroy the Recon troop, then I go to the Forsaker combat, my FE do really well with the lekelidon putting a couple of wounds too and even with the re-roll he goes down, Fantastic! one of his Bounty units is down, and that was the hard one to catch. In the reform I have to move my lekelidon up to be able to reform my FE so that I'm not giving my flank to that huge block of Spearmen, works great and I even manage to escape the Redemtion arc of sight.

    Then I activate the Blood of the Old King to be sure I kill the Forsaken and guess what, even with Elite AND Vicious I only do 6 wounds, just perfect, my to hit roll was appalling. They will have a really hard time surviving next turn.



    He takes the obvious options and multicharges my lower FE with both his units, he takes the Villein Spearmen into the Bounty FE sliding just a bit as my Lekelidon is there preventing them from centering. He also charges the big Horde of Knights into the poor Skylord in the flank.

    This time his combined shooting does something and my battered Lekelidon dies.

    As expected my Skylord is routed, and the Lower Horde of FE is also killed. The Spearmen only manage to do 4 wounds on the Nimble FE, that is much better.

    A big part of my army is now dead but I should be able to make up for it next turn, we will see.



    I have a really juicy double charge on the Brotherhood Horde and I take it, this is the combat that i've been building up to for the whole game.

    Then I realise that thanks to the lekelidons position I'm almost in the flank of the Spearmen Horde with my FE, so thanks to Nimble I can sidestep and turn leaving my Leader Point in the flank and an easy Surge will get me a tasty flank (average should be around 15 wounds, with a nerve of 19/21 that is an almost dead Spearmen Horde)

    As there is no shooting except the Surge I jump to the combat phase really fast and eager.

    The Brutal multicharge starts really bad, my Ancients roll badly making just 7 wounds, that is way below average but the Lancers thanks to Vicious make 8, for a total of 15 wounds, I need a 9 to rout them (should have been 8 thanks to Brutal but I forgot about that) and I roll exactly 9!! No Inspiring around means that is a dead Horde.

    The FE perfom even worse, only doing 9 wounds and of course the Villein hold no problem at all and my rear is exposed to his cavalry, not great but as long as my Ancients survive I have the game so I don't really care much. My Mage-priest is also exposed but there was nothing I could do to hide him.

    Last edited: Mar 20, 2017
    Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  2. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    He cannot resist my rear and charges his redemption into the FE and his Forsaken into the Mage-Priest and countercharges with the Spearmen. He also moves his troop or archers to face my big units on the flank. Not much he can do really.

    Combat goes well for him and my Bounty FE and Mage-Priest are killed easily. I was hoping that the mage could hold with his decent defense and Inspiring but it was too much for him.



    I know the game is mine if I use the forest to my advantage, he relies in TC to hurt anything and none of his units have Pathfinder anymore so my plan is to take the forest and Central Objective with the Rhinosaurs that grind superbly with CS2 and park my Lancers outside to charge in the flank anything that tries to take the Ancients but first i have to take out that pesky Archer troop, easy work for the Ancients even with a Hindered charge so I do just that.

    Well, once again Sotek is not with me today and I only manage, hold on 4, yes FOUR wounds on the troop, thankfully I only need a 6 rout them and I do, but still I was sweating badly there, even if they are hindered I really don't need two charges on the flank. I luckyly rpout the archers and reform to face the rest of his army.



    He does a quite intelligent move and throws his spearmen into the Ancients hoping to hold them up long enough to get some juicy charges, he repositions his Knights into the flank of the Ancients where there is no forest waiting for a turn 6 charge.

    The brave Spearmen charge through the forest and only mange to do 3 wounds into the Ancients, not even enoguh damage to make a Nerve Roll.



    With just 3 wounds on the Ancients I use their Healing Brew making 2 wounds back, fantastic. I spring the trap and multicharge the Spearmen with both my units.

    In the Shooting phase I heal the final wound back with my Herald (first tiome He has done anything in the whole game :D)

    The combat this time goes well, thanks again to the kaisenor that even with a Hindered charge put more wounds in than the Ancients and the Horde is routed. I reposition to face his Knights in case we get to turn 7 and press the clock.

    My plan has gone really well, even with a multicharge into my Ancients the possibility of him routing them is very remote thanks to the forest.



    Only chance he has is to be lucky and so he charges both units into the Ancients, but being Hindered is a huge deal to him and only does 3 or 4 wounds, not enough really


    TURN 7

    We roll for turn 7 and get it, but the game is already decided to be honest. I multicharge his Redemption Knights and kill them while I heal back some wounds, he rolls for his Forsaken attacks and whiff, so the game is over.

    My planned worked like a charm, even if my dice HATE me, my Rhinosaurs whiffed almost every combat and still managed to kill everything they touched thanks to the Lancers. Brutal combination, Oh and I forgot to use Vicious most of the times with my Lancers too....



    Battered and wounded Itepixcauh is carried by his surviving soldiers to examine the recovered remains of the dead human general, as he predicted the clues he's been following pay off and those humans were carrying what he was looking for at last he knew who was behind the series of coincidental attacks on his forces just as he was about to disentangle the mysteries of the hidden treasures he found on the forgotten sanctuary.

    The dead bodies of the Knights reeked of Elven magic, mercenaries, he almost spat the word. Good thing was he now knew were to go. How didn't he noticed the stench of their magic before, he could feel it now he knew what to look for, like a trail of breadcrumbs in the Ether.

    Hatred bubbled inside him like the blood of earth inside a Volcano. He will burn their kingdom and rejoice on their charred remains.
    Crowsfoot and Bowser like this.
  3. BAE

    BAE Well-Known Member

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    Great bat rep - keep 'em coming!

    Question on Brotherhood turn 2, how come his Bowmen didn't flank charge your Ghekkotah Skylord? 16 attacks, hitting on 6s (2.7 hits), wounding on 4s (1.35 wounds) would have disordered him to allow him to reposition his spearmen to rout him next turn. The Skylord was only ever going to jump in front of the knight horde so i cant see why he let you? Even if he felt the spearmen were better use elsewhere, disordering him would have stopped him chaffing up the knights.
    Crowsfoot, Bowser and Itepixcauh like this.
  4. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    I think he didn't realised that, to be honest, I don't think he even considered I was going to use him as chaff.

    Game could have been very different if he would have done that buy you know what the clock can do sometimes. I thought that was a good idea and got it right, was more of a gut thing to be honest.
    Crowsfoot and Bowser like this.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Exciting game, excellent write up!
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  6. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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  7. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I read the first bit at work and thought huh where is the rest , then I forgot and read part 2 just now!

    Excellent write up as usual ;)
    Bowser and Itepixcauh like this.
  8. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    @BAE I've been thinking about what you said for a while and then I realised why I was so confident about it, I had my mounted Herald there to be used as chaff if needed so I think the end result would have been the same, or even better if the Spearmen would have turned way from the FE.
    Bowser and BAE like this.
  9. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Thanks! As the forum won't let me make posts with more than 10 images I usually post one half first then write the second one.
    Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  10. BAE

    BAE Well-Known Member

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    Ah yes, I see that now! You would have been able to chaff them either way. Well played!
    Bowser and Itepixcauh like this.
  11. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Gratz to the win!

    That was really a slugfest, haha. I really wasn't sure you were winning, even though the tone in your batrep was overall positive.

    Do you think you'd tweak that list in the future? Really only your Herald seemed useless, but that's due to circumstance.

    Also, excellent "journal entry" at the end :D
    Bowser and Itepixcauh like this.
  12. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Thanks! yes it was a very bloody battle but they key really was taking the Horde of Knights down, from that point on the game was pretty much settled to be honest.

    I really enjoy writing the small endings, next game is against the top player of the league with Elves... if I win I might get myself to number 1! we will see.

    Apart from that I think there are only 3 rounds left to play, I will be sad when it's over had a great time playing it.
    Bowser, Qupakoco and Crowsfoot like this.
  13. BAE

    BAE Well-Known Member

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    Another question - from my understand of the bat rep, his Redemption Knights charged your Fire Elementals in Brotherhood Turn 2. In your turn 3, this unit of FEs somehow pivots to face towards the Forsaken Knights. The FEs' base is wider than it is deep so a pivot is impossible after being charged so you must have done something. How did you do this? I would love to be able to!
    Bowser and Itepixcauh like this.
  14. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    You can't actually, I even say it in the report that the move was illegal but I honestly didn't noticed. Not that it made any difference as they whiffed and got killed in return.
    Bowser and BAE like this.
  15. BAE

    BAE Well-Known Member

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    Ah, sorry! I tend to learn and understand more from images than text so I skipped over some writing sections, sorry! :oops:
    Bowser and Itepixcauh like this.
  16. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    yeah I tend to that too, no worries
    Bowser likes this.

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