Been working on them for a bit but they're still not fitting right. I'm going to have to bend certain parts (I need to get the top half of the body up a bit) but not really sure how to without deforming the metal where the pressure is applied. Also, the metal is too thin to pin so I'm going to superglue and then pin afterwards. Hopefully I'll be able to create all the pins from underneath the rider so his saddle covers up the rod ends.
Apparently bending the metal doesn't look so bad! I bent the body up in the middle and the arms outwards. I'll need a lot of green stuff to fill gaps but this is one finished in terms of metal: So now just another 4 and a Battle-Captain on Rhinosaur to go!
clarification: two ancients on carnosaur/rhinosaur on a horde base to imitate 6 (with supporting cold one cav in the middle)
In this and the case of my Stegadons, it's not treated as MMC but as count as. Under that rule as long as it fills the Base it's legal.
I shot a better, brighter, picture. With a Reaper mini footknight in the background (Sir Forscale). Not sure I want to repaint these. Dithering. What sort of Riders should these have? A team of small lizards, big champion lizards, Krok size ? Lances? Great weapons? Just wondered if there is any indication from Mantic. (edit) Consensus in the thread seems to be biggish-Saurus lizards on top. (/edit)
I don't think they need a repaint at all - just a bit of highlighting on each of the scales and they'll look grand! Ancients are just old Salamanders, so whatever you use for your Primes and Unbloodeds. There are no indications on weapons, just the colour of the Ancients: "As they grow older, their skin toughens and stars to grey, armoured scales deepening their red hues". So whatever colour you are painting your standard Sallies, just mix in some grey and you're good.