Was looking for an image of a Scar Vet on Carnosaur today so went straight to the GW site... on the USA site is has them as "Sold Out - No Longer Available." And many many other items (more than usual) are listed as "temporarily out of stock." Might we be seeing some replacement models coming soon or something else perhaps?
I think they are dropping selling the Carnosaur as a single model and just selling it in the SC box, the others are probably just out of stock, let me guess at some of them. Eternity warden , Chameleon skinks, Salamanders?
GW realized that if you can buy a Carno plus other models (start collecting box) at the same price of a single Carno, no one will ever buy the single Carno, so they jumped it off. I don't know. In "Seraphon discussion" we already have an active thread named "Carnosaur no more?". I've got nothing against the OP, I know it can be difficult to move in a new forum, but I doubt a FAQ could resolve the issue.
Apologies, I did look but didn't see it and it's not often I see items "no longer available". Happy if mod wants to remove the post, otherwise happy to end thread here also.