Any other Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes players out there?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl, May 26, 2017.

  1. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    As you know I'm a big Star Wars fan, and I have started to play Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes in my iPad. Any other players out there? If so, who does your Arena Squad consist of? Any particular favourite characters? Any who you think should be scrapped for good? Any who you think should be introduced?
    Ritual, Warden and Bowser like this.
  2. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    I'm a fairly avid player too. My arena squad is currently: Chewie, HK-47, Darth Vader, Jedi Consular and Wedge Antilles. As for characters I don't like, I hate going up against high level Count Dooku and Darth Sidious. Especially together.

    The character I want to see most is Embo (And Marrok) from Star Wars The Clone Wars. He's such an awesome Bounty Hunter and Marrok would make for a really interesting mechanic. He would probably be part of Embo's character and there could be a mechanic where each ability Embo uses has a certain chance to call Marrok to assist.

    My ally code is 441-537-196 if you want to add me. If enough people on here are playing, we could start a Guild!
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Apparently Embo is going to be released according to a Google Docs PDF somebody compiled, but the sacrilegious thing is that Embo is going to be a Dark Side character rather than a Light Side one, as is Sugi and the rest of their gang! Madness!

    My Arena Squad is Darth Sidious, Old Daka, Chewie, Luke and Qui-Gon. Old Daka has certainly saved my hide many times when she's been able to resurrect my champions just when I needed them back, and Sidious is brutal now that I have maxed Demoralising blow because he can inflict expose on all enemies. I love Chewie as a tank because he can heal himself so I can save Daka's healing for if lots of my party have lost health, Luke is excellent for attacking single targets and Qui-Gon just brings assists all over the place and dispels enemies. Love it!

    I would love to see Captain Tarpals as a character, because he's so underrated by the majority, who think that just because he's a Gungan like Jar Jar he's stupid, but he isn't. In fact he's a hero because he sacrifices himself to defeat General Grievous in the Clone Wars. I would also like to see a generic Gungan Soldier and perhaps a support character like Boss Nass or Lyonie who can just throw small Boomas they keep in their pockets and are there to generally buff up the party. I also thought for a Gungan Dark Side character, perhaps Rish Loo?

    Here are some sample profiles:

    Gungan Soldier (Light Side, Gungan, Galactic Republic, Attacker)

    Basic - Electropole Thrust - Deal special damage to target enemy with 45% chance to Stun for 2 turns. On a critical also inflict Damage Down for 1 turn.
    Special - Booma Cesta - Deal special damage to all enemies. Stunned enemies automatically lost their stun but suffer triple the amount of damage.
    Passive - Shieldwall - Gungan Solider receives + 10% max health for each living Gungan ally and + 5% for each living Non-Gungan ally.

    I thought the baseline Gungan Soldier could be quite brutal alongside other characters who can stun, like Old Daka, the Jawa and Luke with his Bullseye, as they can spread stuns all over the place (setting the enemy up) and then the Gungan can throw his Booma to knock them down. Also I thought it would be interesting to make him more resilient than most attackers by giving him the Shieldwall ability as in Phantom Menace the Gungans form a shieldwall inside the shield generator.

    Captain Tarpals (Light Side, Gungan, Galactic Republic, Tank)
    Basic - Determined thrust - Deals physical damage to target enemy with 30% chance to stun for 1 turn. On a critical Tarpals immediately dispels all debuffs on himself.
    Special 1 - Challenge - Tarpals dispels all debuffs on himself and taunts for 2 turns .
    Special 2 - Cavalry Charge - Tarpals gains defence up for 2 turns and calls a random Gungan ally to assist with their attack dealing + 50% damage.
    Leader ability - Organised Resistance - Whenever Tarpals is damaged, there is 25% chance an ally receives Offence and Defence up for 1 turn.
    Passive - Not die, sacrifice - When Tarpals is defeated, the enemy character who defeated him immediately suffers damage equivalent to 25% of their maximum health.

    Have you ever found it annoying when Chewie is being attacked by Sidious or IG-88 while taunting and he proceeds to suffer healing immunity so he can't really use Defiant Roar? Then Captain Tarpals would be a good solution against someone like Sidious, as he is very difficult to inflict debuffs on for very long and can heal himself a little, which saves needing to use cleansers and healers purely to keep your tank alive, which is a waste of their abilities that can be used to save all allies. Furthermore, there is a nasty surprise for the enemy that defeats him - if it's an enemy with less than 25% health who kills Tarpals, he/she will also die with him!

    Rish Loo (Dark Side, Gungan, Separatist, Attacker)
    Basic - Knife in the Dark - Deals Physical damage to target enemy with 50% chance to inflict Buff Immunity for 2 turns and gives a 30% chance to attack again.
    Special 1 - Big Bad Voodoo - Deals special damage to all enemies. Rish Loo heals himself by 50% of the total damage dealt.
    Special 2 - Hidden Commandos - Immediately summons a Commando Droid character if at least one ally has been defeated. Rish Loo gains Stealth for 2 turns and the Commando Droid taunts for 1 turn.
    Passive - Underhanded tactics - Whenever an enemy attacks Rish Loo, they have 30% chance to suffer Defence Down for 1 turn.

    I thought Rish Loo could be the ultimate 'dirty rat' in Galaxy of Heroes where he only cares about protecting himself and causing as much trouble as he can by possibly summoning Commando Droids (although with a very long cooldown), causing Buff Immunity and healing himself by damaging enemies with his dark Gungan magic.

    Surely, if they have 5 separate Jawa characters, 2 astromechs (who aren't even natural fighters) and 2 variants of Ahsoka (my least favourite character) couldn't they at least have Gungans? I would also like to see Padme and Jango Fett appear, Jango possibly having synergies with both scoundrels and clones as he was the template.

    My current Guild is Gungans United, if you're interested in joining me, and my player name is TobyWanKenobi.
    Ritual, Warden and Bowser like this.
  4. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    What's your ally code? My fighters probably won't be too much use to you as you seem pretty high level, but the more allies one has the better, I'm sure you'll agree.
  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    My ally code is 888-676-983. I've just invited you to be my ally now. I do agree on that philosophy too. In fact my Sidious will be a great help to you if you can use him because he can inflict expose on all enemies with demoralising blow.
    Ritual and Bowser like this.
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I will check this game out!
  7. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I havent played this game, only Star Trek online... :(
    Ritual and Bowser like this.
  8. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    It's on the App Store. There is also another game you may like, Warden, called Star Trek Timelines where you can collect Star Trek characters and dogfight other Star Trek ships
    Ritual and Bowser like this.
  9. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I invited you guys. My code is 189-761-948
  10. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Anybody been able to use my Darth Sidious yet? If you have a look for me when you borrow an ally's hero, have a try with him. It should be my Sidious who comes up because he's my Arena Squad leader. How do you find him in the game?
    Ritual likes this.
  11. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    He is immensely powerful thanks. Because you're so high level compared to me, he could probably single handedly take on most of the levels that I do. Thanks for becoming allies with me, sorry I can't offer you much in the way of useful characters myself
  12. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    You're very welcome friend, glad you like using him. I have used your Chewie when playing with some of my less powerful characters, because I use my Rogue One characters a lot, as I like them so much, and I haven't levelled them up nearly as much. I only have something like 6 or 7 really powerful ones - all the others are quite a bit less powerful. When I use my less powerful characters I like to use less powerful allies as well when replaying battles so that it isn't over ridiculously quickly and I am able to really get a feel for any new characters I get. Your Chewie is certainly appreciated here!

    Also when resistance gets tougher in the levels even my Sidious sometimes can't defeat them without extra equally-powerful characters by his side, so once you up your Dark Side characters even more they will work even better with him as they can support him and he can further support them with his leader ability which boosts critical chance and critical damage. Which characters do you use in Light and Dark side battles?
    Ritual likes this.
  13. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    And the new update has so far been rubbish. The stupid Rebels characters have been made much easier to get than the Rogue One characters who are much better and Old Daka has just been nerfed. Her Chant of Resurrection has been changed from 65% revive chance at a percentage of max health to 35% chance to revive at 1 health. Why, GoH team? Why?
    Ritual likes this.
  14. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Just recently managed to unlock ships. Is it me or is it a bit weird that you have to work all the way up to level 60 or so to unlock them? There isn't really anything about it that's particularly advanced compared to normal play, and ships are such an integral part of Star Wars. Yet you have to invest a lot of time and effort to unlock them. Does anyone else think that ships should be made more accessible earlier on in the game?
  15. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    You need to get quite a few high-level pilot and fleet commander characters to be able to play in the ships challenges. Generally people at level 60 have enough of these to be able to play any of the challenges while players in lower levels quite often don't unless they are fans of those characters, so I expect the team have set the level required to 60 because of this.
  16. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    That makes sense. It's still a shame that lower level players don't get to use them, but it gives you a goal to work for when playing. And it does add a certain amount of triumph when you do get to start to engage in space combat for the first proper time. The issue I think though, is that unless they like the game a lot, people may end up stopping playing before the make it that far. I know it took me ages.
  17. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    But perhaps the whole concept of ships may get more people to play the game for longer so they can test out ships. A piece of advice though: fleet arena battles are ridiculous. Only play enough to get a place - even those in the lower tiers still receive 800 arena tokens a day, which can be spent in the fleet store. I only bother playing the challenges once in a while to give me more enhancement droids and ship credits. I was a little peeved that they didn't include a Separatist fleet commander - only Rebel, Imperial and Republic. Hopefully they might revamp Grievous to make him a fleet commander with the Invisible Hand. If there is one character that deserves a rework, it's General Grievous. He's not bad at the moment, infinitely superior to Ahsoka Tano and the Jawas, but he could be a lot better. I also hate how they are giving the Rebels characters so much credit, making them all really easy to get and yet they made several of the Rogue One characters, who are far better, more difficult to get.
  18. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Personally I quite like the Rebels characters. Ezra in particular I think has some great abilities, along with Sabine and Hera. To be honest, they are all pretty good. However, I do think it's a shame that making them more accessible came at the cost of making the Rogue One characters, who are also pretty good, harder to get. Grievous as a fleet commander for the Invisible Hand is a brilliant idea I think. It would also make sense thematically to have Thrawn with the Chimaera, but with so few people actually owning Thrawn (if any) it would be pretty redundant. As for fleet arena and challenges, I do tend to do them but only for the Daily Activities. I do all the Daily Activities every day, so I do take part in them. But the rewards aren't brilliant. The best part of unlocking the ship section is the ship store. You get 800 fleet currency even when you are the lowest tier, and there are loads of great characters you can get through it. Definitely the biggest advantage in my opinion.
  19. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I would much rather it were the Rogue One characters who were easier to get, because I mainly choose characters I like from their performance in the films and cartoon series rather than their performance in the game, but I do have a few Rogue One characters. I got Baze from a very lucky chromium card draw and am slowly advancing him with crystal purchases from shipments. I unlocked Chirrut from buying shards for him from Fleet Shipments and Cassian I got from main arena shipments. I also have Bistan, Pao and the Pathfinder from daily logins, cantina shipments, cantina battles and fleet shipments, and Rook from the 'free Rook' card that was available for a brief time when Rogue One came out on DVD. I am trying desperately to get K-2SO but it'll take a while because it is slower to farm characters in Galactic War shipments. Sadly it is practically impossible to get Jyn unless I try to get her from a Chromium Card or buying shards from Shipments, because the few people who joined my Guild are very lazy indeed and do nothing to contribute to Raids I start. But I do have Yoda now after passing Grand Master's training tier for five star Jedi - my next character I plan to get will be Palpatine because I have a feeling I'm onto a winning squad for Emperor's Demise now I have Cassian. Here it is:
    Luke, Cassian, Wiggs (Wedge and Biggs duo) and Pathfinder

    Before I had Cassian I was able to kill the Royal Guards and wound Palpatine but he kept on healing himself repeatedly. now though I have Cassian who can inflict Healing Immunity with his grenade, so I hope to be able to sort Palpatine out when I have levelled Cassian up some more.
  20. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Funnily enough the Galactic War shipments are the ones I find easiest to farm when it comes to getting shards. The trick is to level all your characters to about level 41-45 and about gear level 3-4. Then I tend to start with my lowest level characters and work my way up. I do mix it up a bit to make the most of synergies, so I have an Ewok squad, a Jedi/Nightsister squad, a Phoenix squad etc. I also have two 'elite' squads alongside my main arena one: one for the Rebellion and one for the Empire. The Rebellion one is led by Ackbar and has K-2SO, Cassian Andor, Ezra Bridger and Bistan. The Empire one is led by Tarkin and has the Snowtrooper, Magmatrooper, Royal Guard and Death Trooper. It's very helpful to be able to get three sets of 400 currency so it's worth you focusing on levelling up those characters you don't use very often.

    If you're struggling to get anywhere with your Guild, I think there might be space in mine (Judi in training - obviously couldn't get Jedi). It's very active, Raids are on all the time and we always make it to at least the first tier of the Daily Guild Activities. I'm not completely sure if there's space but me and I think @Bowser are both in it and you would definitely be welcome.

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