So stormfiends that have the tunneling option must pop up greater that 9" from a model and that counts as the movement for the turn. If their warpfire projectors only have a 8" range how are they poping up and nuking stuff? what am i missing? I know they are often taken with sayl for a 26" threat range but in pure skryre how are they just melting units? Do they need the double turn or is there a battalion that I'm missing? Thanks, Skinnyboy
How do the Stormfiends have the Grinderfist Tunneling Option and the Warpfire Projectors? I thought they could only have 1 set of weapons.
They way I've always read it and seen it played is that they can have mixed weapons, so in a unit of 6 i typically see one grinderfist and 5 warpfire projectors
Ohh Yes. Sorry I thought we were talking about mixed on a single Stormfiend. A unit can have mixed weapons.
For the same reason with Stormcast Eternals I guess. They unit must pop 9" away from enemy.. the unit, not the WHOLE unit which means that by making congo line he can even end up 3" away ready for charge * exactly what happens with Stormcast strike host
"On the roll of a 3 or more, set up the Stormfiends anywhere on the battlefield more than 9" from any enemy models." Doesn't plural "Stormfiends" imply that all of "the Stormfeinds" must be more than 9" from any enemy models? I am not sure if Stormcast has similar wording?
Its the formation they have in the chaos book that lets them set up as close to the enemies models as they want.
"Gautfyre Scorch: A Warlock Engineer, 1-3 Stormfiends, 1-5 Warpfire Throwers and 1-5 Warp-Grinders. The Warp-Grinders bring the entire Enginecoven underground as for its usual ability, except you don't have to roll to make them emerge on the battlefield and the emerging units can be placed within 3" from enemy units, albeit they will suffer d6 mortal wounds in the process."
ISn't that also how summoning is phrased? wouldn't that solve a lot of weird issues with them failing their charge as well?
Man I'd love it if the stormfiend players in my meta used those weapons. I don't get that lucky. Mine are all using max numbers rattling cannons. Good range, Stupid high volume of attacks. My stuff melts. In my opinion it's THE way to kit stormfiends out.
Oh yeah, I'm way more afraid of warpfire projectors, an automatic 2D3 mortal wounds per guy is insane! Bring on the ratling guns any day.
My army is 4 carnos and 30 knights. I can avoid the short range of warp lightning cannons. I can charge them and kill them before they do anything to me. Mass shots from greater than Charge range is way scarier to me.
@Jason839 That would be really good to write down as a strategy as many people have trouble with them. How do you position your guys? How to ward against the double turn or prepare for the double turn?
I recently started playing with skaven and therefore I can tell you that there is a way to nuke everything after popping out from anywhere in the board on turn one. It is a nasty war scroll battalion that I personally don't use much (it just seems to good, almost unfair for the opponent). The battalion is called Clan Skyre 200pts battalion (Goutfire Scorch enginecoven) for this you have to include an arch warlock, stormfiends, warpgrinder weapon team, warpfire throwers and a warlock. it allows you to apear anywhere in the battlefield (if you apear within 3" of an enemy you suffer d6 mortal wounds) and counts as you movement phase, it also allows you to reroll a dice for one of the units in your coven. Its a pretty competitive list, I believe they also used it (and lost) in warhammer TV agains an all strike stormiest army Apart from that, if you are giving at least one of your stormfiends grinder fists they won't be able to shoot on the turn they apear, and they will still have to roll a 3+ to apear. hope this helps