AoS Ripperdactyl Swooping Dive

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Archkyrie11, Jul 11, 2017.

  1. Archkyrie11
    Cold One

    Archkyrie11 Active Member

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    I want to do tournaments soon so I'm trying to make sure I have the rules down for the units I use all the time and my only question is how do tournaments handle the Rippers swooping dive ability. I understand its utility when your doing the AoS "Measure the model not the base" mechanics but with tournaments that measure base to base how is it handled? Do the rippers just get to re-roll hit and wounds all the time then?

    The way my group has played it is I would get it on my turn but then on my opponents turn when I activate the rippers they wouldn't get the ability.

    Could someone who has done tournaments let me know how they were handled, Thanks :D
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Haven't done tournaments, but as far as I am concerned it works this way:

    Rules as written clearly say "in the following combat phase" so you are right: it is definitely not working in your opponent's turn. That's not debatable I guess.

    The way we handle it: If you stay in melee you won't get the reroll becasue you are already down. But if you moved in between (in the movement phase, so you must either have retreated or been out of combat becasue you killed your enemy. The ability cannot trigger if you got no movement phase for that unit) you were flying up there again, so you can swoop down again. That's what sounded most logical to us.
    m0gstar and Archkyrie11 like this.
  3. Archkyrie11
    Cold One

    Archkyrie11 Active Member

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    That's kinda the way I was thinking it would be interpreted to. My group says that since it just says since its after your movement phase and that's it, they believe that you just get it every time. Which in the originally intent of the rules was fine but just seemed a little OP for me for playing base to base.

    I like your thinking of how it works.
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  4. m0gstar
    Temple Guard

    m0gstar Well-Known Member

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    I think Aginor is exactly correct. You declare the swoop at the end of the movement phase. If your charge of successful, you get YOUR combat phase of hit and wound rerolls. They do not get rerolls in the opponents combat phase.

    If the targets die and the rippers are released from melee combat, they can attempt to do it again at the end of their next movement phase.
    Soul Zenmuron and Aginor like this.

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