AoS 2 Competitive List Ideas

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Fat_Bloke, Aug 29, 2017.

  1. Fat_Bloke
    Jungle Swarm

    Fat_Bloke New Member

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    Hi all,

    I have these 2 lists running around in my head at the moment and I need some feedback on their validity. Have not played competitively since 8th Fantasy and I could do with a steer as to whether I'm on the right lines or not.

    The first is is just a combo of stuff that looks good to me. Slann with either extra spells or double teleport seems solid (and finally feeling like a Slann again!). Large Skink units with buffs seem good as do Saurus blocks for the price. Bastiladons and Ripperdactyls both seem solid. It's just a collection of the better stuff but will it work on the tabletop?

    -Astrolith Bearer
    -40 Skinks
    -40 Skinks
    -40 Saurus Warriors
    -Shadowstrike Battlehost
    -6 Ripperdactyls

    The second list I have simply called "Dino Riders"!
    Lot's of heroes, lots of dinosaurs riding dinosaurs, good synergy. Scar vets with 5 attacks each (4+ to double that). Saurus Cav with 7 attacks per model seem sound for the points. Big unit of Skinks and Saurus to throw around the map with walk between the worlds. Carnosaurs look amazing!

    -Oldblood on Carnosaur
    -Cowboy (Scar Vet on Cold One)
    -15 Saurus Cav
    -5 Saurus Cav
    -40 Skinks
    -40 Saurus Warriors
    -Bloodclaw Starhost

    Comment, criticism and advice would be most welcome.
    Captaniser and Seraphage like this.
  2. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Both of these seem to make sense but tbh, until we've seen how the other races have depelopped as well, we can't really be on the safe side.

    What is certain though, is that they both have amazing mobility which seems to be the most important thing nowdays * and I 'm glad for it as it makes the game really really joyful and interesting *

    The only change that comes to mind atm would be to take off the 40 skinks at least 2 as the yaren't really synergizing with anything * will be useful nonetheless but still* and pump up 1 unit of Cav to 10 and get 1 final of 5 for maximum synergize within the list
    Fat_Bloke likes this.
  3. Fat_Bloke
    Jungle Swarm

    Fat_Bloke New Member

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    Thanks for the feedback, good to hear I'm not rattling around my own head too much.

    Not sure about the first list but the second will output somewhere north of 120 wounds when everything gets to hit on average dice.

    I popped the Skinks in the second list as something the Slann can teleport somewhere obnoxious after the mid line has engaged. They do lack a direct synergy but maybe bring another element to the list overall. Maybe it's my old instincts kicking in though. I don't think I've built a list without skinks before. :p
  4. Tozon

    Tozon Active Member

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    I posted nearly an identical list to your list 1 yesterday (here), with the only difference being I dropped one of the hordes of skinks down to 10 man and had 140pts for summoning.

    I played the list over the weekend and it did great (close on VPs but I tabled my opponent and he only took off the Ripperdactyls) so I think it's really got legs. The 40 man Skink units Teleporting and then shooting (with the +1 hit constellation and the formation starpriest targeting a unit) meant I was able to clean up small objective holding units pretty easily which was nice! The saurus warriors with all the buffs is just a solid center to the list and obviously Shadowstrike is great. All in all I really rate the list and think it's pretty strong in all the missions.
    Fat_Bloke likes this.
  5. Tizianolol
    Temple Guard

    Tizianolol Active Member

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    I have 2 questions about your second list
    -If you put your ob General his command ability is every saurus cold one within 20" got 2 attacks more for one weapon?
    - can i chose One of the mount weapon if i want?:) ( in this case it have no sense but if i play 2 carno..)
  6. Fat_Bloke
    Jungle Swarm

    Fat_Bloke New Member

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    Thanks again for all the feedback chaps, feeling good to be back in the Lizardman saddle!

    I think from what people have said the first list looks like the more balanced so I am going to get that together first. I will report back when I have made some progress on the army.

    You are indeed correct that the OB ability is to give every Saurus hero in 20 2 attacks on a weapon. On the face of it there is no limitations regarding what weapon it can be.

    Also double Carnosaur would be glorious to behold! :D
  7. Fat_Bloke
    Jungle Swarm

    Fat_Bloke New Member

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    Sorry for the double post, what do people think in terms of the Slann ability for the first list?

    Should I go for double teleport and keep the Starpriest or take the extra spells and swap the Starpriest for a Skink Priest for the celestial rites?

    I can see the value in double teleport, if just to be able to move the Astrolith up as well as a unit but the extra spells from both other priests is a pretty winning combo (and reminds me of the old lore master Slanns!!).
  8. Tizianolol
    Temple Guard

    Tizianolol Active Member

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    I think ora the problem of new gh2. I just bought italian version of the book and about mount it says : command ability or artifact cant influence the mount! So ob on carno command ability can't be given to carno massive jaws . In German edition it says artifact and command trait. So we have to wait faq I think
    - another question is ob carno command ability influence himself too? I can give him +2 attacks?:)

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