AoS GHB17 2000pt Slann/Shadowstrike List

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Tozon, Aug 28, 2017.

  1. Tozon

    Tozon Active Member

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    So I had the first chance to try out the GHB2017 yesterday and as I was playing my friend who plays pretty competitively I tried building a slightly better list than I normally go for.

    I wanted to fit in;
    1. A Slann - with the new rules they seem really solid and with Skink spells added to their kit made them look super attractive
    2. Shadowstrike - I have never actually used this formation somehow!
    3. Bastiladon - Now with fewer points
    4. 3x Razordons as a summoning pool - I think at 40pts a piece for 2D6 shots these guys show potential for 'most improved', summoning a unit in as a character sniper or even hitting small 10 man objective holders is a great use.
    5. A solid horde core - 40 models are now cheap to run, I wanted to see how they worked in reality

    As such the list I came up with was this (apologies for item names, my GHB isn't with me atm):

    Slann (260) - Return to life trinket & skink spells
    Astrolith Bearer (160) - Dispel scroll
    Skink Star Priest (80)

    40 Saurus Warriors (360)
    40 Skinks (200)
    10 Skinks (60)

    6 Ripperdactyls (280)
    Bastiladon (280)

    Shadowstrike (170)
    140pts of summon (140)

    Total 1990​

    *Note: I took 140 pts of summon not 120 as this game me options such as 2xrazors & 10 skinks or an eternity warden

    I had a test game against a Slaanesh list with something along the lines of:

    Greater Deamon
    Gaunt Summoner (with 100pts for Balewind -look at this guys, he's filth)
    3x Heralds on Exalted Chariots
    3x 20 daemonettes
    15 Seekers

    I'll be honest, it's been a while since I played and I made some tactically......interesting decisions but managed to come away with a close win, I think it was 15/13 to me on the mission with 6 objectives where you can raze the opponents for D3 VP's

    My thoughts for the list:
    • The list seemed really solid overall with the only standout weakness that I can foresee being only 3 characters
    • The Slann was just phenomonal, throwing out 3 useful spells every turn. The rerolls 1's to hit constellation is great and the 40 skinks get quite scary with this (especially if the shadowstrike priest nominates the unit for rerolls wounds of 1).
    • The teleporting ability I only used twice and both of those ended up being gamechanging. The opponent had to consider the ability at all times and spread his army a bit too thin whilst I could keep relatively tight
      • TP one was a unit of 40 skinks into the furthest corner to contest 20 daemonettes on an objective
      • TP two was the Starpriest to the far side of the board to snipe a character left on 1 wound with mystic bolt to deny the objective
    • The horde of Warriors with a slann and an astrolith does serious work, getting through 15 seekers, 20 daemonettes and finishing off a greater daemon, all whilst staying above 20 models. Adding mystic shield and summon starlight makes them defensively sound too.
    • The Horde of skinks is also surprisingly good. When you are hitting on 3s and rerolling 1s, a lot of wounds just get through when you may not expect them too (30ish hits, 10 wounds), at 200 points this is great.............and they can still wary fighter when needed!
    • Summoning I really like now everything is that bit cheaper. I think a summon pool of between 100 and 200 is a really good tool as it allows for so many options.

    Final thoughts
    I really like this list. I mean I REALLY like this list. I'm sure it will run into issues and I'm not convinced it would be a better choice than the Kroak alternative as Balewind Vortex hasn't changed. I'd love to find 40 more points to increase the summoning pool by 20/40 (160 gets you 10 skinks & 10 warriors/guard for objectives and 180 gets you a Troglodon for the new places of power mission) but I really can't find the points anywhere.

    Any opinions on this would be appreciated as I am considering a tournament later this year and this is what I'm going to start painting up for it I think (at worse I think all the units are solid so good to get them painted up)


  2. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    This list sounds like a good deal. Thanks for the feedback ! I probably wouldn't change anything.

    If you want a Troglodon that badly, take the bastiladon out and take 2 Trogs instead ! :p
    Captaniser likes this.
  3. Tozon

    Tozon Active Member

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    Haha. I don't think that's quite going to happen.....saying that in 5 turns I didn't get more than 5 shots out of the Bastiladon so maybe he is looking for a new home!
    Seraphage likes this.
  4. Solaris

    Solaris Member

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    I like this list, I think it has a lot of potential. I'm not sure about the Bastiladon, I'm thinking Salamanders and Razordons may be better options. I'll have to do the math on this. I really like the Slann for his command trait, but loathe his command ability... Without the Skink spells he seems kind of useless, so I'll have to play around and try him out a bit. The lack of rend in your list is going to be an issue, I think.
    Tozon likes this.
  5. Tozon

    Tozon Active Member

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    Cheers for the feedback, some really good points.

    Given the major reductions you may very well be right. The Basti especially whilst "The Great Drake" is in constellation or he is near an astrolith seems to throw decent damage and has obviously been a standard in our lists over the last 12 months, but now Sallies/ Razors need a load of testing. I've got a few of each so I'm hoping to get some more trials in after they were "benched" last year for being too expensive. If only the Salamander range was 9" to combo with our Teleporting and summoning......

    With the skink spells I found I always had something positive to do - even if it was just chucking "Curse of Fates" onto the Bastiladon, especially with the Astrolith giving the +8" range or conduit-ing through the Skinks. I really enjoyed using the Slann so much so that's he's moved onto my paint station! He is finally the caster I've wanted since 8th.

    Definitely. Not sure how to resolve this without a total rework.........
  6. Solaris

    Solaris Member

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    Try a bunch of Salamanders instead of the Bastiladon. Summon the Handlers in, then teleport the Salamanders if the summon is successful. You now have 12" range ;)
  7. Tozon

    Tozon Active Member

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    Yeah the double summon is nice - just wish you could summon them as a pack, or that they were on a single warscroll. It's just such a bonkers design choice!
  8. Solaris

    Solaris Member

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    No, what I mean is that you deploy one unit of four Salamanders normally. You then summon the Handlers, and if you succeed you use the teleport to put your Salamanders within 12" of the enemy and 3" of the Handlers. That way, if the summon fails you don't risk your Salamanders with a wasted teleport.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2017
    Tozon likes this.
  9. Tozon

    Tozon Active Member

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    Oh I like that.....
  10. Arawn

    Arawn Member

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    Hi guys!
    @Tozon I tried your list Wednesday VS Nighhaunt allied to Neferata. It was a total success!

    We play scenario 3. Very nice for TP and summoning.

    The rippers killed Neferata turn 1.
    The bastiladon was really usefull holding a Mourngul during 2 turns. Which gave time to the slann and two sallies (summoned turn 1)to finish him.
    The lack of rend wasn't a problem during the game as Nighthaunt ignore it. But I reckon as @Solaris said 4 sallies (+handlers) might be better with their -2rend.
    Solaris and Tozon like this.
  11. Tozon

    Tozon Active Member

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    Hey man, glad you liked it and congrats on the win! The alpha strike with the Rippers is just priceless against lists like that.

    I think I'm definitely going to try the Salamanders as I've got 6 of them so they slot perfectly into that slot! I might be getting a game in on Sunday but I'm also tempted to try a Thunderquake Host then instead......we've got too many what feel like new toys at the moment, it's great!
    Solaris likes this.

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