This is by no mean offensive but chances are your opponents are just bad players - or they play 2 or 3 armies that can't deal with it
I disagree about Ironjawz. Those MKs are hard to place because they are huge. You can often deny their charges. The Weirdnob shaman is pretty unreliable. Still granted, they are not THAT defenseless. But they still lack mortal wounds and I have played Guards against them rather effectively. As for your question about Deathrattle: I play almost pure Deathrattle, just with some Necromancers added. Last week I beat an Ironjawz army in a 1k game that way. Deathrattle may not be good but fun to play. Drown them in bones!
All we're facing here is some saurus guards and a kroak, there really isn't anything to deny the charge with, fair point for larger fights though. As for the weirdnob. get 2-3 shamans to counteract the RNG. And just as with the Maw krusha, with some luck a single shaman could wipe out the entire starhost. Hell there's a 1 in 10 chance that you'l hit all 3 guard units with the foot (provided the max casting bonus from surrounding orruks), that's better odds than most things I can think off. Get 2-3 shamans and your guards will be hurting. Having said that, it does mean their strategy to counter you is very Obvious and very much depends on a few specific guys. Which opens up the possibility to sniping them, which a kroak or a shadowstrike host is excellent at. An eternal starhost + a shadowstrike is probably one of the best cores for an army that I've seen as far as only battalions go, most other battalions seem to not have this kind of synergy. Also isn't pure deathrattle kinda boring. It's not like you can do anything clever with just horde upon horde of skeletons (and a necromancer in the back). Outside of raising new troops you're not really going to pull off any strategic feat apart from maybe raising a unit in your enemies rear.
@Killer Angel spoke about eternal battalion , j think it's a good one versus some armyies but really bad versus others. Probably at moment the best army is still tzeentch , and eterna battalion is probably our best option to deal with tzeentch. There are many tz players so is pretty common play against them in a tourney . Good job for your 15/0 but.. What about opponents skill?
True, which is why I am going grand alliance Death now. Zombie Dragon (with or without rider and convertible to Terrorgheist) is almost finished, Vampire Lord on foot, Ghoul King and Spirit Hosts are ready, and I am considering Morghasts because they look awesome. Since Deathrattle doesnt have own abilities anyway playing GA Death is just logical. ...but it can still be kinda fun when 40 Skeletons buffed by Wight King and Danse Macabre stab the MK to death. Or the Vampire Lord on foot debuffs some Ardboyz so they cannot even kill a handful of Black Knights. EDIT: also there is something beautiful about playing 80+ skeletons. I'd play 120 if they weren't so much work to paint.
Oh and I forgot: it can be hilarious when all the saves after save and regenerations work fully and the enemy ends up effectively having killed nothing.
To be honest, I don't understand the currentsubfactions, there's far too many like deathrattle, that have only a handfull of units that mostly do the same thing anyway and no special abilities. They require the use of the grand Alliance to amount to anything... It's rather weird given how long AoS has been around and the fact that they could simply have kept the old factions (to some degree). Death is probably the best example, with the exception of maybe the flesheaters there's no clear reason why the others even form seperate factions to begin with.... And yeah, fielding large hordes, especially of mediocre stuff like skeletons, only to then cut down big scary monsters has it appeal
Uh no. I'm facing other rank 1 players as would be expected in tournaments and GTs for ITC so yes that is an insulting statement. Don't be a dick.
Facing people who consistently place first in tournaments and GTs. My/Their skill is not in question. Don't be a dick.
It's not hard to win an objective when the enemy army is gone. Most opponents either concede or get tabled by turn 3 or 4. My games almost never go to turn 5..
I'm hoping they flesh out deathrattle more. My friend wants to play a skeleton army but the options just aren't there.
Could you share the list you play and then give us a brief battlereport against the Skyfires' typical list or the SCE one with the riders that teleport and spam mortal wounds ? It will be great insight as I haven't found a way around it yet and would help me and - as I 've understood from the various conversations in our forum - lots of our members get better !
I kinda hope for the release of a few models and a Battletome. Artillery, archers, perhaps a Skeleton Assassin, a Chariot, a bone giant, something like that. ....ah yes, I am inventing Tomb Kings again....
That'd be purely Kroak, and I find it unlikely Kroak can singlehandedly outgun everything your opponents throw at him (e.g. full ranged armies, wizards of their own, etc). Either your opponents are doing something stupid (like charging into your guard with loads of weak troops) or somehting weird is going on if they get wiped out that easily.
Kroak snipes ranged threats, heroes and such along with skinks and your opponent cannot move in close because of your guard. They either charge in and die to the guard or try and stay away while using ranged attacks and die to kroak. And since Kroak can unbind from anywhere on the board they won't be casting as much either. Kroak can and does outgun pretty much every list out there. It's basically a meta breaking list but it does require skill to use.
My list is kroak, skink priest, astrolith, warden, bunch of skinks, 3 units of guard. 2+ rerollable guard form the battleline that pushes across the board while shielding the heroes. Skinks run around the flanks and use the teleport ability to go grab objectives and help snipe wounds off heroes while kroak kills everything because that's what he does. I'd considered starting a youtube channel for AoS mostly called Space Lizards but the monetary cost to start it up makes it difficult. Especially when GW keeps releasing more shit for me to buy. -_- Maybe I'll start a blog or a podcast or something.
I kinda wish they'd do that. Make "Cold Iron Kingdoms" the new faction to replace deathrattle. Make all skeleton units like tomb kings but without the egyptian theme.
Oh please do ! I and I bet many more, would be really interested into something like that ! Even if you lack the tools needed for podcast ( I'm guessing microphone etc have their expenses ) a blog would be still fine ! If you do, please let us know by linking it !