So, i was thinking about some shenanigans on battle field and came up with this (un)playable warscroll: Leaders: Slann (general) + Great Remember + Rectrices/Prism Engine of the Gods Scar-vet on carno + blade of realities on warspear or Skink Starseer and 40 points goes for another sally/razor Units: 40x skinks with bolt 20x skinks with jav 20x skinks with jav 3 handlers + 2 sallies/razors Behemoths: Bastilladon with arc of sotek Stegadon Battalions: Thunderquake starhost 1970 points Whole thing doesn't work, cause you port on 9', but range is 8'. Bad and sad =( Still, what is the plan? Horde - port stegadon and SUNFIRE. Season it with CRASHING STOMP and enjoy yourself. Anything fat? SNAKES (tbh too unreliable, but it is still fun) AND SALLIES! Need to tie something? SKINKS! I'm not sure if you can port your units out of combat. If you can it is EVEN MORE FUN! If you want to be cool you have CARNOSAUR! For biggest effect you need to place basti as good as possible and try to get at least 4 in range (with diametr of ~40 cm it is not that hard considering that it is 1/3 of table width). If it is 6 - even better! It is 100% 12 mortal wounds. 4 units in range on average will give you 8 mortal wounds (nothing to sneeze at). But, against hordes, it is too bad (as bastilladon in general). The thing is - you can use it as area denial and battlefield control. Either it will be piled on to be killed fast or ran from to not get those nasty hits. It can help you to position Carno+Stegadon on your next turn so you will be able to destroy something fast. But it is just theory... Will try this list on saturday. Can you giva any advice? Except for "Don't play it lol".
When you teleport stegadont 9" away from enemy unit you need 9" charge, you can t shoot because your snakes range is 8" sadly
Are you allowed to have several artifacts? I thought you were limited to one per army. Re: carnie vs. starseer: I'd go with the carnie. Otherwise, you have too little close combat punch to my taste, even with the behemoths of the Thunderquake. Starseers aren't as good as they used to be now that the roll for next turn can no longer be re-rolled or modified (as per General's Handbook 2017).
After teleporting a steg, could you not use its skink alpha ability to move it D6 immediately? that would be at least one, meaning you would now be at 8in minimum to hit at least one guy with the sunfire.
Still, too far =( The idea doesn't work, cause it would be too strong if anyone would be able to teleport closer than 9". You buy 1 unit of 3 models iirc.
aren't you using sunfire throwers with an 8 inch range? also you aren't teleporting closer than 9, your going outside of 9 then using an ability to move yourself.
Guys but skink alpha make stegadont move d6 ? I got Italian version of book and seems to be skinks can move d6 if stega near!;(
If i understand correctly, every model with "skink" is legitimate for this action. I don't understand you(
Anyway that's my idea of thunderquake, tell me if you like it. It's similar to yours Slann 260 general,your build Ob carno 280 Troglodont 180 2x10 skinks 120 40 skinks 200 Basti 280 Basti 280 Handlers + 4 salamander 200 Tot 1970 - the best combo is salamander teleport plus summon handlers so you don't need great rememberer for your slann, but handlers are in your battalion that mean you have to deploy them and you can t summon. - troglo teleport is really good vs hordes ( prob good in this meta) , you can shoot after tp and it makes your charge more easy - 2 basti and sally are strong vs hight rend enemy. Remember that sally are good in melee too expecially if you got slann near for regen ( eventually tp slann is he is far) and basti are very tanky ( immagine if you are facing SCE classic fulminators list with stardrake) probably you gonna finish to deploy first because you got battalion . You can decide to go first . You can tp basti and shoot at 4 fulmi, if you are lucky you can charge them and you block his better unit, if you tp a troglo too near 8" you can reroll hit and charge for your bast!!) - ob carno is your Killy monster, he is fast for hold ojective and he hits really well
@Mortheim is right fortunately! In most of the cases (there are exceptions, see below) you can see the difference this way: If the word is bold it is a keyword, you just have to look if the keyword is present on the warscroll. If an ability applies to a certain unit (by unit name) it often is not written bold. So the Stegadon can command itself, a Troglodon, a Bastiladon, Skinks, Chameleon Skinks, Ripperdactyls, Terradons, a Starpriest and so on. They all have the Skink keyword. Another example is Kroxigors. They are buffed by the presence of Skinks (note the 's'), nobody has that keyword except regular Skinks. As soon as the Skinks are riding anything, no buff for the Krox. Skink Priest, Skink Handlers or Starpriest? No buff, at least if you take the rules as written. I am still not sure whether that is an error or not...
I'm pretty sure you are correct here. I've used the Stegadon alpha to move a Bastiladon before and no one bats an eye, so no reason the Stegadon couldnt command itself to move. If people dont like it then just run TWO stegadons, port them both and have both of them move the other one!
You you Right here, it's a keyword the word skinks. The warscroll says " a skink unit within 8" and an unit is in range from itself ( old faq) . So we can move stega too that's amazing!! Teleport is 9" far enemy unit but with this movement we can charge easily , but we can shoot for sure!! Stegadonts can be back guys
Stegadon with flamethrowers ported on top of your enemies massive regiment. Could be an amazing sight to see!
That ability really makes the Stegadon great, I made a threat about that a while ago that shows it well I think: (unfortunately the Skink Chief is not there anymore, but the Stega is still great.)
It works this way. hero phase: You cast mystic Shield, Starlight and Curse of fate on steggy. Teleport steggy at 9". Alfa skink use command on steggy in hero phase, move 1d6 +1 (the +1 is for Curse of fate). Shooting: you are now in range with all. Charge phase: Steggy is now at minimum 7" from the enemy (1 chance on 3 you already are at 3"). Steggy charges (with +1 for curse of fate). Combat phase: Steggy enters combat rerolling 1s to hit, with save 3+ and opponent got a -1 to hit it. And a dice with +1 for Curse of Fate.