AoS Heat 3 Day 2

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by darren watson, Sep 19, 2017.

  1. darren watson

    darren watson Well-Known Member

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    After finishing day one on a high I went out to keep up the tradition of getting drunk while away at Nottingham and ended up thinking I was 18 again at Nottingham Rock City. Even got chatted up by an 18 year old.. Despite explaining to her in my state she'd likely only get 2 pumps and an apology and I had a good lady waiting at home for me, I still had to run away from her at the end.. Ego nourished.
    Getting in after 3am and waking up just after 8 was probably not the best preparation for day 2 but it was a lot of fun..

    Game 4 Border War Kroak Vs Multitudious Host Tzeetnch

    My first opponent of the day was Dave, a thoroughly lovely chap who had just gotten engaged and then promptly gone to a tournament (good man).
    He ran with:

    General Lord of Change with a Rod, 27" dispel and a destiny dice back on a 6 when 1was used.
    Herald on disk with a destiny dice back on a 6
    Herald of Tzeentch
    10 Horrors x 3
    10 Blue Horrors x 3
    10 Brimstone Horrors x 2
    6 Flamers
    Multitudious Host
    and enough summoning points for a Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch and 200 odd points to replenish the Horrors with blue/brimstone with their splitting ability.

    I'd have to try and kill the horror units off in one go, as the multi host would replenish them quickly.

    To recap my own force had:

    General Kroak
    Astrolith with Phoenix Stone
    Starseer with Phoenix Stone
    10 skinks with boltspitters and shields x 3
    basti with solar
    6 rippers
    100 points to summon a vortex

    I won the roll to decide table edges. The scenery was sparse with some ruins in my bottom right table edge providing deadly terrain another ruin on my left flank that was raised with some Arcane terrain (the reason I stayed where I was, plus 1 to cast is lovely for the ancient toad). In the middle of the board about 24" on from my right the side of the board were some sinister trees with a hilled area on Daves side on his right in his deployment zone.
    I popped down my non Shadowstrike Skinks first on my left flank behind the ruins to see what Dave would do. He would either opt to go first and deploy his entire army, so I could see where his big chicken would be and deploy Kroak appropriately, or opt to go one for one and I could get the choice.
    After some consideration he popped everything down in one go. Each flank and their objectives were held by 10 Horrors, 10 Blue Horrors and 10 Brimstone Horrors. With the Multi host meaning his troops could replenish very quickly I think he felt safe these objectives would be difficult to take.. The big chicken was deployed to the side of the hilled area on his right flank. Brilliant stuff.. Kroak could now be deployed well away from the chicken, even if he opted to go first and ran I could make sure Kroak was still outside of his 27" unbind range. If I was Dave I would have been deploying this chap front and centre, but again, despite explaining what Kroak did before we deployed I think Dave couldn't visualise it until it happened so wasn't worried about Kroak until it was too late. Next to him in the centre went 10 Horrors and 10 Blue Horrors, with the flamers being deployed next to them ready to run into the trees in front of them.
    I confidently placed Kroak on my right flank within 3" of the Arcane terrain and just over 43" from the big bird (even if he ran he couldn't unbind me im my first turn now, lovely).Here he'd also be looking after my right objective. Shadowstrike skinks went down next to their non Shadowstrike cousins with the Starpriest going into the ruins. He would hold my objective there as my skinks advanced (at least that was the plan). In front of Kroak Barry the Basti was placed ready to be vortex shuvved closer to the opposite objective to take on the many Horrors there. Starseer and Astrolith were placed basically in the bottom right corner to support Kroak with Curse of Fate and make it as hard as possible to reach them. Rippers went up into the clouds.
    Plan was simple, Dave had deployed in such a way I assumed he'd opt to go first. His big chicken was completely in the open, surely he'd go first and make a B-line for Kroak? I would simply rush forward with all but Kroak, seer, astro and priest and hope nuclear Kroak would clear the way with his d6 mortal wounding love up on his trusty vortex. The rippers would then clear up the rest. With this in mind both Shadowstrike skinks pre game advanced on the opposite Horrors, careful not to be with 22" of the big chicken (didn't want to lose any units in the first turn, even to a silly 12" charge, Dave had destiny dice after all).

    Dave rolled his destiny dice (I forget what they were now, pretty average roll though as don't remember thinking you lucky/poor bugger) and then opted to give me the first turn...??
    He reasoned he couldn't do much and wanted to prevent me getting a double turn. Hmm...
    I was already very confident and to be honest, this was a great match up given the bonuses my army gets against daemons. Dave was a stand up chap and I wanted to give him a decent game. We'd spent a little time chatting at first and he'd mentioned he hadn't expected to be this far up the tables by day 2 (we were table 15 odd).
    I re-explained how my rippers worked, how they would charge his big chicken who was out in the open and likely do 40-45 wounds before he'd had the chance to buff him up. With the chicken dead Dave would have stood literally no chance. Dave looked a little stunned, I said "I'll go get us a tea, let that sink in and when I'm back you can let me know if you wanna change your mind".

    Unsurprisingly a very grateful Dave went first.. His chicken quickly cast Mystic Shield on himself and raised an Exalted Flamer as far forward as possible, 9" away from my skinks that had advanced but still on range of my Starpriest sulking in the deadly terrrain. He moved 10 Pink and 10 Blue Horrors forward to battle it out with the skinks in later turns. Flew his chicken towards the centre but realising the rippers threat could'nt go too far forward as he wanted to place the 10 Pink and 10 Blue Horrors around him in a protective circle to try and keep him safe. Flamers and disk Herald ran into the woods with the 30 strong multi coloured horror mass on his left flank staying put on their objectives, presumably scared of the Basti, fair play.
    With that the Exalted Flamer opened fire at the Starpriest and took him off the table in one shot, OUCH! I hadn't considered that as a possibility, poor priest.
    With the Flamer failing his charge of the skinks he was closest too and nothing else able to attempt to charge it was Kroak's turn to show these pretend wizards how to cast spells without the need to cheat (use destiny dice).

    After learning my lesson the previous day I deployed my rippers toad first! Right next to the big chicken. Kroak got a reroll from his command ability and feeling fruity I opted for a 6 with the Starseer. Dave feeling less fruity didn't and we start the turn well with 7 rerolls. Thanks to Curse of Fate and the ever faithful Astrolith planting his standard. Kroak got up on his vortex, shunting Barry closer to his eventual goal, no bother and had a wail of a time blowing shit up. With a 16 being rolled for the distance of his first spell after a couple of rerolls were expended the entire daemon army was hit with d6 mortal woundage. Lots died. Using Kroak's other spells I concentrated on the Blue Horrors in front of the big bird to clear a path for the rippers. The unit took 1 d6 and 2 d3 mortal wounds all told, 1 was left standing and the chicken was exsposed. The chicken himself was burning nicely after taking 5 wounds himself and the rippers in the clouds were rubbing their hands together with glee. Flamers had lost a chap, both Heralds were gone (didn't realise they only had 5 wounds) and all the Horrors had taken a beating. Then the buggers came back! Chicken was safe again behind some Brimstone Horrors thanks too the blue ones splitting and the blue ones themselves were rejuvenated thanks to the pink ones dying behind the chicken. Hmm..
    Hadn't really made a dent in the Horror blobs on each flank either, but Mr chicken was wounded and both Heralds were no more and the deadeye Exalted Flamer was sent back to the deadeye chaotic realm it had materialised from (I hated this chap, I like my priest). Not bad at all and Dave looked pretty shaken. I hadn't really given the Horrors splitting the consideration it deserved, so would look to concentrate on killing off entire units in future turns now. Dave would eventually run out of summoning points right?

    Not much to move, just Barry plodded forward and the skinks all got into range of some Brimstone Horrors with the non Shadowstrike Skinks retaking my objective after the priest's untimely demise (I later sat on my priest, more trouble with the bloody stools under the table. He now currently looks like he's suffering from crippling arthritis as I haven't gotten round to fixing him yet).
    Barry killed 2 more Flamers in the trees and a few Blue Horrors went down to the skinks. With no way of getting to the chicken the rippers stayed in the sky. I'd kept back some dice for priority hoping for the double turn and...

    We get it with no rerolls needed. Marvellous
    Kroak gets all 3 rerolls so only opt for 1 with the Starseer (in a pretty commanding position here, no need to risk losing rerolls). Dave doesn't guess correctly so we end up with 4. With them with manage another huge nuclear blast from Kroak hitting all after the banner is planted and Curse of Fate is popped on the ancient one again. Another 2 Flamers are dead some Horrors burns and the chicken takes another 9 wounds from all of Kroak's spells effectively ending the game.
    Rippers come down eat some Horrors on my left flank after more die to the skinks there. Barry wipes out a unit from shooting and charges the remaining flamer who all dies..
    Dave concedes "what could I have done?"

    To be fair it was a massive mismatch. Dave wasn't using the change host because every other bugger was at the time and wanted to do something different. The moment his chicken wasn't deployed centrally I knew Kroak was going to put some real work in before the chicken could impact the game. Game took less than an hour so I had plenty of time to get more tea and recover from my hang over. .

    I don't think it could have gone any better. On to the last game! It would be the biggest test yet for the list and a great way to finish heat 3. To be continued. ..
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
    Gradeaal, Ritual, Crowsfoot and 2 others like this.
  2. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Awwwwwwwwwwww I 'm on the ropes here ! So happy to log in this morning and see a battle report from ya @darren watson always overenjoying them ! Good job yet again man, can't wait for the last round !
    Gradeaal and Ritual like this.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Buahahah. Good man! :D

    And talking about good men: Provided you're not lying like a rug it seems you are a very pleasant opponent, judging by the way you played against Dave here (and also by other reports of yours). It makes me pretty happy to see that kind of attitude on a competitive tournament player! :)

    Good report, well written, thank you very much.
    It seems your opponent didn't quite know what Seraphon were capable of. It seems the fact that we weren't that strong of an army made many players not really consider us a threat and learn about what we can do. I guess that has changed now...
    Ritual and Seraphage like this.
  4. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Good report, hope your lady at home hasn't read it :D

    Fair play letting your opponent change his mind and then handing his ass to him ;)
    Ritual likes this.
  5. darren watson

    darren watson Well-Known Member

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    I think I pick my moments.. I have a different attitude towards unsociable opponents and especially ones that use brain dead lists.. (took particular pleasure in beating skyfire spam/kunnin rukks pre ghb2).
    Daves army was fluffy and he laughed at all my rubbish jokes about the night before.
    Still never won any sporting awards, can't be that nice to play. I do try
  6. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Trying is a good start. Everyone should do that at least. :)
    Ritual and darren watson like this.
  7. LordRibbit
    Temple Guard

    LordRibbit Well-Known Member

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    I imagine a kroak vortex list will never make you many friends unfortunately! Probably even less so now!
    Ritual and darren watson like this.
  8. darren watson

    darren watson Well-Known Member

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    I dunno, my Twitter follovers went from 13 to over 60 after the SCGT lol
  9. Tokek
    Chameleon Skink

    Tokek Well-Known Member

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    We all love you!

  10. darren watson

    darren watson Well-Known Member

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    Oh Shucks.. You guys..

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