@NIGHTBRINGER in honor of your doppel Slanness should you be dubbed NIGHTBRINGER the DROIDBRINGER ? ~~~~ Fifth Edition shields had relief carved sigils and tiny glyphs on them. Not so much heraldry or unit markings ...or badges.
Nope... just a random find. I've been known to go by the names of Pollbringer and Memebringer (as coined by fellow forum members).
It was your fault. You were supposed to enrich the shields design thread, not destroy it! Honestly, I think most geometric designs would look awesome on the saurus shields. Also perhaps claw marks made from warpaint
Sorry I took so long @NightStalker Of Kathandol , I found this picture here on outpost wargames. They are 28mm mesoamerican warriors, mostly Mayans and Aztecs. They got a nice selection, including some pretty cool altar minis. Another great example here. I would love to get some, but the painting would be really hard... There are definitely a ton of pictures on the "mayan art megathread;" sounds like a good new name for that thread. I will have to add the pictures I already posted to it for reference. Thanks! Also speaking of linking star wars and mayans... guess where the scenes for Yavin 4 in the original Star Wars movie were filmed? Atop one of the temples of the ancient ruined city of Tikal!
I was thinking of doing something like this too; using some Mayan minis as auxiliary troops to back up my Lizardmen. Don't forget @Mrs. NIGHTBRINGER , also known as the Cakebringer
Enjoy http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/check-this-out-custom-slann-mage-priest-birthday-cake.16114/
I never would have eaten it but kept it until it turned into a fury grey and white masse and started losing it's shape... Too good to eat... ...other than basing materials...
Me too. Such an amazing piece of delicious artistry. I will indeed! If you haven't seen the rest of her cakes and are interested in doing so... http://www.lustria-online.com/threa...ts-mrs-nightbringers-cake-masterpieces.16851/ I'll pass that along! Or what about a cake in the shape of a shield with some interesting fondant emblems?