Interesting choice of bases as well, makes them really stand out. Perhaps a bit too bold for my taste, with that straight line cutting them in half between the rocky part and the blue part, but it is very original, I haven't seen anything like it and it does look pretty cool.
Been a while since I've last posted on here. I haven't done an awful lot of Warhammer over the last couple of weeks, and this is the only new unit I've done. They are a bit scruffy so I'm going to go back over them at some point and neaten them up. But yeah, these are my Saurus Guard, who bring me one step closer to a Starbeast Constellation. As always, any comments and feedback is welcome and encouraged, so please let me know what you think. Here they are (again, sorry for bad photo quality):
Hard to tell from those pictures but they look fine on first glance. Classic color scheme. The bases are very simple though. As someone who has discovered the art of basing only recently myself I can say it makes a HUGE difference and I can only recommend it to everyone. Case in point: my Troglodon. First version of the base: And the improved one here:
That's because I haven't finished them yet. If you see some of the other pictures of my models, you'll see that the water bases have waves on them. I'll be doing that on here, but it takes a while to do, as you have to do about four or five coats of varnish allowing each to dry before applying the next, and then I have to do the waves. So I am going to spruce them up, I just haven't gotten round to it yet
Very long time since I've last posted on here, although I've done a fair bit of stuff. This is what I spent the last couple of nights working on. There's a reason I prefer plastic models to resin
Yeah I also think my resin models are the only ones where I spent more time on removing flash and glueing them together and becoming angry and cursing, than I spent painting them. Man I hate that, especially those damn distortions and the frikkin superglue.
Busy constructing my Numinous Occulum and will soon move onto my Ophidian Archway: I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions on how to paint them. I would like to do them in colours based off some photos I took last weekend. How do you think I should go about doing this?
Those are some really nice sunset photos beautiful colours I can't paint so can't suggest how but looks like you'll need some nice blending of oranges and yellows maybe even reds
Paint the full structure brown and then just drybrush greys, reds, yellows and orange in the sections you want, you could drybrush the walls first and then drybrush over the statues bronze. That would give you the sunset on the walls and bronze statues, pick out the stars in bronze, and then do a recess wash of Agrax earthshade to define shapes.
Working on my Ophidian Archway now - two out of the three main AoS scenery pieces. Since my treatment for the relapse of cancer, I have been unable to eat so when I do manage to get back to normal I will reward myself with a set of Baleful Realmgates
Lost a lot of relatives to the big C hope you're recovering well - defiantly focus on the hobby to take ur mind off it