8th Ed. New World of Gold: Mordheim in Lustria

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Warden, Aug 28, 2017.

  1. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Last edited: Aug 28, 2017
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  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    The game was very simple to prepare for, I used all the jungle terrain I could fit onto the table. The centerpiece was the burial mound I have been working on for the last month, plus the jungle plaza and road pieces. I put the main buildings around the edges and fit the jungle trees and plants wherever they could go to make the board nice and congested.

    warden201708_mordheim lustria test game 01.jpg


    Since this was the first game of Mordheim I have ever played (and the first Warhammer exposure my wife has ever gotten) we kept it nice and simple. I ignored the “500 gold pieces” rule in favor of a simplified warband setup using a mixture of heroes and henchment.

    Each warband was identical in construction, using the Bretonnian Warband rules. I figured using humans on our first Mordheim match would make it simpler, plus we wouldn't need to take the obligatory skink priest and need to figure out how magic worked.

    - The Questing Knight was the warband leader, equipped with a sword, heavy armor, and a shield

    - Knight Errant: also with a sword, heavy armor, and a shield

    - 2x Squires: one for each knight in the warband, each had a sword and a bow

    - Two units of 2x Men-at-Arms: each had a halberd and a shield

    - One unit of 3x Bowmen: each only had a bow, but all warband members have the free dagger too

    I played as the King's Men (the Red Knights), my wife was the Templars (the White Knights).

    Red Knights:

    warden201708_mordheim lustria test game 13 red knight warband.jpg

    White Knights:

    warden201708_mordheim lustria test game 11 white knight warband.jpg

    I glossed over most of the crazier games rules for my wife, and in interest of time. The game was crazy enough without a ton of random encounters or hazards laying over the board, or surprises each turn. If we get used to the game more we might include these things, especially if I ever wind up doing an actual campaign.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2017
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  3. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Battle Report:

    We played the Wyrdstone Hunt scenario, mostly because it looked the most fun to me before we started, and I really wanted to use the wyrdstone/warpstone tokens I made. We put out seven tokens on the board (token #4 was the treasure chest). Token #2 was inside the arch in the lower right-hand corner of the map, and token #5 was inside the pyramid house.

    warden201708_mordheim lustria test game 19 setup.jpg

    The primary objective was to grab more tokens than the other player, the odd number ensured there were no ties!

    Deployment zones were on opposite sides of the narrow-sides of the board. I rolled to deploy first, and took the side closer to the pyramid house and the other building (red zone), with my wife taking the opposite side (white zone).

    First Few Turns:

    Immediately starting the game I grabbed token #2, and ran out into the center of the board with my Knight Errant and a men-at-arms backup group and grabbed token #3.

    My wife took a similar aggressive strategy and positioned her troops to grab token #4 on top of the pyramid and fall back. She also placed her archers on top of the pavilion to prevent me to getting to token #1, so I counted that one as a loss.

    warden201708_mordheim lustria test game 02.jpg

    I was not expecting her to grab token #6 so fast, and I was only able to grab #7 with my questing knight before she also fell back to her deployment zone.

    During this whole time we continued to exchange arrow volleys across the center of the board, her from the pavilion and me from the building and wood bridge next to the pyramid house.

    One of my squires hiding from enemy fire and trying to snipe the Templars:

    warden201708_mordheim lustria test game 06.jpg

    My wife's archers in the pavilion, one having just been knocked down:

    warden201708_mordheim lustria test game 07.jpg

    Final Turns:

    In the end the game came down to the final brawl inside the pyramid house.

    I had four tokens and she had three, but her soldiers had the exit from the inside of the pyramid covered. My knight errant and his men-at-arms bodyguard charged her troops in order to break out of the pyramid but the attack grounded out into a war of attrition. I was able to stop her reinforcements from coming into the pyramid with my questing knight, but not before she killed one of my treasure-token carriers and stole one of my wyrdstone!

    warden201708_mordheim lustria test game 08.jpg

    My archers on top of the pyramid didn’t wind up doing as much as I had hoped. I had positioned my archers on the top of the pyramid early in the game so that I had the high ground in the center of the board for good fields of fire. Though I tried for the last three turns to shoot down her running away questing knight (he had two treasure tokens on him that he was attempting to carry off) but his armor and the soft terrain bonuses kept him alive.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2017
    HeirofCarnage, Arawn and n810 like this.
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Me: 3 tokens (Loser) :confused:

    My wife: 4 tokens (Victor) :cigar:

    In the end the brawl inside the pyramid house was the decisive fight. We didn’t cause many casualties throughout the game, but the combat was enough to make the crucial treasure token change hands for her to win!

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    The game was a lot of fun, more so than expected. The whole thing lasted maybe an hour from start to finish, including most of the rules-explaining part at the start. Initially my wife was wary of the huge amount of nerdiness approaching her as I challenged her to a battle, but her competitive spirit took over once we started and she figured out what she had to do.

    My soldiers rush into the pyramid while a squire tries to get his bow into a better vantage point:
    warden201708_mordheim lustria test game 03.jpg

    Some great overall shots:

    warden201708_mordheim lustria test game 09.jpg

    Army campsite next to the ruins:

    warden201708_mordheim lustria test game 14.jpg


    warden201708_mordheim lustria test game 16.jpg

    Another great atmospheric shot of the table:

    warden201708_mordheim lustria test game 04.jpg

    Not sure when I will play another game, but I will double check the knocked down/stunned rules (I think we were doing this wrong) and experiment with some different warband compositions. If that goes well, we will maybe try a campaign sometime to try out the encounters and experience point system.

    I also want to make more buildings to really add some additional height to the board and extra places for the troopers to explore, plus some more ladders to climb over.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2017
    HeirofCarnage, Arawn and n810 like this.
  5. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Looks like a great game, interesting to see that you had almost identical warbands! :p
    n810 and Warden like this.
  6. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    It was a fun way to test out some of my new jungle terrain, and yup the warbands were kept plain and simple for ease of gameplay introduction. Whenever we get around to playing again we will try experimenting more with other weapons choices, or maybe even bring in some Lizardmen. (I really love your avatar by the way, so much detail in a tiny piece of art!)
  7. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    AWW THANKS WARDEN. :artist::photogenic:
    (to be fair I borrowed the line work and just composed the dino in front of the background and colored it.)
    Warden likes this.
  8. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Mordheim is pretty different from any wargaming system, it was based on 7th edition warhammer right? Still a lot of fun, my store is considering doing a campagin again. Thanks for the compliment, but all compliments should go to n810.

    N810 is obviously being to humble, it is totally awesome ;).
    Warden and n810 like this.
  9. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I believe so, it might have even been so far back as 6th edition. I can't find any actual dates in the old town cryers, but the original rules were published in 2005 according to the copy I have saved.

    I should have known, many of the best avatars on this site come from the great avatar creation thread. Great picture!
    airjamy and n810 like this.
  10. BeardyGecko

    BeardyGecko Well-Known Member

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    Looking good! Are there rules for Lizardmen warbands? I don't remember ever seeing any.
    Warden likes this.
  11. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    There are! Warbands were made for almost every conceivable warhammer army back then. I tried attaching the pdf file I have for the lizardmen warband, I don't have it as images. I believe it was part of the old town cryers list that was published for "Lustria Cities of Gold," but the minis are definately pre-6th edition.

    Edit: I had to go dig up the old Mordheim rules links; I think it is also possible to find them through id4chan: https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Mordheim


    Attached Files:

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