My girlfriend just started her collection with some Wanderers models because she wanted to paint them, I wouldn't mind them getting a sweet release as part of the Light Elves
I have one of the wanderers finecast wizard things I should paint at some point... I got it for my collegiate army which never happened so I should probably revisit it and decide what to do with it. It'd be a nice display piece.
Imo wanderers alone, without the sylvaneth part that once was the second half of wood elves, cannot stand on their own.
Aren't Wanderers a mighty cheesy shooting army? I can imagine them doing tons of damage if they win first turn.
Shame they wrecked the Wood Elves as a whole. I always liked that army. It also seemed like they were the most popular WFB army amongst women.
I would actually be quite happy if the wanderers got some new models, I like keeping them seperated form the dryads and such. I've always looked at the Sylvaneth/dryads as residents of the forest and the elves as nomads, going from land to land. I like it thematically! And I can attest that the Wanderers did catch the eye of my girlfriend! Especially those sisters of the thorn stags! Gotta say they're actually great models, I quite like them!
Well their whole allegiance ability is about shooting and kiting their enemies, can we really call it cheese when it's the prime mechanic of the army?
That's the army my wife owns. They were her favourite right from the start. I prefer Dark Elves, but the Wood Elves are a close second. I don't care at all for High Elves; definitely one of my least favourite WFB armies.
So, back on topic about Malign Portents and the Shadow Queen video. I was going to write a long post about what I see in it, but realized that Spikey Bits has done a better job with info I didn't have. Just a couple further notes and thoughts. First, the second line, "A demigoddess in exile, twisted into the form of her tormentor." Slaaneshi daemons have a snake form, this could be a reference to a returned Morathi taking some half-snake form like a medusa. It wouldn't surprise me to see this in a model at some point. Second, very interesting how the imagery is pseudo-greek. I wonder if they are going to do greek inspired aelves. The Medusae and Harpies pictured come from Greek Mythology, so it fits. Finally, the Altar of Khaine shows up at the end, fitting in with the general emphasis on the Daughters of Khaine. And the rune at the end seems reminiscent to me of the symbol of Khaine, so it fits with an upcoming release of an expanded Daughters of Khaine line with Morathi, Medusae, and Harpies added in.
Next Malign Portents story tomorrow!! I admit: Those stories are weekly highlights for me right now. I really dig how we can see the story unfold currently.
Ok mabye I don't get it, but the Knight of Shrouds....uhhh... I don't know he actually looks kinda bad to me. Don't get me wrong I am kinda glad there is no extreme power creep that makes him a must-take unit, but that guy doesn't even have the "Ethereal" ability that the other Nighthaunt Ghosts have. Spirit Hosts: Ignore rend when making saves KoS: Ignore all modifiers (positive or negative) when making saves. Whaaaaat???? That guy is 5 wounds and has a 4+ save. No cover? No mystic shield??? Even with the 6+ save after save that Death heroes always get, he will be... uh.. destroyed in no time.